30 research outputs found

    The Evaluation Family Planning Programs Male (Vasectomy) at Bukit Kecil Palembang in 2011

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    Background: The main problem faced in Indonesia is in the field of population that is still high population growth. Therefore, the government continues to suppress the rate growth by family planning (FP). In the city of Palembang was increasing active family planning participants who use contraceptives vasectomy which means that an increase male interest in the use of contraceptives. Membership KB for the poor is still considered low, including people in remote and border areas, and socialization programs for the younger generation towards the age of marriage is also still lacking. The purpose of this study was to evaluate family planning programs male (vasectomy). Method: This research was an evaluative study with a qualitative approach using indepth interviews, focus group discussions, document review, and observation. The number of informants 9 people. To test the validity of the data was done by triangulation of sources, methods, and data. The data were analyzed with content analysis. Result: Human resources, the allocation of funds, utilization of facilities, program planning, organizing, managing, and achievement of male family planning program has been running well, and perceptions about the vasectomy also was able to be received well by religious leaders, community leaders, and society itself. Conclusion: The suggestion of male family planning programs include: health care workers should routinely follow the training program to improve the quality of health services, need to add more officers to socialize in the field, and participants vasectomy can be a motivator to invite the father in using the vasectomy

    Importance Performance Analysis Pelayanan Jaminan Sosial Kesehatan di Puskesmas Swakelola Pembina

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    The sum of social health assurance (Jamsoskes) patients in puskesmas pembina during 2009 was 24.014 people. There was a decrease in per quarter visits. The sum of patients visit in January to April 2009 was 9.295 people, May to August 2009 was 8.162 people, and September to December 2009 was 6.557 people. This can be caused by the low interest of community to utilize Jamsoskes service. Thus, it should be reviewed 105 about the quality of Jamsoskes service according to the patients' perspective. This research was quantitative survey. The sample was 100 patients of Jamsoskes at puskesmas pembina. Data were collected through interviews using a questionnaire and analyzed by the importance-performance analysis. The average of balance level between service performance and expectation of patients was 83,44%. There were two attributes in the dimensions of service quality that need to be increased: the phycisian attention to the patients complaints about their diseases and convenience and neatness of the treatment room at the general polyclinic. The role of physician as a facilitator of healing to the patient needs to be improved through the attitude of empathy on patient complaints

    Determine Differences in Adolescents Sexual Behaviour Between Students of SMA X and SMA Y Indralaya

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    Background : For someone life, adolescence has an important meaning to gain personal character that give great contribution for their life in the future. Adolescent sexual behaviour can be manifested in various acts, such as attracted feeling to opposite sex, desire for dating, holding hands each other, desire to hug, kissing, untill intercourse act. This study aims to determine differences in adolescents sexual behaviour between students of SMA X and SMA Y Indralaya in 2010. Method : This research is quantitative research with cross sectional approach. the methode is used by spreading queationnaires to students. Data is collected and processed using SPSS program and performed by univariate and bivariate analysis. Sampels are 100 students of SMA X and 60 students of SMA Y. Result : The results show that based not there are difference which knowledge significant, attitude, guidance ad counseling, and role of peers between students of SMA X and SMA Y. Conclusion : There is difference which is signifikan on parental role between students of SMA X and SMA Y, while adolescent sexual behavior at students of SMA X and SMA Y is same

    Determinan Kejadian Malaria di Wilayah Endemis

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    Kabupaten Lahat adalah salah satu wilayah endemis malaria di Sumatera Selatan dengan prevalensi 16,4% dan Annual Malaria Incidence 22,08. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui faktor risiko lingkungan dengan kejadian malaria. Faktor risiko lingkungan genangan air (breeding place) berhubungan dengan kejadian malaria dengan nilai p= 0,000. Analisis multivariat menemukan determinan utama kejadian malaria adalah breeding place di sekitar rumah responden dengan odds ratio (OR) = 5,034 dan 95% CI = 2,65 _ 9,56. Responden yang tinggal di sekitar breeding place berisiko 5,03 kali lebih besar untuk menderita malaria dibandingkan dengan responden yang di sekitar rumah tidak terdapat breeding place setelah dikontrol variabel jarak rumah ke breeding place, ventilasi rumah, penggunaan kelambu, penggunaan obat anti nyamuk, dan kebiasaan keluar rumah pada malam hari.Lahat district is one of the malaria endemic area in South Sumatra Province with a prevalence of 16.4% and Annual Malaria Incidence of 22.08. The case control reports were carried out of 240 respondents. This study aimed to understand the relationship among of environmental risk factors with the incidence of malaria. After primary data collection followed by processing and data analysis in a multimedia laboratory. There was association between breeding place and malaria cases (p value= 0.000). The results of multivariate analysis of variables revealed the determinant risk was breeding place, with OR = 5.034 and CI 95%= 2.65 _ 9.56. Respondents who live around the breeding place has 5.034 times chance of affected malaria compared with respondents around the house there are no breeding place after the controlled distance to the breeding place house, use of mosquito nets, use of anti-mosquito, and habits out of the house at night variables

