28 research outputs found

    Aspects of Photodynamic Inactivation of Bacteria

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    Increasing resistance of bacteria to antibiotics is a serious worldwide problem, and to combat resistant bacteria, new antibacterial approaches are to be developed. One alternative to traditional antibiotic therapy is photodynamic antimicrobial chemotherapy (PACT). PACT is based on excitation of photosensitizers (PS) capable of transferring the absorbed light energy to dissolved molecular oxygen causing generation of reactive oxygen species, which irreversibly damage bacterial cell components. The overall efficiency of PACT has been proven for Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria. The effectiveness of PACT can be increased by encapsulation of PS in liposomes providing more concentrated delivery of PS, enhanced cytotoxicity, improved pharmacokinetic properties, sustained release, and prolonged action of the PS. For continuous and reusable application, PS can be immobilized in polymers. Chemiluminescence, sonodynamic treatment, and radiofrequency irradiation allow to perform excitation of PS in the dark without external illumination, opening prospects for combating internal infections. Combination of PS with antibiotics can gain a synergistic effect, allowing in some cases to overcome the resistance of bacteria to antibiotics

    Polymer-Immobilized Photosensitizers for Continuous Eradication of Bacteria

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    The photosensitizers Rose Bengal (RB) and methylene blue (MB), when immobilized in polystyrene, were found to exhibit high antibacterial activity in a continuous regime. The photosensitizers were immobilized by dissolution in chloroform, together with polystyrene, with further evaporation of the solvent, yielding thin polymeric films. Shallow reservoirs, bottom-covered with these films, were used for constructing continuous-flow photoreactors for the eradication of Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus, Gram-negative Escherichia coli and wastewater bacteria under illumination with visible white light using a luminescent lamp at a 1.8 mW·cm−2 fluence rate. The bacterial concentration decreased by two to five orders of magnitude in separate reactors with either immobilized RB or MB, as well as in three reactors connected in series, which contained one of the photosensitizers. Bacterial eradication reached more than five orders of magnitude in two reactors connected in series, where the first reactor contained immobilized RB and the second contained immobilized MB

    LLDPE Composites with Nanosized Copper and Copper Oxides for Water Disinfection

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    Consumption of contaminated water may lead to dangerous and even fatal water-borne diseases. Disinfection of drinking water is the most effective solution for this problem. The most common water treatment methods are based on the use of toxic disinfectants. Composites of polymers with nanosized metals and their oxides may become a good alternative to the existing methods. Expanding the scope of our previous publication, copper, cuprous, and copper oxide nanoparticles were immobilized onto linear low-density polyethylene by a simple thermal adhesion method. The antibacterial efficiency of the immobilized nanoparticles was tested against Gram-negative Escherichia coli and Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus in batch experiments and for the first time the efficiency of these composites is reported for continuous flow regime. Immobilized copper and cuprous oxide nanoparticles demonstrated a high ability to eradicate bacteria after 30 min. These composites showed no or very limited leaching of copper ions into the aqueous phase both in the presence and in the absence of a bacterial suspension. Immobilized copper and cuprous oxide nanoparticles can be used for batch or continuous disinfection of water

    Continuous Bioethanol Production by Fungi and Yeast Working in Tandem

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    Biofuel is considered one of the most viable alternatives to fossil fuels derived from the dwindling petroleum resources that damage the environment. Bioethanol could be manufactured from agricultural wastes, thus providing inexpensive natural resources. Several strategies have been utilized to convert lignocellulosic hydrolysate to bioethanol with various suspended microorganisms. In this study, we alternatively propose to encapsulate these microorganisms in bioreactor setups. An immobilized cell system can provide resistance to the inhibitors present in hydrolysates, enhance productivity, facilitate the separation process, and improve microorganism recycling. Herein, we developed a continuous bioethanol production process by encapsulating three types of micro-organisms: T. reesei, S. cerevisiae, and P. stipitis. These microorganisms were encapsulated in SBP (“Small Bioreactor Platform”) capsules and tested for their viability post encapsulation, biological activity, and bioethanol production. Encapsulating microorganisms in SBP capsules provided a confined protective environment for the microorganisms, facilitated their acclimation, and ensured their long-term prosperity and activity. An additional significant benefit of utilizing SBP capsules was the simultaneous availability of saccharification and fermentation over a very long time—about 2.5–3 months—with no need to renew the cells or encapsulating matrices. Two different configurations were tested. The first one consisted of columns packed with fungal cells and specific yeast cells together. In the second configuration, the fungal cells were separated from the yeast cells into two columns in series. The presented systems achieved an efficiency of 60–70%, suggesting the long-term prosperity and uninterrupted metabolic activity of the microorganisms

