14 research outputs found

    The Relationship Between Neighborhood Characteristics and Homicide in Karachi, Pakistan

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    The geographical concentration of criminal violence is closely associated with the social, demographic, and economic structural characteristics of neighborhoods. However, few studies have investigated homicide patterns and their relationships with neighborhoods in South Asian cities. In this study, the spatial and temporal patterns of homicide incidences in Karachi from 2009 to 2018 were analyzed using the local indicators of spatial association (LISA) method. Generalized linear modeling (GLM) and geographically weighted Poisson regression (GWPR) methods were implemented to examine the relationship between influential factors and the number of homicides during the 2009–2018 period. The results demonstrate that the homicide hotspot or clustered areas with high homicide counts expanded from 2009 to 2013 and decreased from 2013 to 2018. The number of homicides in the 2017–2018 period had a positive relationship with the percentage of the population speaking Balochi. The unplanned areas with low-density residential land use were associated with low homicide counts, and the areas patrolled by police forces had a significant negative relationship with the occurrence of homicide. The GWPR models effectively characterized the varying relationships between homicide and explanatory variables across the study area. The spatio-temporal analysis methods can be adapted to explore violent crime in other cities with a similar social context

    Characterizing Spatiotemporal Variations in the Urban Thermal Environment Related to Land Cover Changes in Karachi, Pakistan, from 2000 to 2020

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    Understanding the spatiotemporal patterns of urban heat islands and the factors that influence this phenomenon can help to alleviate the heat stress exacerbated by urban warming and strengthen heat-related urban resilience, thereby contributing to the achievement of the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. The association between surface urban heat island (SUHI) effects and land use/land cover features has been studied extensively, but the situation in tropical cities is not well-understood due to the lack of consistent data. This study aimed to explore land use/land cover (LULC) changes and their impact on the urban thermal environment in a tropical megacity—Karachi, Pakistan. Land cover maps were produced, and the land surface temperature (LST) was estimated using Landsat images from five different years over the period 2000–2020. The surface urban heat island intensity (SUHII) was then quantified based on the LST data. Statistical analyses, including geographically weighted regression (GWR) and correlation analyses, were performed in order to analyze the relationship between the land cover composition and LST. The results indicated that the built-up area of Karachi increased from 97.6 km² to 325.33 km² during the period 2000–2020. Among the different land cover types, the areas classified as built-up or bare land exhibited the highest LST, and a change from vegetation to bare land led to an increase in LST. The correlation analysis indicated that the correlation coefficients between the normalized difference built-up index (NDBI) and LST ranged from 0.14 to 0.18 between 2000 and 2020 and that NDBI plays a dominant role in influencing the LST. The GWR analysis revealed the spatial variation in the association between the land cover composition and the SUHII. Parks with large areas of medium- and high-density vegetation play a significant role in regulating the thermal environment, whereas the scattered vegetation patches in the urban core do not have a significant relationship with the LST. These findings can be used to inform adaptive land use planning that aims to mitigate the effects of the UHI and aid efforts to achieve sustainable urban growth.the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciencesthe National Natural Science Foundation of ChinaPeer Reviewe

    Monitoring and Modeling the Patterns and Trends of Urban Growth Using Urban Sprawl Matrix and CA-Markov Model: A Case Study of Karachi, Pakistan

