539 research outputs found

    Interaksi Dan Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Oleh Masyarakat Sekitar Taman Nasional Gunung Leuser

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    Leuser National Park is a conservation area with saved abundant natural resources. The existence provide benefits for people living around. Where the community can utilize its natural wealth in order to meet the day-to-day life. This study aims to determine what types of forest products used by local communities and model/patern of interaction in their utilization. The method used combination of Documentation Study and Direct Methods with interview techniques and field observations. Data analysis was conducted descriptively to obtain representation of each desired goal. The results of this study indicated that forest products which used by the community around the Mount Leuser National Park were water, glugur acid (Garcinia atroviridis), sago palm leaves (Metroxylon sagu), kacer bird (Copsychus saularis), jurung fish (Tor soro), setekep plant (Elatostema umbellatum), tiga urat plant (Melastoma malabathricum), wood and firewood. Community interaction in the utilization of forest products occurs throughout the year but with different intensities

    Pengembangan Senam Aerobik Kids Untuk Materi Pendidikan Jasmani Olahraga Dan Kesehatan Siswa Sekolah Dasar

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    In the process of study in physical education,sport, and health for elementary school student, aerobic gymnastic is can used as one of matery in rhitmic activity for V class. Will hoped to add the variety in physical education,sport, and health material which limited variety. This research becomes the development f the research it self. The procedures of this research which is used consist of the analysis of product which is developed, to improve product earlier, the expert validation, the field trial, consist of the small groupt test and the big group test, product revision, and the development product result The research result is a product model for aerobic gymnastic can be used as media learning of physical education,sport, and health. Based on the scale wide test to the product, the using of aerobic gymnastic model to the student, it can increase the pulse for about 62% from 120 student. From the response which is given to 120 student to the psycomotor aspect which including in a good category as much as 94 student, middle category as much as 23 student, and low category as much as 3 student. For Cognitive aspect including a good category as much as 81 student, middle category as much as 34 student, and low category as much as 5 student. Affective aspect which including good category as much as 88 student, middle category as much as 26 student, and low category as much as 6 student. Based on the researh result which is concluded?é?á: (1) The development of aerobic gymnastic model for learning physical education,sport, and health elementary school students can be increase physical activity student in learning. Improvement pulse rate that happened of students until 62 %. This matter is knowable from means of pulse rate before learning aerobic gymnastic is 93 times a minut, and experiencing of improvement until 150 times a minut after following learn aerobic gymnastic. (2) The student is very intersting and feels happy with the aerobic gymnastic model which is thaugt so that the student can move effectively in learning implementation. ?é?

    Analisis Karakteristik Anak Tidak Bersekolah Di Indonesia

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    This research identified and analyzed school participation of children in Indonesia from 7 to 15 years old. Using data collected by Survey Sosial Ekonomi Nasional (SUSENAS) in 2012, probit model estimates that there are more probabilities in boys rather that girls to leave their education. As well as living environtment supported, citizen have more well educated children than villagers. Elementary schools had been highly needed to full school supply so that out-of-school-children level will drop as low as possible. But an increase in junior high school supplied will not turned out as it applied on elementary schools

    Pengaruh Audit Operasional dan Prosedur Persediaan Barang terhadap Efektivitas Persediaan Barang (Studi Kasus pada Pt.indomarco Prismatama Cabang Bandung) Juduxl Bahasa Inggris

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    In line with the development of the company, the management is required to manage the activities of company operations effectively. Operational audits is required in the management of inventory, that overcome the various issues that arise in management inventory. Meanwhile, procedure inventory needed as guidelines for employee in do activities warehousing. So at the end operational audits and procedure is expected to improve the effectiveness inventory. The objective of this research was to determine the influence of the operational audits and procedure inventory on effectiveness inventory. This Research use descriptive verification method . The population of this research is part of inventory admin, receiving, warehouse with sample of 53 respondents. The data  used in this research is primary data through questionnaires and interviews, and secondary data through library research. The methods of analysis used in this research is multiple linear regression analysis, simultaneous test (F test) and partial test (t test). The result obtained of coefficient determination R Square is 76,1%. The result of this research indicate that simultaneously operational audist and procedure inventory significantly influence the effectiveness inventory, while operational audits partially not significantly influence the effectiveness inventory and procedure inventory significantly influence the effectiveness inventory

    Penyusunan Strategi E-government Berbasis Kerangka Kerja Pemeringkatan E-government Indonesia (Pegi) Di Lembaga Penerbangan Dan Antariksa Nasional

