75 research outputs found

    The Impact of Brand Experience on Customer Citizenship Behavior among Airlines’ Passengers: An Examination of the Mediating Roles of Brand Relationship Quality, Affective Commitment, and Brand Loyalty.

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    This study investigates the significance of brand experience in deciding customer citizenship behavior with the mediating roles of brand relationship quality, affective commitment, and brand loyalty for airline passengers of 20 international airline brands operating on international routes to and from Pakistan. The stimulus-organism-response model served as an overarching theory for the conceptual model. However, social exchange and brand relationship theories also helped explain the interaction among study constructs. This cross-sectional survey research followed the positivist research philosophy. This study used quota and purposive sampling techniques. Thereby, three major cities: Karachi, Lahore, and Islamabad, yielded 395 credible responses from international air travelers of Pakistani descent. PLS-SEM is used to evaluate structural model relationships between constructs. This study demonstrates the significance of the direct relationship between brand experience and customer citizenship behavior, with the multiple and serial mediation effects of brand relationship quality, affective commitment, and brand loyalty in the relationship between brand experience and customer citizenship behavior. The findings show that brand experience has a robust direct effect on customer citizenship behavior. Other significant direct effects include the impact of brand experience on brand loyalty and the effect of brand relationship quality on customer citizenship behavior. The significant mediating relationships include the mediating role of brand relationship quality between brand experience and brand loyalty, the mediation effect of brand loyalty between brand experience and customer citizenship behavior, and the mediating role of brand loyalty in the relationship between brand relationship quality and customer citizenship behavior. This study made a significant theoretical contribution to the larger body of knowledge by extending the S-O-R model and the brand relationship theory. This study will help brand managers implement campaigns to capture airline passengers’ experiences. It will help future studies understand the use of hierarchical component models in SEM and operationalize brand experience construct in the airline industry context

    Factors Affecting Customer Satisfaction: A Case Study of Food Panda

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    Purpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate the impact of service quality and social media marketing on customer satisfaction, mediating through the brand image of the food panda. This study also aims to examine the moderating role of the price on the relationship between the brand image and customer satisfaction. Methodology: The nature of this study is quantitative, so the researcher used the deductive approach.  Primary data was collected by a closed-ended questionnaire from the 354 frequent users of the food panda of Karachi city. After the initial screening, 332 respondents' data was accurate for further analysis. The data analysis technique was PLS-SEM, done by PLS Smart. Findings: From the results of this study, it was found that social media marketing and the service quality of the food panda have a significant positive impact on customer satisfaction. Price doesn’t exert any moderation effect on the satisfaction of the customers of Food Panda.  Conclusion: From this study, it is concluded that service quality and social media marketing are highly affecting customer satisfaction. So, that is why food panda must concentrate on its service quality to bring better satisfaction to its customers. Practical Implications: The findings will help the food panda to concentrate on the proper factors which are practically responsible for the satisfaction of its customers

    Al-Zakat: Taxation Model in Public Finance

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    Al-zakat is a Quranic term, which is considered as a religious financial worship. From traditional point of view a fixed percentage i.e. 2.5% is imposed as a religion tax on the Muslims which have a certain quantity of gold, silver and some animals. The heads on which this amount may be spent and the rate is considered as fixed. But the actual fact is that, Quran has used this term for the taxation system of an Islamic state. Different reasons from Quran can be given to prove this claim, e.g. Quran has separated al-zakat from al-sadaqat and expenditure in the way of Allah and do not consider it as a donation, imposition of al-zakat is associated with getting of power, Quran did not appeal to pay it but the order is given for the same, the heads and rate of al-zakat are not given in Quran. Keywords: Quran; Verse; al-zakat; Donation; Sadaqa

