1,466 research outputs found

    Pondok Pesantren Modern di Pekanbaru dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Tropis

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    Rapid development of Pekanbaru City requires human resources that have certain quality. In order to form a well-developed human resources that contain good intellectual and spiritual values,it requires a well-developed educational system as well. A system where both of general and religion education given to the students can be found in modern islamic boarding school. Modernislamic boarding school is a place for preparing its students to be a well-educated person who can be an islamic leader through society, education and good deeds. The transformation method was used in the design, was tropical architectural approach. Modern islamic boarding school was designed using the concept of bee hive. The bee hive concept was applied through thetransformation using the closure of analogical of the shape and characteristic of the bee hive in masses forming and landscape pattern design of the school. The Tropical Architectural principlewas applied in the design of the modern islamic boarding school through the building\u27s mass; the orientation, vegetation, opening, roof types, and colours. The tropical building principles wereapplied so that the school\u27s building can be adapted with tropical areas

    Validasi Metode Aanc Untuk Pengujian Unsur Mn, Mg Dan Cr Pada Cuplikan Sedimen Di Sungai Gajahwong

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    VALIDASI METODE AANC UNTUK PENGUJIAN UNSUR Mn, Mg DAN Cr PADA CUPLIKAN SEDIMEN SUNGAIGAJAHWONG. Telah dilakukan validasi unsur Mn, Mg dan Cr menggunakan metoda AANC. Sebagai standardigunakan SRM NBS 8704 (Bufallo River Sediment), dengan kondisi operasi generator neutron optimum padategangan pemercepat 110 kV. Kalibrasi energi dan nomer salur dengan sumber standar diperoleh persamaan y =1,034x + 151,21. Dari hasil analisis kualitatif menunjukkan puncak Cr dan Mn terjadi penimbrungan (interferensi),sehingga hanya unsur Mg yang dapat dianalisis. Hasil analisis kandungan unsur Mg (SRM) diperoleh harga presisi =95,53 % dan akurasi = 94,88%, sedangkan harga rerata ketidakpastian diperluas untuk berbagai lokasi = 0,233 Ā± 0,012. Hasil analisis kandungan Mg pada berbagai lokasi di sepanjang sungai Gajahwong berkisar antara 85,41 -103,55 ppm. Bila dibandingkan dengan penelitian sebelumnya menunjukkan kandungan unsur Fe, Al dan Si jauhlebih tinggi dibanding kandungan Mg

    Peningkatan Kualitas Pendidikan Anak dengan Pembangunan Komik Elektronik

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    Pembangunan pendidikan adalah sangat penting dilaksanakan sebagai dasar bagi pembentukan kepribadian manusiasecara utuh, yaitu untuk pembentukan karakter, budi pekerti yang luhur, cerdas, ceria, terampil dan bertakwa kepada TuhanYang Maha Esa. Upaya pengembangan pendidikan dapat dilakukan dengan cara membaca buku formal, maupun membacabuku non formal berupa media komik. Penelitian yang dilakukan tim Program of International Student Assessment (PISA)Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Departemen Pendidikan Nasional Republik Indonesia menunjukkan bahwa kemahiranmembaca anak usia 15 tahun di Indonesia sangat memprihatinkan. Dalam penelitian ini mengungkapkan tentang layanan informasi pembelajaran kepada masyarakat dalam bentuk elektronik komik, agar dapat meningkatkan kwalitas pendidikan anak. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif analitik dan rancang bangun dengan menyajikan rangkuman wawancaradan survei lapangan untuk membangun media elektronik komik. Keluaran dari penelitian ini adalah rancang bangun sebuahhalaman elektronik berupa elektronik komik yang memberikan layanan informasi pembelajaran kepada masyarakat, agardapat meningkatkan kwalitas pendidikan anak

    Resor Pantai Ogis Muara Bono di Pelalawan dengan Pendekatan Arsitektur Pesisir

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    Pelalawan has several attractions, and Bono Waves in Ogis Beach Village Teluk Meranti Sub-district is one of them. However, these attractions are not supported by sufficient facilities, one of which is a residential resort. This design has a close connection with the resort destination in Ogis Beach that is with Coastal Architecture Approach. In addition, the design of tourist attraction area Ogis Beach Beach Bono will apply the concept of "Rhythmic Rising Waves" which is the main basic concept in the design. In this concept there are several applications of the design of the nature of waves, such as masses and roofs adapted from the nature of waves that have a low rhyming high. The color of the building is adapted from the color of the kampar river like the color of wood is brown. Then the circulation in the building that is created does not have a partition, so it can surprise people who see it. This design has a design that applies the principle of coastal architecture and the concept taken from the nature of the waves. By using some application of the concept, this design can minimize the negative influence gained from coastal tourism area ogis estuary bono. So this design provides benefits, both environmentally and to the design on the building itself
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