1,391 research outputs found

    Design of Circuitry and Programming of a Climbing Robot for MIRoC 2014 Competition

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    The climbing robot created for this project is aimed to join the Malaysian International Robot Competition (MIRoC) 2014. Arduino microcontroller was chosen to control the movement of a climbing robot. Designing and testing of the actuator system, circuitry and programming must be done in order to produce a robot with the most efficient algorithm of movement. Servo motors are used for the actuator system of the robot. The robot faces problem when climbing when there is too much friction between the gripper of the robot and the rope to be climbed. Thus, the gripping force produced by the robot must be considered and compared with the weight of the robot. The angle of the gripper at the moment the robot is climbing also plays an important role in this. Of course, the study of kinematics with regards of the mechanisms of the robot can be really helpful in making sure the smooth movement of the robot when climbing


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    With the increasing awareness of global warming, geopolymer cement has been identified as one of the methods in reducing the emission of CO2 during oil well cementing operation. However, it is important that geopolymer cement can meet the specific requirement of oil well condition in order to be the substitute of current conventional cement system. The use of geopolymer in cement system is a new technology that yet needs proper study to yield better advantages of it. In this research, the main objective was to observe properties are thickening time, fluid loss and compressive strength. In the early stage, literature review on previous research showed utilizing geopolymer in cement composition will significantly reduce C02 emission and enhanced properties characteristic as well. Detailed study on geopolymer materials, conventional cement, and additives was carried out. As the conclusion, from the obtained results geopolymer cement showed better properties compared to conventional cement

    Presentació del director del Festival Dona i la Cultura de l'Opressió

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    Komunikasi Persuasif Argumentatif Perspektif Al-Quran : Studi Terhadap Dialog Ibrahim dengan Penganut Paganisme

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    The success of da'wah is directly proportional to the success of the applied communication. One form of Islam's great concern for communication is that Islam provides an explanation of its rules and ethics. One of the successes of the preaching of the prophets was by applying communication that is persuasive and seducing known as persuasive, but it also applies communication that shows a series of facts and evidence in such a way that is called argumentation ability so that it is called persuasive argumentative communication. Among the argumentative persuasive communications contained in the Qur'an is the dialogue between the Prophet Abraham and adherents of paganism. In this dialogue, there are arguments about the true nature of God that must be worshiped and glorified. Argumentative persuasive communication provides a solution for a preacher who is a communicator in packaging his communication so that the object of his da'wah follows what is conveyed regarding his da'wah. By using persuasive communication techniques that emphasize the psychological and sociological functions contained in the communicant and with argumentation techniques that optimize the function of dialogue wisely with the interlocutor, it will make the da'wah message conveyed able to change the views, attitudes and behavior of the da'wah object or the communicant


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    DC Motor still plays a very important instrument in industrial field though many new designs have been develop. The current way of controlling DC Motor is by using PI feedback controller in order to achieve the set point. PI controller has been selected as the result of it advantages compare with the other types. However PI controller also contain a lot of disadvantages thus which proposed the author to proposal a new intelligent type of DC Motor controller which use Fuzzy Logic algorithm and called Fuzzy Logic Controller (FLC). Due to this thesis, Fuzzy Logic Controller has been design and fabricate. This new controller is using microcontroller, PIC 16F877A as the main device to do the decision making and been programmed using C language. The test then been conducted on PI Controller and Fuzzy Logic Controller to compare the efficiency in controlling the DC Motor. Based on the result, Fuzzy Logic Controller gives better performance compare with PI Controller. For the further studies other intelligent approach was been suggested instead of using Fuzzy Logic algorithm

    Freshwater Fishes of Sungai Chantek, Pasir Akar, Besut, Terengganu, Peninsular Malaysia

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    Twenty two species from 12 families of primary freshwater fishes were recorded from Sg. Chantek, Pasik Akar, Besut, Terengganu. Cyprinidae was the most dominant family (27%) with six species followed by Balitoridae with four species (18%). Fish composition was dominated by Poropuntius smedleyi with 140 individuals collected. More fish were collected in the downstream section (LS) (85 individuals) compare to middle (MS) and upper stream (US) sections. Fish species richness for each section range from 12 (US) to 18 (LS) and the differences was between US-LS and MS-LS sections but not with US-MS. LS has more fish species compared to US and MS. It is hypothesized that the presence of different substrate types and microhabitats at LS promotes species richness. Despite of its small size stream, the ichthyofauna found at Sungai Chantek are important and should be kept intact. This study has successfully documented fish diversity at Sg. Chantek. It is suggested that continuous monitoring to be undertaken to ensure species diversity is preserved

    Implikatur Dalam Akun Meme Politik Indonesia

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    AbstrakPenelitian ini mengaji tentang implikatur dalam meme pada akun @memepolitikindonesia di instagram. Rumusan masalah pada penelitian adalah jenis implikatur meme dan fungsi meme. Teori yang digunakan untuk menganalisis masalah tersebut adalah teori implikatur dari Stephen C. Levinson dan teori fungsi bahasa dari Jakobson. Sumber data dalam penelitian ini terdapat sebanyak 44 meme dari akun @memepolitikindonesia. Metode dan teknik pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah simak dengan teknik simak bebas libat cakap, catat, dan teknik dokumentasi. Metode dan teknik yang digunakan dalam tahap analisis data adalah metode padan dan teknik Hubung Banding Menyamakan hal pokok (HBSP). Hasil penelitian ini diuraikan sebagai berikut. Tuturan dalam meme ditemukan dalam dua jenis, yaitu tuturan meme yang berjenis implikatur umum dan tuturan meme yang berjenis implikatur khusus. Tuturan yang berjenis implikatur khusus lebih banyak ditemukan daripada tuturan yang berjenis implikatur umum. Hal ini sesuai dengan hakikat meme itu sendiri yang untuk menyatakan maksud dari suatu tuturan lebih bersifat tersirat dengan disertai gambar. Fungsi meme ditemukan empat fungsi, yaitu fungsi emotif, fungsi konatif, fungsi representatif, dan fungsi puitik. Secara teoretis fungsi meme seharusnya memiliki enam fungsi, yaitu empat fungsi di atas ditambah fungsi patik dan fungsi metalingual. Fungsi meme yang tidak ditemukan adalah fungsi fatik dan fungsi metalingual. Hal ini dikarenakan fungsi fatik dan fungsi metalingual tidak dapat digunakan dalam meme. Kata kunci: meme, implikatur, fungsi bahasa AbstractThis study reviews the implicatures in memes on the @memepolitikindonesia account on Instagram. The formulation of the problem in the study is the type of meme implicature and meme function. The theory used to analyze the problem is the implicature theory of Stephen C. Levinson and the language function theory of Jakobson.The data sources in this study are 44 memes from the account @emepolitikindonesia. The methods and techniques of data collection used are refer to the proficient, note-taking and documentation techniques. The methods and techniques used in the data analysis stage are the matching method and the Appeal Connecting technique to equalize the main thing (HBSP). The results of this study are described as follows. Speeches in memes are found in two types, namely utterances of memes of the type of general implicature and utterances of memes of a special type of implicature. Speeches of a special type of implicature are more commonly found than speeches which are types of general implicatures. This is in accordance with the nature of the meme itself to express the intent of a speech more implied with a picture. The meme function is found in four functions, namely emotive function, conative function, representative function, and poetic function. Theoretically the meme function should have six functions, namely the four functions above plus the patik function and the metalingual function. The function of memes that are not found is fatigue and metalingual function. This is because the fatigue function and the metalingual function cannot be used in memes. Keywords : meme, implicature, language functio