39 research outputs found

    In Vitro Transfer of L-Alanine, L-Histidine, and Carnosine Across Rumen Epithelium of Sheep

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    Blood chemistry changes in broiler chickens following supplementation with Cinnamomum zeylanicum

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    A study was conducted to investigate the effects of different doses of Cinnamomum zeylanicum in diet on blood biochemistry of broiler chickens. Thirty two, 1-d old male broiler chickens of a commercial strain ROSS 308 were distributed into groups of 8 birds in each one. The chicks received the diets from the day of hatching to 38 d of age. The four types of diets included basal diets for chicks (HYD 01, HYD 02 and HYD 03) supplemented by 0%, 0.1%, 0.05 and 0.025% cinnamon (Cinnamomi aetheroleum of Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Calendula a.s., Nová L'ubovña, Slovakia). Continuous lighting and water and feed ad libitum were provided throughout the trial. The addition of cinnamon to the diets caused a significantly lower plasma glucose level and the effects of cinnamon on plasma glucose levels tended to be dose-dependent. Dietary intake of 0.05 and 0.025% cinnamon reduced serum ALT and plasma potassium levels. Ingestion of cinnamon, however, resulted in no significant changes in circulating calcium, albumin, triglycerides, free glycerol and cholesterol levels. It was concluded that cinnamon could be used not only for flavor and taste in food preparation but it had an additional role in glucose metabolism in broiler chickens

    The concept of the ideal son in the funeral rituals of classical Hinduism

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    The role of the son is one of the key components in the society of classical Hinduism. It is the firstborn son who determines the fate of the whole family not only during their life, but also after it. The transition to the afterlife is greatly influenced by the oldest offspring, it is how he carries out mortuary rituals, the way he lives and acts that determines what realm will the deceased ancestor reach. Rites of passage, so called samskaras and the correct performance of them should cause the individual, in this case the oldest son, to carry out a good life in accordance with dharma, but the rites themself are not sufficient. In addition, there are several requirements that an ideal son has to meet. This thesis aims to present the role of the son in the funeral rituals of classical Hinduism, to examine how far this role is identical across the sources and to what extent it is coherent and where it differs. As for the puranic tradition we will be examining, Garuda Purana Saroddhara and Garuda Purana, and for the shastra tradition a Manavadharmashastra will be studied. The first chapter will introduce the idea of the firstborn son and his role in classical Hinduism. In the following chapters this role will be presented as it is seen by the individual texts and finally a comparison between the...V klasickém hinduismu je role syna jedním z hlavních stavebních kamenů celé společnosti. Odvíjí se od ní nejen osud rodiny během života, ale i po něm, protože i samotný přechod do zásvětních sfér a osud zemřelých předků může mužský potomek způsobem svého života značně ovlivnit. Přechodové rituály, tzv. sanskáry, a jejich správné vykonání za života mužského potomka mají sice jedince vést ke správnému způsobu života, nicméně samy o sobě nestačí. Vedle nich existuje řada předpisů a požadavků, které je třeba ze strany potomka striktně dodržovat. Tato práce si klade za cíl představit roli syna v pohřebních rituálech klasického hinduismu, prozkoumat, jak dalece se tato role v jednotlivých pramenech shoduje, do jaké míry je koherentní i v čem se v jednotlivých textech naopak liší. Pro puránovou tradici budou použity Garudapuránasáróddhára a Garudapurána, pro šástrovou pak Mánavadharmašástra. Úvodní kapitola nejprve krátce představí hinduismus, sanskáry a pohřební rituály a představí ideál syna a jeho funkce v nich. Dále bude prezentováno pojetí role syna v obou puránách, a následně též v šástrové tradici, která pak bude srovnána s tradicí puránovou. Výsledný obraz ideálu syna a jeho role v pohřebních rituálech hinduismu by tedy měl zastupovat oba dominantní proudy pohřební ritualistiky, jak je zachycuje...Institute of Asian StudiesÚstav asijských studiíFilozofická fakultaFaculty of Art

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    Bakalářská práce se zaměřuje na komunikaci se zákazníky a vliv technických komunikačních prostředků v podniku v oblasti cestovního ruchu. Teoretická část práce se věnuje vymezení cestovního ruchu a následně komunikací, jejími funkcemi, formami a prostředky, které lze ke komunikaci v cestovním ruchu využít a závěrem marketingové strategii benchmarking. Praktická část práce se zabývá Resortem Svět, v rámci kterého byla tato bakalářská práce zpracovávána a analýzou vlivu a prosperity technických komunikačních prostředků využívaných v tomto podniku ve srovnání s konkurenčním podnikem. Cílem bakalářské práce je představit současné technické prostředky komunikace ve vybraném podniku a navržení aplikování nových, popřípadě úpravy či zanechání stávajících prostředků, které mohou přispět ke zvýšení povědomí mezi veřejnost tohoto podniku. K dosažení tohoto cíle je využit benchmarking, pomocí kterého jsou zhodnoceny klíčové faktory úspěchu technických komunikačních prostředků ve vybraném podniku.This bachelor thesis describes the communication with customers and the influence of technical means in communication with customers used in tourism. The theoretical part of the thesis is focused on a definition of tourism and communication, its function and forms and means of communication that can be used in tourism. Furthermore it deals with the marketing strategy called benchmarking. The practical part is devoted to the Resort Svet, within which this bachelor thesis was written. Moreover it compares the analysis of influence and prosperity of the technical means in communication used in this company with the competitive company. The aim of the bachelor thesis is to present the current technical means of communication in the selected company and propose application of new ones, their modification or abandonment of the existing means of communication, which can contribute to raise the awareness among the public of this enterprise. To achieve this goal, benchmarking is used to assess important success factors of technical means of communication in the selected business