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    Understanding the spatial growth of cities is crucial for proactive planning and sustainable urbanization. The largest and most densely inhabited megapolis of Pakistan, Karachi, has experienced massive spatial growth not only in the core areas of the city, but also in the city’s suburbs and outskirts over the past decades. In this study, the land use/land cover (LULC) in Karachi was classified using Landsat data and the random forest algorithm from the Google Earth Engine cloud platform for the years 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020. Land use/land cover classification maps as well as an urban sprawl matrix technique were used to analyze the geographical patterns and trends of urban sprawl. Six urban classes, namely, the primary urban core, secondary urban core, sub-urban fringe, scatter settlement, urban open space, and non-urban area, were determined for the exploration of urban landscape changes. Future scenarios of LULC for 2030 were predicted using a CA–Markov model. The study found that the built-up area had expanded in a considerably unpredictable manner, primarily at the expense of agricultural land. The increase in mangroves and grassland and shrub land proved the effectiveness of afforestation programs in improving vegetation coverage in the study area. The investigation of urban landscape alteration revealed that the primary urban core expanded from the core districts, namely, the Central, South, and East districts, and a new urban secondary core emerged in Malir in 2020. The CA–Markov model showed that the total urban built-up area could potentially increase from 584.78 km2 in 2020 to 652.59 km2 in 2030. The integrated method combining remote sensing, GIS, and an urban sprawl matrix has proven invaluable for the investigation of urban sprawl in a rapidly growing city

    Dynamics and Drivers of Water Clarity Derived from Landsat and In-Situ Measurement Data in Hulun Lake from 2010 to 2020

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    Water clarity (Secchi disk depth, SDD), as a proxy of water transparency, provides important information on the light availability to the lake ecosystem, making it one of the key indicators for evaluating the water ecological environment, particularly in nutrient-rich inland lakes. Hulun Lake, the fifth largest lake in China, has faced severe water quality challenges in the past few decades, e.g., high levels of phosphorus and nitrogen, leading to lake eutrophication. However, under such a serious context, the temporal and spatial dynamics of SDD in Hulun Lake are still unclear. In this paper, we obtained the best model input parameters by using stepwise linear regression models to test field measurements against remote sensing band information, and then developed the SDD satellite algorithm suitable for Hulun Lake by comparing six models (i.e., linear, quadratic, cubic, exponential, power, and logarithmic). The results showed that (1) B3/(B1 + B4) [red/(blue-near-infrared)] was the most sensitive parameter for transparency (R = 0.84) and the exponential model was the most suitable transparency inversion model for Hulun Lake (RMSE = 0.055 m, MAE = 0.003 m), (2) The annual mean SDD of Hulun Lake was higher in summer than in autumn, the summer SDD decreased from 2010 (0.23 m) to 2020 (0.17 m), and the autumn SDD increased from 2010 (0.06 m) to 2020 (0.16 m). The SDD in the littoral zones of Hulun Lake was less than that in the central part; (3) meteorological conditions (i.e., precipitation and wind speed) were highly correlated with the variation of SDD. Cropland expansion was the possible reason for the low SDD at the entrance of Hulun Lake flow. The findings of this study have important implications for the development and implementation of ecological protection and restoration strategies in the Hulun Lake basin

    Agricultural Productivity in Balochistan Province of Pakistan A Geographical Analysis

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    Agricultural sector plays a leading role in Pakistan’s economy. It contributed to nearly one fifth of the national GDP in 2010. Agricultural productivity is regions dependent, demanding further investigation. This study examines the productivity index in districts of Balochistan province of Pakistan from 1981-82 to 2008-2009. Besides the thermal and water regime, pedological conditions play a favorable role in growing of valuable crops. The food crops, wheat, rice, bajra, barley jowar and maize have been selected for the study. By contrast, very low level of agricultural productivity is confined to the districts falling in the drought prone areas characterized by irregular rainfall, rugged topography and poor irrigation facilities. Inadequacy of water is the main hurdle in agricultural productivity. For the present investigation, district wise secondary data have been collected from the agricultural census of Balochistan. The data collected have been processed and Yield Coefficient method has been employed to find out the level of agricultural productivity. The results are depicted by choropleth method on map. Hence, in the present paper an attempt has been made to assess the regional disparities in levels of agricultural productivity in districts of Balochistan province. Identification of causes of the disparity can prove helpful in solving the problem, thus enabling solution of food security

    Agricultural Productivity in Balochistan Province of Pakistan A Geographical Analysis