    Antibacterial Composites of Cuprous Oxide Nanoparticles and Polyethylene

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    Cuprous oxide nanoparticles (Cu2ONPs) were used for preparing composites with linear low-density polyethylene (LLDPE) by co-extrusion, thermal adhesion, and attachment using ethyl cyanoacrylate, trimethoxyvinylsilane, and epoxy resin. The composites were examined by Scanning electron microscope and tested for their antibacterial activity against Gram-positive Staphylococcus aureus and Gram-negative Escherichia coli. All of these composites—except for the one obtained by extrusion—eradicated cells of both bacteria within half an hour. The composite prepared by thermal adhesion of Cu2ONPs on LLDPE had the highest external exposure of nanoparticles and exhibited the highest activity against the bacteria. This composite and the one obtained using ethyl cyanoacrylate showed no leaching of copper ions into the aqueous phase. Copper ion leaching from composites prepared with trimethoxyvinylsilane and epoxy resin was very low. The antibacterial activity of the composites can be rated as follows: obtained by thermal adhesion > obtained using ethyl cyanoacrylate > obtained using trimethoxyvinylsilane > obtained using epoxy resin > obtained by extrusion. The composites with the highest activity are potential materials for tap water and wastewater disinfection

    Biofuel Production by Fermentation of Water Plants and Agricultural Lignocellulosic by-Products

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    While at present most energy crops are depriving human feedstock, fermentation of agricultural residues and fast growing water plants possesses a good prospect to become a significant source for bio-fuel; as both substrates are widely available and do not require agricultural areas. Water hyacinth for instance can be cultivated in fresh, brackish or wastewater and owing to its rapid growth and availability. Since owing to its natural abundance it is considered to be an invasive plant in most continents, its utilization and use as a renewable energy source may also contribute for its dilution and control. Agricultural lignocellulosic surplus by-products are also a promising fermentable substrate for bioethanol production, as it decreases both disposal expenses and greenhouse gases emissions. This paper describes a scheme and methodology for transformation of any lignocellulosic biomass into biofuel by simple cost effective operation scheme, integrating an innovative process of mechanochemical activation pre-treatment followed by fermentation of the herbal digest and ethanol production through differential distillation. Under this approach several complex and costly staged of conventional ethanol production scheme may be replaced and by genetic engineering of custom fermenting microorganisms the fermentation process becomes a fully continuous industrial process

    Antibacterial Activity of Rose Bengal Entrapped in Organically Modified Silica Matrices

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    Photosensitizers (PSs) are known as powerful antibacterial agents that are activated by direct exposure to visible light. PSs can be noncovalently entrapped into the silica gel network for their controlled release into a contaminated area. The immobilization of PS-containing gel matrices on a polymer support expands their possible applications, such as antibacterial surfaces and coatings, which can be used for the disinfection of liquids. In the current study, we report the use of Rose Bengal (RB) incorporated into organically modified silica matrices (RB@ORMOSIL matrices) by the sol-gel technique. The RB matrices exhibit high activity against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria under illumination by white light. The amount and timing of solidifier addition to the matrix affected the interaction of the latter with the RB, which in turn could affect the antibacterial activity of RB. The most active specimen against both Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial cells was the RB6@ORMOSIL matrix immobilized on a linear low-density polyethylene surface, which was prepared by an easy, cost-effective, and simple thermal adhesion method. This specimen, RB6@OR@LLDPE, showed the low release of RB in an aqueous environment, and exhibited high long-term antibacterial activity in at least 14 rounds of recycled use against S. aureus and in 11 rounds against E. coli