1,457 research outputs found

    Photon-axion mixing and ultra-high-energy cosmic rays from BL Lac type objects -- Shining light through the Universe

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    Photons may convert into axion like particles and back in the magnetic field of various astrophysical objects, including active galaxies, clusters of galaxies, intergalactic space and the Milky Way. This is a potential explanation for the candidate neutral ultra-high-energy (E>10^18 eV) particles from distant BL Lac type objects which have been observed by the High Resolution Fly's Eye experiment. Axions of the same mass and coupling may explain also TeV photons detected from distant blazars.Comment: Revtex 10 pages, 6 figures. V.2: QED dispersion effects taken into account; principal results unchanged. V3: misprints and sqrt(4*pi) factors in Gauss to eV conversion corrected; conclusions unchange

    Observables in 3d spinfoam quantum gravity with fermions

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    We study expectation values of observables in three-dimensional spinfoam quantum gravity coupled to Dirac fermions. We revisit the model introduced by one of the authors and extend it to the case of massless fermionic fields. We introduce observables, analyse their symmetries and the corresponding proper gauge fixing. The Berezin integral over the fermionic fields is performed and the fermionic observables are expanded in open paths and closed loops associated to pure quantum gravity observables. We obtain the vertex amplitudes for gauge-invariant observables, while the expectation values of gauge-variant observables, such as the fermion propagator, are given by the evaluation of particular spin networks.Comment: 32 pages, many diagrams, uses psfrag

    A Simple Explanation for DAMA with Moderate Channeling

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    We consider the possibility that the DAMA signal arises from channeled events in simple models where the dark matter interaction with nuclei is suppressed at small momenta. As with the standard WIMP, these models have two parameters (the dark matter mass and the size of the cross-section), without the need to introduce an additional energy threshold type of parameter. We find that they can be consistent with channeling fractions as low as about ~ 15%, so long as at least ~70% of the nuclear recoil energy for channeled events is deposited electronically. Given that there are reasons not to expect very large channeling fractions, these scenarios make the channeling explanation of DAMA much more compelling.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figure

    Public involvement in an aggregate and individual participant data meta-analysis of mindfulness-based programmes for mental health promotion

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    Background: Involving the public in evidence synthesis research is challenging due to the highly analytic nature of the projects, so it is important that involvement processes are documented, reflected upon, and shared to devise best practices. There is a literature gap on the involvement of the public in individual participant data meta-analyses, particularly in public health projects. We aimed to document and reflect on our collective experiences of involving and being involved as public stakeholders at all stages of a systematic review and individual participant data meta-analysis project. Methods: We formed a stakeholder group made of four members of the public at the beginning of our evidence synthesis project comprising a systematic review, an aggregate data meta-analysis, and an individual participant data meta-analysis of mindfulness-based programmes for mental health promotion in non-clinical adults. Following each group meeting, members and participating researchers completed written reflections; one group member collected and collated these. At the end of the project, a reflective writing workshop was held before all members completed their final reflections. Everyone completed an adapted, open-ended questionnaire which asked about what did and did not work well, the overall experience, what could be improved, and the felt impact the stakeholder group had on the research. Results: Overall, the stakeholders and researchers reported a positive experience of working together. Positives from the stakeholders’ point of view included learning new skills, experiencing research, and making new friends. For the researchers, stakeholders helped them focus on what matters to the public and were reinvigorating research partners. The challenges stakeholders experienced included having long gaps between meetings and feeling overwhelmed. The researchers found it challenging to strike the balance between asking stakeholders to be involved and for them to learn research-related skills without overburdening them and making sure that the learning was engaging. When looking back at their experience, stakeholders described seeing their impact on the project in hindsight but that this was not felt while the project was being carried out. Conclusion: Successfully involving the public in complex evidence synthesis projects is possible and valuable from the points of view of the researchers and the stakeholders. However, it requires a significant time, skill, and resource investment that needs to be factored in from project inception. Further guidance and stakeholder training materials would be helpful. Specific suggestions are provided

    A shortcut to identifying small molecule signals that regulate behavior and development in Caenorhabditis elegans

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    Small molecule metabolites play important roles in Caenorhabditis elegans biology, but effective approaches for identifying their chemical structures are lacking. Recent studies revealed that a family of glycosides, the ascarosides, differentially regulate C. elegans development and behavior. Low concentrations of ascarosides attract males and thus appear to be part of the C. elegans sex pheromone, whereas higher concentrations induce developmental arrest at the dauer stage, an alternative, nonaging larval stage. The ascarosides act synergistically, which presented challenges for their identification via traditional activity-guided fractionation. As a result the chemical characterization of the dauer and male attracting pheromones remained incomplete. Here, we describe the identification of several additional pheromone components by using a recently developed NMR-spectroscopic approach, differential analysis by 2D NMR spectroscopy (DANS), which simplifies linking small molecule metabolites with their biological function. DANS-based comparison of wild-type C. elegans and a signaling-deficient mutant, daf-22, enabled identification of 3 known and 4 previously undescribed ascarosides, including a compound that features a p-aminobenzoic acid subunit. Biological testing of synthetic samples of these compounds revealed additional evidence for synergy and provided insights into structure–activity relationships. Using a combination of the three most active ascarosides allowed full reconstitution of the male-attracting activity of wild-type pheromone extract. Our results highlight the efficacy of DANS as a method for identifying small-molecule metabolites and placing them within a specific genetic context. This study further supports the hypothesis that ascarosides represent a structurally diverse set of nematode signaling molecules regulating major life history traits

    A new infinite family of non-abelian strongly real Beauville p-groups for every odd prime p

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    We explicitly construct infinitely many a non-abelian strongly real Beauville p-groups for every prime p. Until very recently only finitely many non-abelian strongly real Beauville p-groups were known and all of these were 2-groups

    Coupling gauge theory to spinfoam 3d quantum gravity

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    We construct a spinfoam model for Yang-Mills theory coupled to quantum gravity in three dimensional riemannian spacetime. We define the partition function of the coupled system as a power series in g_0^2 G that can be evaluated order by order using grasping rules and the recoupling theory. With respect to previous attempts in the literature, this model assigns the dynamical variables of gravity and Yang-Mills theory to the same simplices of the spinfoam, and it thus provides transition amplitudes for the spin network states of the canonical theory. For SU(2) Yang-Mills theory we show explicitly that the partition function has a semiclassical limit given by the Regge discretization of the classical Yang-Mills action.Comment: 18 page

    (Broken) Gauge Symmetries and Constraints in Regge Calculus

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    We will examine the issue of diffeomorphism symmetry in simplicial models of (quantum) gravity, in particular for Regge calculus. We find that for a solution with curvature there do not exist exact gauge symmetries on the discrete level. Furthermore we derive a canonical formulation that exactly matches the dynamics and hence symmetries of the covariant picture. In this canonical formulation broken symmetries lead to the replacements of constraints by so--called pseudo constraints. These considerations should be taken into account in attempts to connect spin foam models, based on the Regge action, with canonical loop quantum gravity, which aims at implementing proper constraints. We will argue that the long standing problem of finding a consistent constraint algebra for discretized gravity theories is equivalent to the problem of finding an action with exact diffeomorphism symmetries. Finally we will analyze different limits in which the pseudo constraints might turn into proper constraints. This could be helpful to infer alternative discretization schemes in which the symmetries are not broken.Comment: 32 pages, 15 figure