10 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACTIn the process of study in physical education,sport, and health for elementary school student, aerobic gymnastic is can used as one of matery in rhitmic activity for V class. Will hoped to add the variety in physical education,sport, and health material which limited variety. This research becomes the development f the research it self. The procedures of this research which is used consist of the analysis of product which is developed, to improve product earlier, the expert validation, the field trial, consist of the small groupt test and the big group test, product revision, and the development product resultThe research result is a product model for aerobic gymnastic can be used as media learning of physical education,sport, and health. Based on the scale wide test to the product, the using of aerobic gymnastic model to the student, it can increase the pulse for about 62% from 120 student. From the response which is given to 120 student to the psycomotor aspect which including in a good category as much as 94 student, middle category as much as 23 student, and low category as much as 3 student. For Cognitive aspect including a good category as much as 81 student, middle category as much as 34 student, and low category as much as 5 student. Affective aspect which including good category as much as 88 student, middle category as much as 26 student, and low category as much as 6 student.Based on the researh result which is concluded?é?á: (1) The development of aerobic gymnastic model for learning physical education,sport, and health elementary school students can be increase physical activity student in learning. Improvement pulse rate that happened of students until 62 %. This matter is knowable from means of pulse rate before learning aerobic gymnastic is 93 times a minut, and experiencing of improvement until 150 times a minut after following learn aerobic gymnastic. (2) The student is very intersting and feels happy with the aerobic gymnastic model which is thaugt so that the student can move effectively in learning implementation.?é?áKeyword: Development, Aerobic Gymnastic, Physical Education, Elementary School Student


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    In the process of study in physical education,sport, and health for elementary school student, gymnastic ball characteris can used as one of matery in rhitmic activity for V class. Will hoped to add the variety in physical education,sport, and health material which limited variety. This research becomes the development f the research it self. The procedures of this research which is used consist of the analysis of product which is developed, to improve product earlier, the expert validation, the field trial, consist of the small groupt test and the big group test, product revision, and the development product resultThe research result is a product model for gymnastic ball charactercan be used as media learning of?é?á physical education,sport, and health. Based on the scale wide test to the product, the using of gymnastic ball charactermodel to the student, it can increase the pulse for about 62% from 120 student. From the response which is given to 120 student to the psycomotor aspect which including in a good category as much as 94 student, middle category as much as 23 student, and low category as much as 3 student. For Cognitive aspect including a good category as much as 81 student, middle category as much as 34 student, and low category as much as 5 student. Affective aspect which including good category as much as 88 student, middle category as much as 26 student, and low category as much as 6 student.Based on the researh result which is concluded?é?á: (1) The development of gymnastic ball charactermodel for learning physical education,sport, and health elementary school students can be increase physical activity student in learning. Improvement pulse rate that happened?é?á of students until 62 %. This matter is knowable from means of pulse rate before learning gymnastic ball characteris 93 times a minut, and experiencing of improvement until 150 times a minut after following learn aerobic gymnastic. (2) The student is very intersting and feels happy with the gymnastic ball charactermodel which is thaugt so that the student can move effectively in learning implementation

    Pengaruh Aplikasi Basuka Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Bola Basket Siswa Kelas X SMK NU Kunduran

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    Sindhung Kuncahya Haryanta Putra “Pengaruh Aplikasi Basuka Terhadap Hasil Belajar Kognitif Bola Basket Siswa Kelas X SMK NU Kunduran” Fakultas Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial dan Keolahragaan, Universitas PGRI Semarang, 2023.Berkembangnya iptek mendorong guru untuk membuat media pembelajaran berbasis android, yang menjadi dasar penelitian ini. Siswa mungkin lebih tertarik dengan pembelajaran teori bola basket jika inovasi media basuka digunakan untuk meningkatkan daya tarik siswa dalam pelajaran, khususnya bola basket. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana media Basuka mempengaruhi materi teknik dasar bola basket agar hasil belajar siswa kelas X SMK NU Kunduran ditingkatkan.Penelitian ini memanfaatkan pendekatan kuantitatif. Siswa di kelas X TKJ 1 dan X OTKP 1 SMK NU Kunduran adalah subjek penelitian ini. menggunakan metode sampling purposive. Dalam penelitian, pengaruh perawatan (perlakuan) tertentu dicari melalui metode analisis eksperimen.Hasil penelitian di SMK NU Kunduran menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan aplikasi Basuka untuk mengajar bola basket memberikan peningkatan nilai rata-rata sebesar 80,32 dibanding sebelum perlakuan kedua yang senilai 70,29. Sedangkan pada uji homogenitas signifikan observasi 0,858, pre test0,797,dan post test 0,712 dengan nilai toleransi0,05 maka varian homogen (sama) ditemukan untuk kedua sampel (eksperimen).Simpulan penelitian ini adalah media pembelajaran basuka memberikan dipengaruhi secara signifikan oleh prestasi akademik siswa. yang ditunjukkan dengan peningkatan hasil belajar siswa pada aspek kognitif selain peningkatan hasil pre-test dan post-test. Saran, penerapan media pembelajaran basukabaik digunakan pada tingkat sekolah menengah pertama atas atau pun sekolah menengah kejuruan terutama pada siswa kelas X SMK NU Kunduran, dikarenakan media pembelajaran ini menekankan kepada kemudahan siswa belajar


