13 research outputs found

    Betti numbers of powers of ideals

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    Let A=K[x1, ..... ,xn] be a standard graded polynomial ring over a field K, let M = (x_1, .... , x_n) be the graded maximal ideal and I a graded ideal of A. For each i the Betti numbers b_i(I^k ) of I^k are polynomial functions for k>>0. We show that if I is M-primary, then these polynomial functions have the same degree for all i

    Rational Surfaces with Anticanonical Divisor not Reduced

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    AbstractWe prove the finite generation of the monoid of effective divisor classes on a smooth projective rational surface X endowed with an anticanonical divisor such that all its irreducible components are of multiplicity one except one which has multiplicity two. In almost all cases, the self-intersection of a canonical divisor KX on X is strictly negative, hence - KX is neither ample nor numerically effective. In particular, X is not a Del Pezzo surface. Furthermore, it is shown that the first cohomology group of a numerically effective divisor vanishes; as a consequence, we determine the dimension of the complete linear system associated to any given divisor on

    Ideals with linear quotients in Segre products

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    We establish that the Segre product between a polynomial ring on a field KK in mm variables and the second squarefree Veronese subalgebra of a polynomial ring on KK in nn variables has the intersection degree equal to three. We describe a class of monomial ideals of the Segre product with linear quotients

    On sequences of integers for Hankel planes Σ of P^m

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    For a vector space R ⊆ k^{m+1}  of dimension r + 1 on the algebraically closed field  k we determine, for any i ≤ r, the possible numbers of Hankel i−planes contained in the r−plane P(R), linear space in P^m

    s-Sequences and Monomial Modules

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    In this paper we study a monomial module M generated by an s-sequence and the main algebraic and homological invariants of the symmetric algebra of M. We show that the first syzygy module of a finitely generated module M, over any commutative Noetherian ring with unit, has a specific initial module with respect to an admissible order, provided M is generated by an s-sequence. Significant examples complement the results