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    Agricultural sector plays a leading role in Pakistan’s economy. It contributed to nearly one fifth of the national GDP in 2010. Agricultural productivity is regions dependent, demanding further investigation. This study examines the productivity index in districts of Balochistan province of Pakistan from 1981-82 to 2008-2009. Besides the thermal and water regime, pedological conditions play a favorable role in growing of valuable crops. The food crops, wheat, rice, bajra, barley jowar and maize have been selected for the study. By contrast, very low level of agricultural productivity is confined to the districts falling in the drought prone areas characterized by irregular rainfall, rugged topography and poor irrigation facilities. Inadequacy of water is the main hurdle in agricultural productivity. For the present investigation, district wise secondary data have been collected from the agricultural census of Balochistan. The data collected have been processed and Yield Coefficient method has been employed to find out the level of agricultural productivity. The results are depicted by choropleth method on map. Hence, in the present paper an attempt has been made to assess the regional disparities in levels of agricultural productivity in districts of Balochistan province. Identification of causes of the disparity can prove helpful in solving the problem, thus enabling solution of food security

    Air Quality Improvement in China: Evidence from PM<sub>2.5</sub> Concentrations in Five Urban Agglomerations, 2000–2021

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    Air pollution endangers human health and sustainable socio-economic development, especially in urban agglomeration (UA). The Chinese government has implemented a series of policies and standards to improve air quality. However, few studies have compared variations in PM2.5 concentrations across multiple UAs, and current research often lacks analysis relative to the clean air policies implemented by the government. In this study, we used econometric and geostatistical methods to assess the distribution and spatial evolution of PM2.5 concentrations in five UAs (the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei UA (BTHUA), middle reaches of the Yangtze River UA (MYRUA), Chengdu–Chongqing UA (CCUA), Harbin Changchun UA (HCUA), and Beibu Gulf UA (BGUA)) in China from 2000 to 2021 to explore the effectiveness of the clean air policies implemented by the government on air pollution control, to analyze the ambient air quality of UAs, and to make recommendations for public outdoor activities. The results indicated that the clean air policy implemented by the Chinese government in 2013 achieved significant treatment results. PM2.5 concentrations were plotted as an inverted U-shaped curve based on time, which showed an upward trend before 2013 and a downward trend after 2013. PM2.5 concentrations showed a similar seasonal pattern, with a single-valley “V” shape. PM2.5 concentration was the highest in winter and the lowest in summer. The PM2.5 concentration of HCUA and BGUA was lower than that of CCUA, MYRUA, and BTHUA. The increase in PM2.5 concentration mainly occurred in autumn and winter, while the decrease mainly occurred in spring. In 2021, the PM2.5 air quality compliance rates (3) in BTHUA, MYRUA, CCUA, HCUA, and BGUA were 44.57%, 80.00%, 82.04%, 99.74%, and 100%, respectively. However, in 2021, 19.19% of the five UAs still had an ambient air quality of Grade II (i.e., 50 PM2.5 < 100). People with abnormally sensitive breathing in these areas should reduce their outdoor activities. These results contribute to epidemiological studies on human health and disease prevention and suggest reasonable pathways by which governments can improve air quality through sustainable urban planning

    Monitoring and Modeling the Patterns and Trends of Urban Growth Using Urban Sprawl Matrix and CA-Markov Model

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    Understanding the spatial growth of cities is crucial for proactive planning and sustainable urbanization. The largest and most densely inhabited megapolis of Pakistan, Karachi, has experienced massive spatial growth not only in the core areas of the city, but also in the city’s suburbs and outskirts over the past decades. In this study, the land use/land cover (LULC) in Karachi was classified using Landsat data and the random forest algorithm from the Google Earth Engine cloud platform for the years 1990, 2000, 2010, and 2020. Land use/land cover classification maps as well as an urban sprawl matrix technique were used to analyze the geographical patterns and trends of urban sprawl. Six urban classes, namely, the primary urban core, secondary urban core, sub-urban fringe, scatter settlement, urban open space, and non-urban area, were determined for the exploration of urban landscape changes. Future scenarios of LULC for 2030 were predicted using a CA–Markov model. The study found that the built-up area had expanded in a considerably unpredictable manner, primarily at the expense of agricultural land. The increase in mangroves and grassland and shrub land proved the effectiveness of afforestation programs in improving vegetation coverage in the study area. The investigation of urban landscape alteration revealed that the primary urban core expanded from the core districts, namely, the Central, South, and East districts, and a new urban secondary core emerged in Malir in 2020. The CA–Markov model showed that the total urban built-up area could potentially increase from 584.78 km2 in 2020 to 652.59 km2 in 2030. The integrated method combining remote sensing, GIS, and an urban sprawl matrix has proven invaluable for the investigation of urban sprawl in a rapidly growing city.Peer Reviewe