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    The background of this problem, namely the subjects of mathematics assessment that there is a discrepancy, such as the value of daily tests, mid-term test scores, final test scores, and the value of raport. Based on the SD 1 Bae which occurred in the fourth grade students daily tests, mid-term tests, final tests of the semester, and the value of the raport there was significant differences. It is proved to daily test values ?óÔé¼ÔÇ??óÔé¼ÔÇ?obtained good student, but the value of mid-term test, final test, and the value of raport do not correspond to the daily test value. Also occurs students?óÔé¼Ôäó daily test scores under KKM, but mid-term test values ?óÔé¼ÔÇ??óÔé¼ÔÇ?and high values ?óÔé¼ÔÇ??óÔé¼ÔÇ?above final test KKM, as well as the value of raport. The researchers tried to determine how much of a positive correlation between the value of daily tests, mid-term test, final test, and the raport. The problems revealed in this study is how much of the correlation between the daily tests, mid-term test scores, final test scores of Mathematics raport for the students of SD Negeri 1 Bae Kudus fourth grade.This type of the research used in this study is quantitative. Using the method of documentation of student. The population in this study that all students in the fourth grade students of SD Negeri 1 Bae Kudus. The samples in this study were 41 students. The study design used is by collecting student assessment data.Based on the results of the research, namely the value of daily tests, grades assignments, mid-term test scores, and test scores correlated with the value end of the semester raport. Correlations were used in this study is the product moment correlation. 1 rhitung obtained daily test of 0.685, 0.332 for daily tests 2, 3 daily test of 0.586, the value of 0,849 assignments, mid-term replicates of 0.973, 0.967 replicates at the end of the semester. rtabel consulted at the level of 5% with N = 41 is 0.308. It turns out that all rhitung> rtabel. So, the conclusion is there is a correlation between test scores for days 1, 2, 3, value assignments, mid-term test scores, test scores at the end of semester raport value. It is explained that the re is an increment or impairment of the daily tests value, grades assignments, mid-term test scores, and final test scores of the semester will be followed by increases and decreases in the value of raport. Then the researchers gave suggestions for how assessments are conducted properly

    PKM Tes dan Pengukuran Kekuatan Pebulutangkis Junior

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    Komponen kondisi fisik sangat penting dalam menunjang performa pebulutangkis. Salah satu komponen kondisi fisik dalam olahraga bulutangkis adalah kekuatan (strength). Untuk mengetahui kemampuan pebulutangkis perlu dilakukannya tes dan pengukuran yang sesuai karakteristik olahraga bulutangkis sehingga dapat menjawab kebutuhan pebulutangkis untuk meningkatkan kompetensinya dengan maksimal. Tes dan pengukuran yang sesuai karakteristik cabang olahraga bulutangkis dimaksudkan untuk dapat mengetahui dan mengidentifikasi kelemahan-kelemahan yang terjadi selama proses latihan. Tes dan pengukuran pebulutangkis dilakukan di klub CPLUSco badminton dengan melibatkan pebulutangkis junior. Proses tes dan pengukuran kekuatan yang tepat sangat diperlukan sehingga peningkatan kondisi fisik dapat diketahui dengan baik. Hasil dari tes dan pengukuran dapat dijadikan sebagai bahan evaluasi dan perbaikan program latiha


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    Latar  belakang masalah dalam  penelitian ini yaitu adanya kurangnya lompatan smash atlit bola voli putra klub Putra Mantingan Tengah Jakenan Pati. Tujuan penelitian ini guna mengetahui pengaruh latihan Lateral bound dan Double leg bound terhadap peningkatan daya ledak otot tungkai pemain bola voli klub Putra Mantingan Tengah Jakenan Pati. Metode penelitian yang digunakan ialah metode kuantitatif. Hasil penghitungan data yang diperoleh dari 7 atlet kelompok latihan Lateral bound dan 7 atlet kelompok latihan Double leg bound. Berdasarkan output paired sample t test kelompok pretest-posttest Lateral bound diperoleh t = -8,101, sig. (2-tailed) 0,0000,05. Simpulan penelitian ini yaitu  tidak adanya peningkatan yng signifikan antara kelompok latihan Lateral bound dengan kelompok latihan Double leg bound, akan tetapi kedua latihan tersebut  mempunyai kesamaan peningkatan yang sama yaitu sebesar 36

