6 research outputs found


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    Tugas akhir merupakan syarat untuk mendapatkan gelar sarjana. Saat ini proses administrasi tugas akhir pada Jurusan Teknik Elektro dan Komputer, Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Syiah Kuala umumnya masih dilakukan secara paper-based. Hal ini tentunya akan membutuhkan banyak waktu dalam proses administrasi tugas akhir. Untuk mengatasi masalah tersebut penulis merancang dan membangun sistem informasi untuk memudahkan proses administrasi tugas akhir. Sistem Informasi ini digunakan oleh Administrator Jurusan, Koordinator Tugas Akhir, Dosen pembimbing, Dosen penguji, dan Mahasiswa. Pengembangan sistem informasi ini menggunakan arsitektur MVC (Model-View-Controller) berdasarkan analisa kebutuhan user. Selanjutnya pengujian aplikasi dilakukan dengan 3 metode, yaitu Unit Testing, Black Box Testing dan White Box Testing. Aplikasi telah diuji dengan metode pengujian Unit Tesing, Black Box Testing dan White Box Testing. Pengujian berjalan dengan sukses. Hal ini menunjukkan aplikasi berjalan dengan baik.Kata kunci: Tugas Akhir, paper-based, sistem informasi, MVC (Model-View-Controller)

    Designing Prototype of Acoustic & Resistivity Transducer

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    A seismic wave is acoustic energy transmitted by vibration of rock particles. Low energy waves are approximately elastic, leaving the rock mass unchanged by their passage, but close to a seismic source the rock may be shattered and permanently distorted. Reservoir characterization and monitoring using seismic technology has seen tremendous progress and recognition in recent years. In theory, time-lapse seismology measures the spatial and temporal changes related to reservoir changes and processes and it provide data on whether these changes are large enough to resolve seismically. Other than seismic method, resistivity is one of alternative for geophysicist to characterize and monitoring the reservoir. Seismic and resistivity test normally done in different stages which create errors. This method affect the feasibility during test or experiment thus resulting in wrong interpretation for reservoir characteristic especially while monitoring water flooding. A device is being designed which has the capability to run seismic and resistivity monitoring on reservoir characterization at one time and feasibility will be the focus objective for this research by implementing several experiment with the new device designed. As a result of completing the research project, it expected for author to learn as much possible about geophysics application and able to apply while monitoring the devices. The author will focus on the application of seismic and resistivity test during water flooding monitoring. As the conclusion, implication of findings will be the feasibility of device by applying two geophysics principals which are seismic and resistivity during water flooding monitoring

    Can the Arts Change the World? The Transformative Power of the Arts in Fostering and Sustaining Social Change

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    A group of nonprofit leaders working in the arts, advocacy, political organizing, social services, and education explored the connection between community organizing and creative expression by engaging in collective activities, including visiting various examples of community arts, and experimentation with their own practice. Through this process, the group concluded that arts could be socially transformative; that community arts can create a safe space that allows people to trust and be open to changing; that art can help people reflect together and not talk past one another; and that the process of creating together can be healing and sustaining

    The Top Mass Upper Bound and Electroweak Radiative Corrections

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    We investigated the possibility of introducing sizeable negative corrections to the εN1\varepsilon_{N1} (δρ\delta \rho) parameter without affecting εN3\varepsilon_{N3}. We have found that a proper vector-like family of fermions can imply such corrections. Differently from supersymmetry \cite{bcf}, this can be realized without introducing light particles easily observable at LEP II. Our example can be of particular interest if no new particle is found at LEP II and the εN1\varepsilon_{N1} value is found to be small compared to the one expected in the case of a large top mass.Comment: 7 pages, Latex, IFUP-TH 3/9

    A comparison of Mean - variance and mean - semi variance optimization on the Nairobi Stock Exchange.pdf

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    Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the Degree of Bachelor in Business Science Actuarial at Strathmore UniversityThe main objectives of this paper were to measure and compare the portfolio performance of portfolios weighted through the mean variance and semi variance approach in the Kenyan context and to compare portfolio performance in terms of return between portfolios weighted using a Geometric Mean Variance Frontier Approach V s Semi Variance Approach. Equities used were from broad sectors of the NSE: Agricultural, Financial, Commercial and Services and Industrial. Based on the empirical results, there is no significant advantage in using semi variance as a risk measure as compared to variance in optimization. This is because the equity returns in the Nairobi Stock Exchange follow a normal probability distribution. The geometric mean variance returns are also compared to the semi variance optimization methods and results show they statistically approximate each other. Key limitations for the study that NSE duration used may have been a unique case for a normal distribution. Further research needs to be done to ascertain whether the geometric mean variance optimization approximates the semi variance approach