2 research outputs found

    Analysis of Safe Behavior on Shipyard Workers at PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang in Period of October 2012

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    Background : PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang is a shipyard company specialized in making and reparation of ships. Within its activity, there were so many hazards came from characteristic of process or material of production which can cause accident, however based on preliminary survey which has been conducted showed that the shipyard workers did not wear personal protective equipment (PPE) when doing their activity so that there were an indication that they has not applied safe behavior as well. JURNAL ILMU KESEHATAN MASYARAKATMethod : This study was an analytical survey study with cross sectional approach. The Population was shipyard workers of PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang in period of October 2012 with samples as a number of total individual (50 person). Independent variables were knowledge, attitude, act, availability of means and facilities, safety regulations, role of co-workers, role of supervisor, communication and training, while dependent variable was safe behavior. The research data were analyzed quantitatively by method of univariate and bivariate with chi square analysis using SPSS program . Result : The result showed from total of nine variables, there are six variables that associated with safe behavior of the shipyard workers, that are knowledge (OR = 3,9; p-value = 0,023), attitude (OR = 0,2; p-value = 0,033), act (OR = 0,1; p-value = 0,011), role of co-workers (OR = 5,4; p-value = 0,031), communication (OR = 6,1; p-value = 0,019) and training (OR = 4,6, p-value = 0,014). Conclusion : To reduce the risk of accident of the shipyard workers, PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang needs to improve its workers' safe behavior by noticing the variables associated with safe behavior of the workers, especially those still considered not good enough, that are knowledge, attitude, act and training. It is suggested for PT Dok & Perkapalan Kodja Bahari (Persero) Cabang Palembang to apply punishment and reward system, increase communication, conduct frequent trainings, involve the workers' participation in various OHS program and also apply Behavior Based Safety (BBS) approach

    The Correlation Between Characteristic Host, Physics Environment and Health Service to Dengue Hemorrhagic Fever (Dhf) in Working Area of Public Health Center of Talang Ubi Pendopo in 2012

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    Background : DHF in Indonesia included A category in the stratification by WHO indicate high rates of hospitalization and deaths due to DHF. Preliminary survey which has been conducted showed in Working Area of Public Health Centre DHF cases is high 51 cases during 2011,. Therefore, the aim of this study was to identifiy the correlation between Characteristics Host, Physics Environment and Health Service to DHF in Working Area of Public Health Centre of Talang Ubi in period of 2012. Method : Used analytical survey study with cross sectional approach. Data collection was conducted by interview and observation using questionnaire and using checklist. The data were analyzed by method of univariate and bivariate with chi square analysis. The number of samples in this study were 85 head of household in Working Area of Public Health Centre of Talang Ubi Pendopo with Sampling Technique used is Simple Random Sampling Techniques. Resulst : From total of six variables, three variables associated with DHF, that are age (p-value=0.002, PR=4.383), physics environment (p-value=0.001, PR=4.750), and health service (p-value=0.022, PR=2.936), while sex (p-value=0.996, PR=1.002), education (p-value=0.093, PR=2.182), and job (p-value=0.216, PR=1.766) has no correlation to the incidence of DHF. Conclution : Public Health Centre of Talang Ubi need to improve health service through promotion and prevention to reduce the transmission and DHF case, improve support of health workers to implement the DHF programs with the best, and the society should also support by improving the environment around the house so as not to be a breeding place of Aedes aegypti and implement the PSN-Aedes aegypti