    Public Opinion towards Advertising: Factor Analytic Findings From Pakistan

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    This study aims to investigate the public opinion about advertising in Pakistan. A survey of respondents studying at various universities was conducted [N = 575]. This study uses Polly and Mittal (1993) model of beliefs and attitudes towards advertising. The data was collected from SEC A and B classes through survey method using quota sampling technique. The public opinion was first analyzed using Factor Analysis and resulted in seven opinion categories  i.e., a) Skeptic; b)  Ecstatic; c) Sarcastic; d) Trendy; e) Rationalist; f) Dogmatic; and g) Sagacious. These opinions were finally summarized into two schools of thoughts i.e., a) Sanguine; and b) Antagonist. This piece of research will provide tremendous opportunities to marketers in understanding consumers and their attitudes towards advertising in Pakistan. Advertisement is a ubiquitous part of modern life and previous research shows that consumers around the globe hold a negative view of advertising (Shavitt, lowrey & Hafner, 1998). Consumers are deluged by advertisements and media in a variety of ways every day. In an era where communication with customer is considered critical, it becomes crucial to assess the attitudes and confidence of general public towards advertisement (O’Guinn, Allen, and Semenik, 1998: Krugman, Reid, Dunn, and Barban, 1994). Keywords: Public opinion, advertising, Factor Analyti

    Laws of Consumption - An Economic Construal

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    Consumption is one of the important variables of macro economics.  It is that part of income of a house hold which is not saved.  It plays a vital role in the economy; this is the reason that, Quran has given special emphasis on it and gives some basic laws in this regard.  Quran has warned the human being that your consumption is under observation of God and on the Day of Judgment questions will be asked about that.  Moreover it is also ordered that, do not waste your wealth in any way and consume it in the optimum manner.  In addition gratitude of wealth is also compulsory.  The way of gratitude is the obedience of laws of God.  Keywords: Quran; Verses, Consumption, Wastage; Obedience

    Expression of anaplastic lymphokinase and HER2/neu immunostaining in patients with breast carcinoma

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    Background: The diagnosis and prognosis of breast cancer is done with various immunomarkers including estrogen receptor (ER), progesterone receptor (PR), human epidermal growth factor receptor-2 (HER2/neu), and Ki-67. The diagnostic utility of Anaplastic Lymphokinase (ALK) and HER2/neu should be explored for better management of breast carcinoma patients. So, the present study was designed to determine the expression of immunostaining with ALK and HER2/neu in patients with breast cancer and to compare the association of ALK expression and HER2/neu with clinicopathological parameters.Methods: This is a cross sectional multicenter study carried out from October 2016 to March 2017. A total of 140 subjects having breast carcinoma by using non-probability purposive sampling technique were selected. After taking informed consent, tissue samples were taken from received specimen of mastectomy for hematoxylin and eosin stain. The immunohistochemistry for ALK and HER2/neu were assessed on the paraffin blocks of the tumor.Results: Out of total 140 cases invasive ductal carcinoma (89%), invasive lobular carcinoma (8%), invasive medullary carcinoma (2.1%) and papillary carcinoma (0.7%) were seen. ALK expression was positive in 81 patients (58%) while HER2/neu expression was positive in 53 cases (38%). Significant association was observed between ALK expression with histological grade, lymph node involvement, skin involvement and necrosis. There was also a significant association was seen between HER2/neu expression with lymph node metastasis and necrosis.Conclusions: Present study shows higher expression of ALK when compared to HER2/neu expression in breast cancer patients

    The diagnostic utility of ancillary CD117 immunomarker compared with cell block cytology of thyroid lesions based on Bethesda grading system

