32 research outputs found

    Anaesthetic management of supratentorial tumor craniotomy using awake-throughout approach

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    The authors are reporting an anaesthetic management of patient presenting with left parietal lobe space occupying lesion and scheduled for Awake-craniotomy. Awake-throughout approach using scalp block was planned. Among techniques reported for keeping patient awake during the surgery, this one is really underutilized. The successful conduct requires thorough preoperative assessment and psychological preparation. We used powerpoint presentation as a preoperative teaching tool. The anatomical landmark technique was used to institute scalp block, where individual nerves were targeted bilaterally. Patient remained stable throughout and participated actively in intraoperative neurological monitoring. Postoperative period showed remarkable recovery, better pain control, and shorter length of stay in hospital

    Influence of the Different Carbon and Nitrogen Sources on the Production of Biodiesel by Oleaginous Fungi Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus

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    في الدراسة الحاليه  تمت المقارنه بين تاثير مصادر كربونيه ونتروجينيه مختلفه على النمو ومحتوى الدهون في عزلتين من الفطريات المنتجه للدهون    Aspergillus  terreus و Aspergillus fumigatus  . زرعت العزلتين الفطريه على اوساط زرعيه حاويه على مصادر كربونيه مختلفه السكريات الاحاديه والثنائية والمتعدده  ومصادر نتروجينيه متضمنه الببتون وخلاصة الخميرة  وكانت الاوساط الحاويه على السكروز / خلاصة الخميره  او السكروز / خلاصة الخميره اكثر تاثيرا على انتاجيه الدهون للعزلتين الفطريه خلال فترة حضانه اسبوعين حيث بلغت   اعلى قيمة للكتلة الحيويه المتمثلة بالوزن الجاف (19.6 , 18.8)   (25.8 , 30.5 ) ,   غم / لتر ونسبة الدهون  (1, 0.97 )g/L  , (0.65 , 0.65) غم / لتر لكلا العزلنين الفطريه Aspergillus  terreus   و   Aspergillus fumigatus  على الترتيب ثم تبعتها اوساط الغنيه  بالمالتوز/ خلاصة الخميرة واخيرا النشا  / خلاصة الخميرة . وفيما يخص تحليل الحوامض الدهنيه بواسطه جهاز كروموتوكرافيا الغاز Gas Chromotography   والمنتجه من قبل كلا  العزلتين الفطريتين لوحظ وجود انواع مختلفه تضمنت   Palmitic   Oleic acids , stearic acid   و linoleic acid   اي المشبعه والغير مشبعه. اظهرت النتائج تفاوت في تركيب الحوامض الدهنيه يعتمد على نوع مصادر الكربون والنتروجين , وجود الحوامض الدهنيه المشبعه الاحاديه والغير مشبعه في كلا الفطرين  A. terreus و  A.fumigatusيثبت كونهما مرشحان جيدين في انتاج الديزل الحيوي.In the present study, the growth and total lipid contents of two oleaginous fungal isolates Aspergillus terreus, Aspergillus fumigatus were compared in different nitrogen and organic carbon sources.  Artificially the fungi were cultured on media consisting of various mono- or di- or polysaccharides and  peptone or yeast extract as elementary sources for carbon and nitrogen, respectively. Media containing sucrose /yeast extract or glucose/ yeast extract were the most effective for lipid production from fungal, during  two weeks  incubation period, the highest biomass of dry weight was (19.6 , 18.8) g / L , (25.8 , 30.5) g /L  and  lipid yield (1, 0.97 )g/L, (0.65, 0.65) g/ L for two isolates Aspergillus terreus and Aspergillus fumigatus  respectively then followed maltose/ yeast extract then  starch / yeast extract .Analysis of fatty acid produced by two fungal isolates  using Gas Chromatography  showed the existence of a wide range of fatty acids, these fatty acids were together saturated and unsaturated. The results revealed that the unevenness in the fatty acids composition mainly depends on the type of carbon and nitrogen sources. The existence of saturated and mono saturated fatty acids in A.fumigatus, A. terreus prove that they are  good candidate for biodiesel production. The analysis of fatty acid from the fungal growth showed the existence of a wide range of fatty acids   Palmitic ,Oleic acids , stearic acid and linoleic acid     together saturated and unsaturated. The results revealed that the unevenness in the fatty acid composition mainly depends on the type  of carbon  and nitrogen sources. The presence of saturated and mono saturated fatty acid in  A.fumigatus , A. terreus prove that it is a good candidate for biodiesel production

