170 research outputs found

    Analisa Teknis & Ekonomis Pemakaian Sistem Organic Rankine Cycle (Orc) Menggunakan Sumber Suhu Rendah & Cairan Refrigeran Sebagai Fluida Kerja Untuk Pembangkit Listrik Di Kapal

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    Saat ini, sektor pelayaran memiliki pertumbuhan yang pesat diikuti dengan meningkatnya populasi penduduk dunia dan banyaknya permintaan transportasi umum melalui laut. Masalah ini memerlukan perhatian yang besar pada segi polusi, efisiensi energi dan konsumsi bahan bakar di kapal. Waste heat Recovery (WHR) adalah salah satu solusi untuk mengatasi masalah yang telah disebutkan dan salah satu metode WHR adalah dengan memasangkan sistem Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) pada sebuah sistem di kapal. ORC dapat mengkonversi dan mengeksploitasi limbah panas pada suhu yang rendah. Dalam Skripsi kali ini, sumber utama panas yang akan dimanfaatkan diperoleh dari kapal MV. Tanto Tenang pada sistem pendingin mesin dan menggunakan R-134a sebagai refrigeran. Peralatan utama terdiri dari evaporator, kondensor, pompa dan turbin uap untuk menghasilkan listrik. Tujuan utama dari skripsi ini adalah untuk mengukur estimasi daya listrik yang dapat dihasilkan pada skenario beban dari mesin utama kapal, merancang desain sistem ORC dan memperoleh analisa ekonomi waktu terjadinya titik impas dengan menginstal sistem ORC antara penghematan bahan bakar (keuntungan yang diperoleh) dengan biaya peralatan ORC (pengeluaran). Sebagai hasil akhir dari analisis, sistem ORC dapat diaktifkan antara 77,5% - 100% beban mesin utama dan mampu menghasilkan daya listrik rata-rata 57,69 kW. Dari analisis ekonomi, titik impas terjadi pada tahun ke-10 ketika membandingkan antara penghematan bahan bakar minyak (profit) dan biaya peralatan ORC (pengeluaran) ===================================================================================================Nowadays, the shipping sector has growth rapidly as followed by the increasing of world population and the demands for public transportation via sea. This issue entails the large attention on emission, energy efficiency and fuel consumption on the ship. Waste Heat Recovery (WHR) is one of the solution to overcome the mentioned issue and one of the WHR method is by installing Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC) system in ship. ORC demonstrate to recover and exploit the low temperature waste heat rejected by the ship power generation plant. In this bachelor thesis the main source of heat to be utilized is obtained from container (7900 kW BHP, DWT 10969 mt) ship jacket water cooling system and use R-134a as a refrigerant. The main equipment consists of evaporator, condenser, pump and steam turbine to generate the electricity. The main objective of this bachelor thesis is to quantifying the estimation of electrical power which can be generated at typical loads of the main engine, to design the PFD layout for Organic Rankine Cycle system and to acquires the economic analysis of break-even point with installing ORC system and the percentage of the saving fuel oil consumption from auxiliary engine. As the final result of analysis, the ORC system is able to generate the electricity power ranged from 77,5% - 100% of main engine load producing power averagely 57,69 kW. From the economic analysis, the break-even point occurs in years 10 when comparing the fuel oil saving (profit) and cost of ORC equipment (expenditure

    Effect of the Quark-Gluon Vertex on Dynamical Chiral Symmetry Breaking

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    In this work we investigate how the details of the quark-gluon interaction vertex affect the quantitative description of chiral symmetry breaking and dynamical mass generation through the gap equation. We employ the Maris-Tandy (MT) and Qin-Chang (QC) models for the gluon propagator and the effective strong running coupling. The gap equation is solved by employing several vertex Ansa¨{\rm \ddot{a}}tze which have been constructed in order to implement some of the key aspects of a gauge field theory such as gauge invariance and multiplicative renormalizability. We find that within a small variation of MT and QC model parameters, all truncations point towards the same quantitative pattern of chiral symmetry breaking, the running quark mass function, ensuring the robustness of this approach.Comment: 12 page