3 research outputs found

    Fire and Explosion Consequence Analysis on Lpg (Liquefied Petroleum Gas) Tank in PT Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk Palembang

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    Background: LPG plant has fires and explosions hazard which can occur due to a processing, storing, or distributing failure. PT Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk is one of LPG plant in Indonesia which has a high risk of fire and explosion due to leakage of the 150 tons capacity tank. Therefore, it is necessary to analyze the consequences of fire and explosion on the LPG tank in PT Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk Palembang. Method: This study was a descriptive research with quantitative approach. The consequence analysis will be made jet fire, fireball/BLEVE, flammable area/flash fire, and vapor cloud explosion (VCE) modeling by using ALOHA (Areal Location of Hazardous Atmosphere) software 5.4.4 version. The farthest threat zone will be analyzed to know the number of population at risk and analysis of emergency response plan (procedures, teams, facilities and infrastructure) which had been applied. Result: Jet fire modeling threat zone reached 150 meters, BLEVE modeling reached 1.3 kilometers, flammable area modeling reached 911 meters, and VCE modeling reached 398 meters. Population at risk was 81 workers. The application of emergency response plan (ERP) from procedure, team, and facilities aspects had been good but there were no ERP intended for surrounding communities. Conclusion: BLEVE modeling has the farthest consequences reaches 1.3 kilometers with 81 people as population at risk and ERP had been well implemented by PT Surya Esa Perkasa Tbk for workers but it still had no ERP for surrounding community

    Analysis of Clean Production Principle Implementation in Waste Water Process of Palm Oil Mill PT. Hindoli, Cargill Tropicall Palm, Pte, Ltd Sungai Lilin in 2012

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    Background : PT. Hindoli is an industry engaged in plantation and palm oil processing. The large amount of waste water which is potentially produced contamination of waste that will occur continuously during the processing of palm oil, therefore it is necessary to evaluate the management of palm oil mill effluent that emphasizes the preventive aspect of the proactive approach. In principle, clean production generates less waste and minimum contamination level. Method : This study is a descriptive study with qualitative research methods. Sources of information obtained from informants, consisting of 4 key informants and 3 informants. Data collecting through in-depth interviews, observation and document review. Data analysis used qualitative techniques. The data obtained are presented in the form of quotations and matrix. Result : The results showed that corporate policy that supports the implementation of cleaner production principles and the company has implemented four of the five principles of clean production and they are elimination, reduce, recycle and recovery, reuse has not been done yet. The industry also processes and waste disposal as the last stage in the management of waste. Conclusion : The PT. Hindoli, Cargill Tropical Palm, Pte, Ltd Sungai Lilin has implemented cleaner production principles in the management of palm oil mill effluent, although there is still a cleaner production principles that has not been performed such as no reuse and waste recycling which is done therefore it is only doing the same process as early process, it has not been recycled or changed the products into something that can add value for industry

    Analysis of Physical Environment and Preventive Behavior Determinants Toward Genesis Filariasis Cases in the Sub-district of Talang Kelapa and Sembawa, District of Banyuasin

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    Background: Filariasisis an infection caused by a filarial worm through the intermediary of a mosquito that is chronic if untreated would give rise to permanent disability in the legs, arms, breasts and genitals. Indirectly, the existence of a home environment that is not eligible and manners make contact with the gnat could be the cause of the filariasis. South Sumatra Provincial Health Office said that Banyuasin was the region with the highest filariasis cases in South Sumatra with microfilaria rate of 1.5 % . There are as many as 142 cases of chronic exist in this district. The aim of this study was to analyse of phsysical environment and preventive behavior determinants toward genesis filariasis cases in the sub-district Talang Kelapa and Sembawa District of Banyuasin. Methods: This study used a case control study research design. Total sample are 87 consisting of 29 cases and 58 controls with total sampling method (with ⍺ Value=0,05 and β Value=20%). The data were analyzed using bivariate and multivariate by using the chi-square test . Then the data is presented in tabular form and narration to interpret the data. Result: Statistical analysis was showed that there a significant correlation between a crack in the wall, coverings on flavon breeding place of vector, behavioral avoid mosquito bites and behavior out of the house at night with the incidence of filariasis. There is no relation to kasa in the ventilation and drug habbit of drinking with the filariasis cases. Multivariate analysis showed that physical environmental factors and preventive behaviors associated with the incidence of filariasis in both these districts were the existence of a crack in the wall and the puddles as potential mosquito breeding places. Conclusion: Determinants physical environmental and preventive behaviors factors associated with filariasis case in the sub-district Talang Kelapa and Sembawa District of Banyuasin were the existence of a crack in the wall and the puddles as potential mosquito breeding places