    Pelatihan Penjurian Senam Aerobik dan Senam Kreasi Bagi Instruktur Senam di Kabupaten Kendal

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    Kabupaten Kendal merupakan kabupaten yang memiliki segudang sanggar senam. Sudah banyak instruktur-instruktur senam yang berdomisili dan menjadi instruktur di Instansi-instansi yang berada di Kabupaten Kendal. Namun dari banyaknya instruktur tersebut, ketika sedang perlombaan senam aerobik, penjurian atau yang menjadi juri masih mengundang dari luar Kabupaten Kendal.  Oleh karena itu tim pengabdi memberikan pelatihan penjurian senam aerobic dan senam irama. Metode yang digunakan adalah pemberian materi ajar, pembekalan penjurian, dan praktek penjurian. Luaran dalam pengabdian ini adalah berupa pemberian sertifikat legal Kepada peserta sebagai penjuri yang dapat digunakan untuk  syarat menjadi juri dalam perlombaan senam aerobic maupun senam irama

    PKM Pelestarian Permainan Tradisional

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    ABSTRACTTraditional games are one of the cultural assets that have cultural characteristics from a region or nation, therefore it is our collective responsibility to preserve them. Through traditional games we can get to know the culture of the nation or region and can also instill the values of cooperation and social contained therein. the advancement of information and technology media has been widely felt by all levels of Indonesian and world society, but these advances can have both positive and negative impacts on their users. Because, we can easily get information and the use of technology is classified as very easy and affordable for all groups, both for the young, the old, and the upper middle class as well as the lower middle class. Nowadays, children often play digital games such as video games, Playstation (PS), and online games rather than playing traditional games. different from traditional games. So that the main goal of this service is to preserve traditional games so that children are more interested than playing gadgetsABSTRAKPermainan tradisional merupakan salah satu aset budaya yang mempunyai ciri khas kebudayaan suatu bangsa maka, pendidikan karakter dapat dibentuk melalui permainan tradisional sejak usia dini. Karena selama ini pendidikan karakter kurang mendapat penekanan dalam sistem pendidikan di negara kita. Pendidikan budi pekerti hanyalah sebatas teori tanpa adanya refleksi dari pendidikan tersebut. Dampaknya, anak-anak tumbuh menjadi manusia yang tidak memiliki karakter, bahkan lebih kepada bertingkah laku mengikuti perkembangan zaman namun tanpa filter. Sekarang, anak-anak lebih sering bermain permainan digital seperti video games, Playstation (PS), dan games online. Permainan ini memiliki kesan sebagai permainan modern karena dimainkan menggunakan peralatan yang canggih dengan teknologi yang mutakhir, yang sangat berbeda jika dibandingkan dengan permainan anak tradisional. Permainan anak tradisional kadang tidak membutuhkan peralatan saat dimainkan kalaupun ada peralatan yang digunakan hanyalah peralatan yang sederhana yang mudah didapatkan, dan biasanya ada di sekitar anak saat bermain, seperti batu, ranting kayu, atau daun kering. Sehingga yang menjadi tujuan utama pengabdian ini adalah melestarikan permainan tradisional supaya  lebih diminati anak-anak dibandingkan dengan gadget

    "My Javelin Throw" Android-based Javelin Throw Learning Application

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    This research is motivated by the need for a new learning model with different and engaging learning media, particularly in javelin throwing education. The aim of this research is to create an Android-based learning media for javelin throw. The method in this research is Research and Development (R&D). The subjects and location of this research are 11th-grade students of SMA Negeri 1 Bantarbolang, Pemalang Regency. In the small-scale research, the sample consists of 21 11th-grade students, while in the large-scale research, the sample consists of 272 11th-grade students. The data collection technique used is a questionnaire as the instrument. The quantitative data analysis technique in this research utilizes descriptive statistical analysis. The final validation results from media experts indicate that all aspects are rated as "Good" with a score of 78%. Meanwhile, the final validation from subject matter experts indicates that all aspects are rated as "Excellent" with a score of 82%. According to the data analysis results in the small-scale trial, the percentage obtained is 86.17%