8 research outputs found

    Waste Management Implementation Analysis in Inderalaya Campus of Sriwijaya University 2013

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    Background : Waste management is a systematic activity, through, and sustainable which includes the reduction and waste management. Waste management can be resolved if there are the commitment and cooperation of all stakeholders in waste management. The purpose of this study was to analyze the waste management on Inderalaya campus of Unsri. Method : This study used a qualitative approach. Sources of information from this study were obtained through informants as many as 8 people . Methods of data collection by using the method of observation, in-depth interview and document review. Data collection tools such as observation sheets (checklists), documentation (taking pictures), and an interview guide. The data presented in the form of tables and narrative to interpret the data. Result : Unsri have not a waste management policy and strategy, have not a specific organization in the waste management on Inderalaya campus of Unsri, waste management on Inderalaya campus of Unsri only part of waste management, waste management operational funding has not been allocated specifically to the cash budget Unsri, and waste management on campus Inderalaya of Unsri not yet fully engaged the participation of the community (academica) Unsri. Conclusion : It is concluded that waste management on Inderalaya campus of Unsri not maximized when viewed on the Law of The Republic of Indonesia number 18 of 2008, The Indonesian Government Regulation number 81 of 2012 and Indoneisan National Standard 19-2454-2002. This research suggestions should management policies related to waste management on campus Inderalaya of Unsri made into a written policy as a first step towards considering Unsri Green Campus with a vision towards World Class University

    Relationship Between Lead Exposure and Insomnia on Levy Officers Indralaya Ogan Ilir Terminal 2014

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    Background: One of the air pollutants is lead (Pb) that comes from motor vehicle emissions. Pb in the form of Tetra Ethyl Lead (TEL) and Tetra Methyl Lead (TML), is added into gasoline to increase the octane value. The increased traffic flow of motor vehicles also increases the level of lead in the air and in the human body that is exposed to Pb constantly, so that it is needed to be monitored by ambient monitoring and personal monitoring. One of the risky jobs to be exposed to Pb per day is a retribution officer in Indralaya Ogan Ilir public transport station. Indralaya station accommodates at least 2,300 public motor vehicles/day. One of the symptomps of lead toxicity effect is sleeping disorder called insomnia. Based on preliminary survey results with 6 respondents from 40 retribution officers,it was found that 66.7% of officers have insomnia. Hence, it is necessary to analyze the insidence of insomnia. Method: The design of this research was cross sectional. A sample of size of 38 respondents was selected purposively in East Post and West Post of Indralaya public transport station. Information were collected through interview, measurement, and laboratory analysis. The data were analyzed using univariat and bivariate methods. The results were presented in tables. Result: The results showed that insomnia was related to lead concentration in the hair (p-value 0.01), coffee consumption (p-value 0.04) and energy drink consumption (p-value 0.04). Moreover, insomnia was not related to age (p-value 1.00), period of work (p-value 0.2), marital status (p-value 0.2), smoking (p-value 1.00) and drug consumption (p-value 0.3) with insomnia. Conclusion: There was relationship between lead exposure and insomnia. It is suggested to improve work pattern and individual lifestyles in order to obtain better quality of sleeping

    Determinant of Compliance with Tuberculosis Treatment Patient\u27s Public Health Center in Palembang City, 2010

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    Background : Tuberculosis (TB) is still a major problem worldwide (WHO,2010). One third of the world population are infected by Mycobacterium Tuberculosis. Approximately 9 million of new cases are identified and 2–2 million people died because of this desease every year. WHO in an annual report on Global TB Control 2009 stated that Indonesia is the third country in the world with tuberculosis problem after India and China. Tuberculosis is a communicable infection desase that causes many death amongst all age. Up to present the tuberculosis rehabilitation program in Indonesia is still far away from expected outcomes, as same as in Palembang. One of the main cause is high rate of incompliance to treatment . Thereore, the compliance to treatment is the most priority. Method : The purpose of this study was to determine variables influence the compliance of tuberculosis patients to treatment in Indonesia .The study took place in 36 public health center locations in Palembang City. The design of this study was cross sectional from wich the information about the compliance of the tuberculosis patients are measured simultaneously with the orther perception of attitudes.The datas were analysed using the Multiple Logistic Regression in order to find the most proper (fit), simple (parsimonious), and right (robust) model in order to describe the relationship between the outcome variable and set predictor variables and one set predictor variables . Two hundred eight subjects parcipated in the study of wich 66,8% of the subjects are identified as having incompliance attitude. Based in the findings the study also propose a predicted model of TB patient\u27s compliance to the treatment. Results : Multiple Logistic Regression analyses showed that the predictor of the patient\u27s compliance to treatment are perceived self efficacy and perceived barriers to action (spesific behaviour), knowledge of the TB disease (prior behavior) and health care provider support (influences interpersonal). Perceived self efficacy is the main determinant. Patients who had perceived self efficacy are potentially to be comply to treatment 27,650 times. Patients who had knowledge of the TB disease have potentially to be comply to treatment 8,930 times. Patients who din\u27t have percieved barries to action have potentially to be comply 6,529 times, where as patients who had support from the health provider are potentially to be comply to treatment 5,509 times . Conclusion : The incompliance patient are caused by nothing perceived self efficacy 96%. If all TB patient have good perceived self efficacy, the number of incompliance can be reduced from 66,8% to 21,6%. The second variable is knowledge of the TB desease showed that 88,7 % of TB patients who had incompliance to the treatment is caused by lack of knowledge the disease. If all TB patients had good knowledge of the TB desease, the rate of incompliance patients can be redused from 66,8 % to 16,97%.The third variable is the perceived barries to action ; it is found that 84,7% of patients who had incompliance to the treatment is caused by the perceived barriers to action. If all patients didn\u27t have barriers to action, the number of incompliance can be reduced from 66,8% to 23,65%. The incompliance patients are caused by no support from health provider 81,8% if all TB patients got suffcient support from health care provider during treatment, the number of incompliance patients can be reduced from 66,8 % to 29,46%. It is recommended that treatment model of TB patient\u27s compliance is used as a method to promote and prevent contageous disease especially TB . Health provider has roles to patient education and empower community partipation by facilitating the establishment of self-help group of TB patients. During the activities of the self-help group, TB patients will share their knowledge and experiences thus can improve the motivation, self efficacy, awareness of sign and symptoms of TB disease and decrease the perceived barries to action. Keyworsd : Compliance, Tuberculosis, Self Help Grou