    Understanding fine-scale heat health risks and the role of green infrastructure based on remote sensing and socioeconomic data in the megacity of Beijing, China

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    The frequency and intensity of extreme heat events have been increasing due to the combined effects of global climate change and urbanization. Urban green infrastructure, including urban green and blue space, has been recognized as an effective measure to mitigate urban heat. However, the effects of green infrastructure on heat health risk were insufficiently addressed. To address this gap, we conducted a comprehensive assessment in the megacity of Beijing with a rapidly aging population. Various data sources were collected, including remote sensing images, meteorological data from weather stations, point of interest(POI) data, and social statistics. Following the risk triangle theory, the hazard, population exposure, and social vulnerability components of heat health risk were evaluated at the census tract level. The weights of vulnerability indicators were determined using Principal Component Analysis. Moran's I and Getis-Ord Gi* statistics were used to identify risk hotspot areas. To evaluate the effects of green infrastructure on heat health risk, a Green Infrastructure Index (GII) was created to quantitatively measure the abundance and accessibility of green infrastructure. The analysis, using a spatially-explicit Heat Health Risk Index (HHRI), indicated that the HHRI in the central urban area inhabited by high-income population groups is 2.66 times that of its suburban counterpart. The primary driving factors of heat health risk were identified as high population density and elevated temperatures. Census tracts with abundant green infrastructure exhibited a low likelihood of becoming high-risk areas, with a probability of less than 2%, while regions with limited green infrastructure had a 54.26% probability of becoming high-risk areas. This highlights the significance of expanding the coverage of green spaces and water areas to reduce heat health risk. The findings provide valuable insights for the development of risk mitigation measures enhancing urban thermal resilience through nature-based climate adaptation

    Remote Sensing Retrieval of Turbidity in Alpine Rivers based on high Spatial Resolution Satellites

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    Turbidity, relating to underwater light attenuation, is an important optical parameter for water quality evaluation. Satellite estimation of turbidity in alpine rivers is challenging for common ocean color retrieval models due to the differences in optical properties of the water bodies. In this study, we present a simple two-band semi-analytical turbidity (2BSAT) retrieval model for estimating turbidity in five alpine rivers with varying turbidity from 1.01 to 284 NTU. The model was calibrated and validated, respectively, while using one calibration dataset that was obtained from the Three Parallel Rivers basin and two independent validation datasets that were obtained from the Kaidu River basin and the Yarlung Zangbo River basin. The results show that the model has excellent performance in deriving turbidity in alpine rivers. We verified the consistency of the simulated reflectance and satellite-based reflectance and calibrated the 2BSAT model for the specified bands of high spatial resolution satellites in order to achieve the goal of remote sensing monitoring. It is concluded that the model can be used for the quantitative monitoring of turbidity in alpine rivers using satellite images. Based on the model, we used the Sentinel-2 images from one year to identify the seasonal patterns of turbidity of five alpine rivers and the Landsat series images from 1989 to 2018 to analyze the turbidity variation trends of these rivers. The results indicate that the turbidity of these alpine rivers usually presents the highest level in summer, followed by spring and autumn, and the lowest in winter. Meanwhile, the variation trends of turbidity over the past 30 years present distinctly different characteristics in the five rivers