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    People's presures for establishing good governance motivate the government to be able quickly determine a right strategy to accelerate achievement of the government goals. One of strategies implemented in government is developing e-government, as stated in the Presidential Instruction No. 3 of 2003 on National Policy and Strategy Development of e-government. A framework used to measure level of development and implementation of e-government in Indonesian government institutions is PeGI (The ranking of e-government of Indonesia). To be able perform the implementation and development of e-government in a timely and effectively, it needs some strategies. This research aims to devise an e-government development strategy based on the PeGI framework by doing a case study on the National Institute of Aeronautics and Space (LAPAN). The methodology used is descriptive qualitative with data collection methods including document analysis, observations, and focus group discussion (FGD). Based on the analysis, it is found that the level of e-government implementation in LAPAN today is 1.88 while the level of e-government implementation expected is 3.18. Finally, this study described the strategies in LAPAN to reach the level of implementation of e-government as expected

    Program Application Impressions and Cinema Film Synopsis Using Visual Basic 6.0

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    The use of computers as a tool to solve human problems is felt more and more increasing. This is supported by the emergence of a programming language that supports OOP techniques (Object Oriented Programming). With the OOP, the job becomes much easier to program than ever before. Examples of programming languages that have supported this facility from Microsoft Visual Basic.In order to meet the demands and needs of programmers, Microsoft continues to influence this programming language. At the center of this writing the final version of Visual Basic is Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0.In this writing, the author uses the Microsoft Visual Basic version 6.0 to create a software application that can be usedin movie theaters

    Desain dan Implementasi Z-Source Inverter 3 Fasa dengan Metode Simple Boost Control untuk Suplai Motor Induksi

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    Aplikasi dari energi terbarukan semakin banyak dikembangkan terutama penelitian mengenai photovoltaic dan fuel cell. Namun, kendala utama pada photovoltaic dan fuel cell yaitu memiliki tegangan keluaran yang rendah sehingga diperlukan sebuah konverter peningkat tegangan sebelum dapat diaplikasikan untuk inverter. Penggunaan inverter dengan penambahan topologi peningkat tegangan menyebabkan rugi – rugi konverter semakin besar. Selain itu, kendala utama pada topologi voltage source inverter yaitu tidak dapat beroperasi sebagai buck-boost konverter, diperlukannya dead time pada kontrol gate, dan kondisi shoot through zero state akan menyebabkan kerusakan pada inverter. Oleh karena itu, diperlukan desain topologi inverter yang memiliki kemampuan konversi boost dan tahan terhadap kondisi shoot through zero state. Z-Source inverter merupakan pengembangan dari voltage source inverter dengan penambahan rangkaian sumber impedansi dan kontrol penyalaan menggunakan simple boost control. Efisiensi Z-Source inverter dapat mencapai 88%. Faktor peningkatan tegangan dapat mencapai 2.4 kali dengan menggunakan shoot through duty ratio sebesar 16%. Z-Source inverter mampu mengontrol kecepatan motor induksi berdasarkan v/f konstan dengan cara merubah nilai shoot through duty ratio dan frekuensi fundamental. Jadi inverter ini sangat cocok untuk diaplikasikan sebagai topologi dengan kemampuan meningkatkan tegangan input dan digunakan sebagai kontrol kecepatan motor induksi

    Pendekatan dengan Cuckoo Optimization Algorithm untuk Solusi Permasalahan Economic Emission Dispatch

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    Economic Dispatch adalah upaya untuk meminimalkan biaya operasi unit pembangkit dengan tetap memperhatikan batasan teknis dari masing-masing unit pembangkit, harga bahan bakar, biaya pemeliharaan dan lain sebagainya. Di sisi lain, unit pembangkit termal menggunakan bahan bakar fosil sebagai bahan bakar boiler untuk membangkitkan energi listrik, sehingga sisa hasil pembakaran dari unit pembangkit ini menghasilkan emisi gas buang yang menyebabkan polusi serta mencemari lingkungan. Melalui dua permasalahan tersebut metode optimasi algoritma cuckoo yang diadaptasi dari cara burung cuckoo dalam berkembang biak, sarang yang menghasilkan generasi baru cuckoo direpresentasikan sebagai solusi baru untuk permasalahan optimasi dalam meminimalkan biaya bahan bakar dan emisi gas buang. Hasil dari metode optimasi algoritma cuckoo, pada saat nilai pembobot seimbang yaitu 0,5, untuk fungsi biaya bahan bakar didapatkan 18940,40 dengan pengurangan biaya sebesar 1745,3 dan untuk fungsi emisi didapatka 839,94 dengan pengurangan emisi sebesar 187,35
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