    Implementation of ergonomics and lean manufacturing principles to improve work environment and performance of soccer ball production line

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    Value addition and performance improvement are important to deal with increasing local and global market competitiveness. Interventions and automation based on Lean and ergonomics principles have strong influence on performance improvement of the production systems. This study focuses on implementation of lean manufacturing and ergonomics principles to improve work environment and performance of the soccer manufacturing production line. Work visualization and value stream mapping (VSM) techniques were employed to identify the opportunities for improvements. Time of value and non-value-added activities is recorded using time study method. Working postures and associated risk factors are evaluated using Rapid Entire Body Assessment (REBA) method. Lean manufacturing principles are employed to minimize wastes and non-value added activities. Similarly, improvements in work environment are made through ergonomics interventions. Various models comprising different levels of lean and ergonomics interventions were evaluated through simulation before actual implementation. The results of the finalized model in terms of decrease in cycle time (8.64 to 7.018 seconds), increase in daily production (20505 to 24176 soccer balls), and improved work environment are evident of performance improvements in all aspects. The integration of lean and ergonomics principles leads to improve the productivity and working environment for workers in soccer ball manufacturing industry

    Study protocol of DIVERGE, the first genetic epidemiological study of major depressive disorder in Pakistan

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    INTRODUCTION: Globally, 80% of the burdenof major depressive disorder (MDD) pertains to low- and middle-income countries. Research into genetic and environmental risk factors has the potential to uncover disease mechanisms that may contribute to better diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, yet has so far been largely limited to participants with European ancestry from high-income countries. The DIVERGE study was established to help overcome this gap and investigate genetic and environmental risk factors for MDD in Pakistan. METHODS: DIVERGE aims to enrol 9000 cases and 4000 controls in hospitals across the country. Here, we provide the rationale for DIVERGE, describe the study protocol and characterise the sample using data from the first 500cases. Exploratory data analysis is performed to describe demographics, socioeconomic status, environmental risk factors, family history of mental illness and psychopathology. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Many participants had severe depression with 74% of patients who experienced multiple depressive episodes. It was a common practice to seek help for mental health struggles from faith healers and religious leaders. Socioeconomic variables reflected the local context with a large proportion of women not having access to any education and the majority of participants reporting no savings. CONCLUSION: DIVERGE is a carefully designed case-control study of MDD in Pakistan that captures diverse risk factors. As the largest genetic study in Pakistan, DIVERGE helps address the severe underrepresentation of people from South Asian countries in genetic as well as psychiatric research

    Study protocol of DIVERGE, the first genetic epidemiological study of major depressive disorder in Pakistan.

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    INTRODUCTION: Globally, 80% of the burdenof major depressive disorder (MDD) pertains to low- and middle-income countries. Research into genetic and environmental risk factors has the potential to uncover disease mechanisms that may contribute to better diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, yet has so far been largely limited to participants with European ancestry from high-income countries. The DIVERGE study was established to help overcome this gap and investigate genetic and environmental risk factors for MDD in Pakistan. METHODS: DIVERGE aims to enrol 9000 cases and 4000 controls in hospitals across the country. Here, we provide the rationale for DIVERGE, describe the study protocol and characterise the sample using data from the first 500 cases. Exploratory data analysis is performed to describe demographics, socioeconomic status, environmental risk factors, family history of mental illness and psychopathology. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Many participants had severe depression with 74% of patients who experienced multiple depressive episodes. It was a common practice to seek help for mental health struggles from faith healers and religious leaders. Socioeconomic variables reflected the local context with a large proportion of women not having access to any education and the majority of participants reporting no savings. CONCLUSION: DIVERGE is a carefully designed case-control study of MDD in Pakistan that captures diverse risk factors. As the largest genetic study in Pakistan, DIVERGE helps address the severe underrepresentation of people from South Asian countries in genetic as well as psychiatric research

