1 research outputs found

    Unfavorable Infant Feeding Practices in East Lombok Have Not Yet Changed Much in the Last Decade (Praktik Pemberian Makan Bayi Yang Tidak Tepat Belum Banyak Mengalami Perubahan Dalam Satu Dekade Terakhir Di Lombok Timur)

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    Background: One of the districts that haven't reached the national nutrition recovery target was East Lombok, the prevalence of underweight among under two children was 25.5 percent. One of the underlying causes of under-nutrition is inappropriate feeding practices that occur during the first year of life. Several factors lies behind these practices, such as experiences, family demands, socio-economic circumstances, and cultural beliefs. Objective: To explore the infant feeding (breastfeeding and complementary feeding) practices among 9-11 month infants in East Lombok. Methods: This cross-sectional study use qualitative method. Four Group Interview with the mothers of 9-11 month infants were conducted. Confirmation was done from Group Interview with the cadres, interview with local health officers and observation from study site. Analysis was done by making contrast, comparison or themes emerged from the data. Results: This study revealed that the infant feeding practices still haven't optimal as indicated by low exclusive breastfeeding practices for 6th month, pre-lacteal feeding and the consumption of pre-masticated foods (“papah”) still commonly happen in East Lombok. Furthermore, the early introduction of complementary food and less frequency of meals and snacks a day also still practiced. The hygiene practices also still have to be considered where the consumption of unboiled water (“air nyet”) among infants still familiar in this area. Comparing to several studies have been conducted, these unfavorable infant feeding practices in East Lombok have not yet changed much in the last decade. Conclusion: Most of the infant feeding practices in East Lombok were haven't optimal. Recommendation: Local-specific nutrition education was needed with the involvement of religious leader in the community in delivering the messages. Other community channel (like arisan or pertemuan kampung) was also recommended to deliver the messages