40 research outputs found

    Doubly Differential Electron-Production Cross Sections for 200- 1500-eV e\u3csup\u3e-\u3c/sup\u3e +H\u3csub\u3e2\u3c/sub\u3e Collisions

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    Ionization cross sections differential in the angle and energy of the detected electrons were measured for electron impact on hydrogen gas at 200, 500, 1000, and 1500 eV. Measurements were made from 15°-150° and from a few eV to T -I where T is the primary electron energy and I the ionization potential of hydrogen. The results are compared to earlier measurements and to available calculations

    Effects of isoenergetic glucose-based or lipid-based parenteral nutrition on glucose metabolism, de novo lipogenesis, and respiratory gas exchanges in critically ill patients.

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    OBJECTIVE: To compare the effects of isocaloric, isonitrogenous carbohydrate nutrition vs. lipid-based total parenteral nutrition on respiratory gas exchange and intermediary metabolism in critically ill patients. DESIGN: Prospective, clinical trial. SETTING: Surgical intensive care unit in a major university hospital in Switzerland. PATIENTS: Sixteen patients admitted to the surgical intensive care unit. INTERVENTIONS: Patients were randomized to receive isocaloric isonitrogenous total parenteral nutrition (TPN) containing 75% (TPN-glucose) or 15% (TPN-lipid) glucose over a 5-day period. MEASUREMENTS AND MAIN RESULTS: Indirect glucose metabolism was assessed from plasma carbon-13 (13C)-labeled glucose and 13C-labeled CO2 production during a tracer infusion of uniformly 13C-labeled glucose, and de novo lipogenesis was estimated from the incorporation of 13C into palmitate-very low density lipoproteins (VLDL) during a tracer infusion of 1-(13)C acetate. Compared with TPN-lipid, TPN-glucose increased plasma glucose more (by 26% vs. 7%, p < .05), increased insulin more (by 284% vs. 40%, p < .01), and increased total CO2 more (by 15% vs. 0%, p < .01). Both nutrient mixtures failed to inhibit endogenous glucose production and net protein oxidation, suggesting absence of suppression of gluconeogenesis. Fractional de novo lipogenesis was markedly increased by TPN-glucose to 17.4% vs. 3.3% with TPN lipids. CONCLUSIONS: The rate of glucose administration commonly used during TPN of critically ill patients does not suppress endogenous glucose production or net protein loss, but markedly stimulates de novo lipogenesis and CO2 production. Increasing the proportion of fat may be beneficial, provided that lipid emulsion has no adverse effects

    Measuring Deuterium Enrichment of Glucose Hydrogen Atoms by Gas Chromatography/Mass Spectrometry

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    Author Manuscript 2013 February 03.We developed a simple and accurate method for determining deuterium enrichment of glucose hydrogen atoms by electron impact gas chromatography mass spectrometry (GC/MS). First, we prepared 18 derivatives of glucose and screened over 200 glucose fragments to evaluate the accuracy and precision of mass isotopomer data for each fragment. We identified three glucose derivatives that gave six analytically useful ions: (1) glucose aldonitrile pentapropionate (m/z 173 derived from C4−C5 bond cleavage; m/z 259 from C3−C4 cleavage; m/z 284 from C4−C5 cleavage; and m/z 370 from C5−C6 cleavage); (2) glucose 1,2,5,6-di-isopropylidene propionate (m/z 301, no cleavage of glucose carbon atoms); and (3) glucose methyloxime pentapropionate (m/z 145 from C2−C3 cleavage). Deuterium enrichment at each carbon position of glucose was determined by least-squares regression of mass isotopomer distributions. The validity of the approach was tested using labeled glucose standards and carefully prepared mixtures of standards. Our method determines deuterium enrichment of glucose hydrogen atoms with an accuracy of 0.3 mol %, or better, without the use of any calibration curves or correction factors. The analysis requires only 20 μL of plasma, which makes the method applicable for studying gluconeogenesis using deuterated water in cell culture and animal experiments.National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Grant 1R01 DK075850-01)National Institutes of Health (U.S.) (Metabolomics Roadmap Initiative DK070291