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    Background: This is a cross sectional multicenter study carried out from July 2017 to December 2017. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the fine needle aspiration cytology and cell block of thyroid lesions on the basis of Bethesda grading system. Also, expression of CD117 immunostaining in thyroid lesions was evaluated. Finally, the results of cell block were compared with expression of CD117 immunomarker for diagnostic confirmation of different thyroid lesions.Methods: Total one hundred (100) patients presenting with thyroid swelling underwent fine needle aspiration, cell block preparation to diagnose and categorize thyroid lesion on the basis of Bethesda grading system and finally immunostaining with CD117 was carried out.Results: FNAC results showed 71% patients with benign thyroid morphology and about 23% cases were categorized as atypical to fairly malignant. In cell block study benign lesions diagnosed were 77%, 17% cases as suspicious and 6% were malignant thyroid nodules. Whereas expression of ancillary CD117 immunomarker, confirmed 83% as benign lesions and 17% cases as malignant. Overall ancillary CD117 immunomarker established the better diagnosis to manage and differentiate thyroid lesions.Conclusions: Cell block results are more accurate than FNAC in thyroid patients. The CD117 immunomarkers can be used as better diagnostic tool for confirmation of thyroid lesions and thus it can reduce unnecessary surgical intervention

    E-Commerce: The Mantra of Urban Centers

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    The research done in this paper is done to analyze the effects of different variables on Customer’s loyalty in the e-commerce business. As the act of shopping is digitalized and more and more stores shift their business towards online shopping, the e-commerce industry thrives.  The intricacies of the business in the e-commerce sector depend on a plethora of variables, and we have analyzed the effects of some on each other. Much of the business in the ecommerce sector depends on the actions and preferences of the customer. That being said, the following encircles a customer’s satisfaction as the main factor, across which multiple hypothesis are made and later on proved as well using different software and research techniques. Other factors are e-commerce security and expectations. There are a number of limitations in this research that leaves some grey area for it to be explored further. These limitations are defined at the end of the research and all the enhancements are proposed as well

    Effects of IV Magnesium Sulphate on Hemodynamic Response To Pneumoperitoneum In Laparoscopic Cholecyctectomy; A Randomized Control Trial

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    Objective: To determine the effect of IV Magnesium sulphate (MgSO4) in attenuating the hemodynamic effects of pneumoperitoneum. Methodology: Our single blind randomized control trial (based on computer generated randomize allocation) was carried out at Holy Family Hospital and included 60 patients, not allergic to MgSO4 and belonging to the American Society of Anesthesiology (class 1 and 2. Patients were divided into two groups with Intervention group (M group) receiving 30 mg/kg of MgSO4 and the control group (C group) receiving a placebo. Hemodynamic parameters were then measured at different points of time during surgery. Data was collected and analyzed by using statistical package for the social sciences (SPSS) version 25.0. Results: Out of 60 patients selected 86.7% were females while 13.3% were males. Mean age was 35.78(SD=8.26). As compared to group, patients belonging to group had significantly lower heart rate, systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 15 minutes, after release of pneumoperitoneum and at extubation with p values less than 0.05. Conclusion: Our study concludes that 30 mg/kg of MgSO4 given as a bolus just before creation of pneumoperitoneum protect against its possible adverse hemodynamic effects

    A Deep Learning-Based Framework for Feature Extraction and Classification of Intrusion Detection in Networks

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    An intrusion detection system, often known as an IDS, is extremely important for preventing attacks on a network, violating network policies, and gaining unauthorized access to a network. The effectiveness of IDS is highly dependent on data preprocessing techniques and classification models used to enhance accuracy and reduce model training and testing time. For the purpose of anomaly identification, researchers have developed several machine learning and deep learning-based algorithms; nonetheless, accurate anomaly detection with low test and train times remains a challenge. Using a hybrid feature selection approach and a deep neural network- (DNN-) based classifier, the authors of this research suggest an enhanced intrusion detection system (IDS). In order to construct a subset of reduced and optimal features that may be used for classification, a hybrid feature selection model that consists of three methods, namely, chi square, ANOVA, and principal component analysis (PCA), is applied. These methods are referred to as “the big three.” On the NSL-KDD dataset, the suggested model receives training and is then evaluated. The proposed method was successful in achieving the following results: a reduction of input data by 40%, an average accuracy of 99.73%, a precision score of 99.75%, an F1 score of 99.72%, and an average training and testing time of 138% and 2.7 seconds, respectively. The findings of the experiments demonstrate that the proposed model is superior to the performance of the other comparison approaches.publishedVersio
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