    Effect of Cinnamomum zeylanicum Essential Oil on Antioxidative Status in Broiler Chickens

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    Efficacy of Dietary Selenium to Counteract Toxicity of Deoxynivalenol in Growing Broiler Chickens

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    The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of deoxynivalenol on plasma indicators and efficacy of dietary selenium to counteract toxicity of deoxynivalenol in growing broiler chicks. Three groups of broilers were formed with 14 birds in each group. Three diets included control (0.2 ppm deoxynivalenol, 0.4 mg selenium/kg diet), deoxynivalenol-contaminated (3 ppm deoxynivalenol, 0.4 mg selenium/kg diet) and deoxynivalenol-contaminated (3 ppm deoxynivalenol) plus selenium-enriched yeast (1.4 mg selenium/kg diet). After 6 weeks of feeding all birds were sacrifi ced and blood samples for chemical analyses were collected. Plasma calcium, chloride and alanine aminotransferase activity were signifi cantly elevated and magnesium, total proteins, triglycerides and free glycerol were decreased in chicks fed deoxynivalenol-contaminated diet compared with those fed the control diet. Supplementation of selenium-enriched yeast to the diet reversed plasma levels of calcium, magnesium and alanine aminotransferase activity in chicks induced by dietary deoxynivalenol. Phosphorus, albumin and cholesterol levels and alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase and lactate dehydrogenase activities were not affected by diets. The inclusion of selenium to DON-contaminated diet, however, did not completely alleviate toxic effect on protein and lipid metabolism by the liver. Supplementation of selenium-enriched yeast product counteracted most of the plasma indicator alterations caused by deoxynivalenol-contaminated diet in chicks

    Evaluacija uticaja esencijalnog ulja salvia officinalis na biohemijske vrednosti u plazmi, sluznicu creva i kvantitet kiselih i neutralnih mucina u crevima pilića

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    AbstractIn this study the effects of Salvia officinalis L. essential oil on the thickness of the gut mucus layer and quantity of neutral and acidic mucins in chickens were observed. Oneday-old chickens of Isa Brown breed were divided into five groups (n = 9) and fed 11 weeks as follows: control group (C): basal diet; experimental groups (E1 - E4) - same as C + sage essential oil (EO) in concentrations of 0.01%; 0.025%; 0.05% and 0.1%, respectively. The thickness of the mucus layer in the duodenum significantly increased in E3(0.05% sage EO) compared to E1 (0.01 % sage EO). In E3 (0.05% sage EO) the number of goblet cells containing acidic and neutral mucins was significantly decreased in the duodenum and jejunum and increased in the ileum compared to C. Feeding the diet supplemented with Se and 0.01% sage EO (E1) decreased plasma cholesterol level in comparison with E3(0.05 % sage EO). The addition of 0.05% (E3) and 0.1% sage EO (E4) to the diet caused a decrease in calcium plasma level compared to E2 (0.025 % sage EO). Plasma glucose level was significantly decreased in groups fed 0.05% (E3) and 0.025% sage EO (E2) compared with 0.01% sageStudija se odnosi na posmatranje efekata Salvia offi cinalis L. esencijalnih ulja na debljinu sluznice creva i kvantitet neutralnih i kiselih mucina kod pilića. Formirano je pet grupa sa po 9 jednodnevnih pilića rase Isa Brown koji su u narednih 11 nedelja hranjeni na sledeći način: kontrolna (C) grupa je dobijala osnovni obrok sa dodatkom Na selenita (Se) u koncentraciji 0,04 ppm + suncokretovo ulje (1%); eksperimentalne grupe E1 do E4: isto kao C grupa uz dodatak esencijalnog ulja žalfi je (EO) u koncentraciji 0,01%, 0,025; 0,05% odnosno 0,1%. Debljina sloja mukusa u duodenumu je značajno porasla kod pilića E3 grupe (Se i 0,05% EO ulja) u poređenju sa E1 grupom (Se i 0,01% EO ulja). U E3 grupi (Se i 0,05% EO ulja) broj peharastih ćelija koje sadrže kisele i neutralne mucine je značajno bio smanjen u duodenumu i jejunumu, a povećan u ileumu u poređenju sa C grupom. Ishrana sa dodatkom Se i 0,01% EO ulja žalfi je (E1) izazivala je smanjenje koncentracije holesterola u plazmi u poređenju sa E3 (Se i 0,05% EO žalfi je). Dodavanje Se i 0,05% EO žalfi je (E3) kao i 0.1% EO ulja (E4) izazvalo je smanjenje koncentracije kalcijuma u plazmi u poređenju sa E2 (Se i 0,025% EO ulja). Koncentracije glukoze u plazmi su značajno bile smanjene u grupama koje su dobijale Se i 0,05% (E3) i 0,025% EO (E2) ulja žalfi je, u poređenju sa E1 grupom (0,01% EO ulja). Različiti sastavi obroka po grupama nisu imali uticaja na mase unutrašnjih organa pilića u ogledu. Rezultati ukazuju da efekat EO žalfi je na dinamiku adherencije sloja mukusa kao i na tip i distribuciju mucina u crevima pilića zavisi od doze EO kao i od segmenta creva uz istovremeno postojanje potrebe da se obave dalja ispitivanja u cilju detaljnog objašnjenja ovog uticaja