    Sampled Data Robust Control of an Under-Actuated Electromechanical System with Input Delay

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    This paper focuses on sampled data control of an under-actuated electromechanical system with input delay, subjected to both parametric uncertainty and exogenous disturbances. The system is stabilized by a robust H∞ controller that stabilizes the closed loop system and attains a specified level of perturbation attenuation for all permissible parametric uncertainty. The proposed H∞ controller is designed for the orientation control of an under-actuated electromechanical system which is a customized drill machine. The controller is designed on the basis of discrete time equivalent model of the system which is fully actuated and time invariant. The controller performance is evaluated on the basis of Monte Carlo simulations

    Reverse Logistics Route Selection Using AHP: A Case Study of Electronics Scrap from Pakistan

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    Part 1: Lean and Green ManufacturingInternational audienceSelection of optimal route among available choices in the presence of various factors has been a prime focus in logistics. In this paper, Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP) is used for selection of optimum route among available options for revere logistics of electronics scrap from Pakistan to the industry using End of Life (EOL) products as there raw material. The main objective of this study is to find out the optimal reverse logistic path for electronic scrap considering: cost of transportation, time of transportation, volume of goods to be transported, nature of goods (refurbished, recyclable or scrap), and financial value of the goods being transported. Recently developed China Pakistan Economic Corridor named as CPEC is also considered among available routes which are being analyzed. The results show that CPEC is the best possible route. In addition, the proposed mechanism also provides hierarchical list for the possible route preferences which helps in finding an alternate in case the best/better route isn’t available due to some unavoidable factors

    Phosphate-deprivation and damage signalling by extracellular ATP.

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    Peer reviewed: TruePhosphate deprivation compromises plant productivity and modulates immunity. DAMP signalling by extracellular ATP (eATP) could be compromised under phosphate deprivation by the lowered production of cytosolic ATP and the need to salvage eATP as a nutritional phosphate source. Phosphate-starved roots of Arabidopsis can still sense eATP, indicating robustness in receptor function. However, the resultant cytosolic free Ca2+ signature is impaired, indicating modulation of downstream components. This perspective on DAMP signalling by extracellular ATP (eATP) addresses the salvage of eATP under phosphate deprivation and its promotion of immunity, how Ca2+ signals are generated and how the Ca2+ signalling pathway could be overcome to allow beneficial fungal root colonization to fulfill phosphate demands. Safe passage for an endophytic fungus allowing root colonization could be achieved by its down-regulation of the Ca2+ channels that act downstream of the eATP receptors and by also preventing ROS accumulation, thus further impairing DAMP signalling

    Ascorbic Acid-A Potential Oxidant Scavenger and Its Role in Plant Development and Abiotic Stress Tolerance

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    Over-production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) in plants under stress conditions is a common phenomenon. Plants tend to counter this problem through their ability to synthesize ROS neutralizing substances including non-enzymatic and enzymatic antioxidants. In this context, ascorbic acid (AsA) is one of the universal non-enzymatic antioxidants having substantial potential of not only scavenging ROS, but also modulating a number of fundamental functions in plants both under stress and non-stress conditions. In the present review, the role of AsA, its biosynthesis, and cross-talk with different hormones have been discussed comprehensively. Furthermore, the possible involvement of AsA-hormone crosstalk in the regulation of several key physiological and biochemical processes like seed germination, photosynthesis, floral induction, fruit expansion, ROS regulation and senescence has also been described. A simplified and schematic AsA biosynthetic pathway has been drawn, which reflects key intermediates involved therein. This could pave the way for future research to elucidate the modulation of plant AsA biosynthesis and subsequent responses to environmental stresses. Apart from discussing the role of different ascorbate peroxidase isoforms, the comparative role of two key enzymes, ascorbate peroxidase (APX) and ascorbate oxidase (AO) involved in AsA metabolism in plant cell apoplast is also discussed particularly focusing on oxidative stress perception and amplification. Limited progress has been made so far in terms of developing transgenics which could over-produce AsA. The prospects of generation of transgenics overexpressing AsA related genes and exogenous application of AsA have been discussed at length in the review