    The Factors Which Were Related with Implant USAge in Desa Parit Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir

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    Background : Indonesia was depeloving country which has the forth biggest population in the world. The Rate of Population Growth in Indonesia in 2000 was recorded about 1,49% and to depress this Population Growth Rate, the government strived Family Planning Program. One of the Family Planning Program Policy was improving contraception USAge more efectively, efficiently and long duration of USAge. Implant was very effective type of contraception which the effectiveness level is 97-99% with USAge duration for five years. Even though the level of implant effectiveness was high, the USAge is still low. Therefore, this research aimed to know about the factors which were related with implant USAge in Desa Parit. Method : This research represented article survey which has the character of analityc research with approached of cross sectional study. Where independent and dependent variable were observed all at once at the same time. The data were collected by using secondary data and questionnair in the form of primary data. Futhermore, The data were processed by using SPSS program and were conducted the bivariate and univariate analysis. Sample in research was women whose status married and family planning acceptor in Desa Parit Kecamatan Indralaya Utara Kabupaten Ogan Ilir were counted 87 respondents. Result : The result of this research indicated that the factors were related with implant USAge are respondents attitude concerned about implant (x2 0,03) and respondent's husband roled about implant (x2 0,03). On the other hand education level variable, knowledge about implant, and service of family planning counseling were not related with the implant USAge. Conclusion : To be expected for eligible couples to ask clarification to the health officer when the counseling service was taking place. For health officer, were required to improve of counseling execution about Family Planning and to improve performance field officer of Family Planning Program in giving clarification about controversial issue which expanded in public toward the side effect that generated from contraception USAge especially implant

    Predictive Models of Neonatal Mortality Incidence in Sub Purbolinggo East Lampung Regency of Lampung Province

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    Background: The infant mortality rate is one of indicators in determining children's health status. Neonatal mortality rate in Indonesia on 2012 is 19 per 1000 live births. Meanwhile, neonatal mortality rate at Lampung Province is 20 per 1000 birth. The aim of this research is to predict the most influential variable to the case of neonatal mortality. Methods: This study is quantitatif research by case-control approach with 45 cases and 45 controls. The sample of this research is mothers who gave birth to a live infant. The data obtained were processed by using computer's application for statistic and it is done by univariat, bivariat, and multivariat analysis. Result: Based on the results of this research, it can be known that there is correlation between birth weight to neonatal mortality (OR=29,421), mother's age to neonatal mortality (OR=2,957), parity to neonatal mortality (OR=6,143), ANC frequency (OR=7,818), childbirth complications to neonatal mortality (OR=9,250). Birth weight is the most influential variable to neonatal mortality (OR=17,969; 95% CI=3,507-92,053; p=0,001) after being controlled by variable child birth complications, birth order, parity and ANC frequency. Conclusion: This research expected health workers to be more focus on monitoring maternal health passively and actively, conducting supplementary feeding for pregnant women, and socialization to pregnant women about the importance of family planning through counseling, role play, booklets, leaflets

    Influence of Life Skills on Sexual Behaviorin Adolescent at Seberang Ulu Area of Palembang City

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    Background: Sex is an aspect that is important for the development of adolescent. Mobility and construction of various facilities in Palembang city, especially Seberang Ulu area is increasing. Increased development raises its own dilemma, on one side the people in dire needs of development, but on the other side occurs that changed the moral decline in adolescent values, norms and lifestyles are followed by a media revolution and an increasingly independent behavior. This study aims to determine the influence of life skills on sexual behavior in adolescents. This research was done in May-June 2011 in the Seberang Ulu Area. Methods: This is quantitative research with cross sectional approach. The subject were all of adolescents aged 12-21 years in Seberang Ulu area of Palembang City with 96 respondents sample. The statistical test used chi square test by using SPSS version 17 program. Result: The results showed that there is the influence of life skills (p = 0.015), hard skills (knowledge of sex) (p = 0.012), soft skills (religiosity, self-confidence, and self-concept) (p = 0.000) towards sexual behavior in adolescent, partially religiosity (p = 0.015), confidence (p = 0.018), and self-concept (p = 0.027) also influence of sex behavior. Conclusion: Life skills, soft skills, religiosity, self-confidence, and self-concept is a risk factor while the hard skills is preventing factor of free sex in adolescents. We need a development model life skills-based education for free sex prevention