128 research outputs found

    Estimation of production trend of the depik, Rasbora tawarensis (Teleostei, Cyprinidae), in Lake Laut Tawar, Indonesia

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    The objective of the present study was to evaluate the production trend of the depik (Rasbora tawarensis) during the last two decades in Lake Laut Tawar. The production trend was examined based on the catch per unit efforts. The direct sampling, fishermen catches collection and fishermen interview were conducted to collect actual fish catches. The results showed that the depik, R. tawarensis production (indicated by the catch-per-unit effort (CPUE)) was seasonally dependent where the CPUE was higher in the rainy season compared to dry season. In addition, the CPUE was higher in the new moon according to lunar cycle. The production of depik in particular and fishes of Lake Laut Tawar in general are declining dramatically during the last two decades. The decrease in the water levels, destructive fishing gears, the presence of introduced species and pollution are the main reasons suggested for this phenomenon.</p

    Tema Cinta Dalam Novel Shiosai Karya Mishima Yukio

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    This paper is titled Theme of Love in Mishima Yukio\u27s Shiosai. The purpose of writing is to reveal the major themes in Mishima Yukio\u27s Shiosai and its relationship to other structures, especially figures and characters, plots and backgrounds. The analysis uses structural methods that have the concept that in a building of a literary work consists of interrelated and inseparable structures. The results of this paper indicate that the theme of love is a major theme that is evidenced by the correlation and relationship of love problems with other structures, especially figures and characterizations, plot, and background

    Study of Ironless Permanent Magnet Devices Being Both a Coupling and an Axial Bearing for Naval Propulsion

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    This paper describes the study of an original permanent magnet device. This device works as both a coupling and as axial bearing. It can be particularly useful in naval propulsion application to transmit the torque without any contact between a motor axis and the propeller and to maintain the propeller in its axial position, compensating the axial force related to thrust. Two kinds of devices are studied for this type of specification. The first corresponds to the classical structure of cylindrical air-gap coupling. The second is an original structure where pairs of rings of axially magnetized magnets are stacked on each rotor. The computation of the behavior of the device (torque and axial force) is done using a semi-analytical method based on magnetic charge theory. This method allows a very fast calculation of the performances of the devices. This study shows the interest of the stacked structure this type of application

    Study of Ironless Permanent Magnet Devices Being Both a Coupling and an Axial Bearing for Naval Propulsion

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    This paper describes the study of an original permanent magnet device. This device works as both a coupling and as axial bearing. It can be particularly useful in naval propulsion application to transmit the torque without any contact between a motor axis and the propeller and to maintain the propeller in its axial position, compensating the axial force related to thrust. Two kinds of devices are studied for this type of specification. The first corresponds to the classical structure of cylindrical air-gap coupling. The second is an original structure where pairs of rings of axially magnetized magnets are stacked on each rotor. The computation of the behavior of the device (torque and axial force) is done using a semi-analytical method based on magnetic charge theory. This method allows a very fast calculation of the performances of the devices. This study shows the interest of the stacked structure this type of application

    Multimedia Interaktif Berbasis Course Lab dalam Pembelajaran Memahami Dasar-dasar Elektronika

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    This research is motivated by One-way learning media using whiteboard media, presentation media such as power point media which causes students to decrease motivation to learn and improve student learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to produce interactive multimedia products based on the Course Lab. This type of research is development research (Research and Development). This study uses the ADDIE Model which consists of 5 stages, namely analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation. The results of the development obtained by interactive multimedia based on Course Lab and the results of the study obtained Interactive Multimedia-based Course Lab validation worth 4.12 with the valid category. Thus it can be used as &nbsp;learning media. The test results practicalities of the subject teachers and students of the Interactive Multimedia Course Based Lab obtained with a level of practicality of the subject teachers at 4,17 on the category of practical and student responses on the Interactive Multimedia obtained at 4,01 on Practical category. And the effectiveness of the use of Interactive Multimedia Based Course Lab obtained from students\u27 classical mastery level is 87,5% of Minimum Criterion Criterion (KKM) of 80

    Pemanfaatan Limbah Fly Ash Batubara untuk Pembuatan Paving Block Geopolimer dengan Variasi Konsentrasi NaOH dan Rasio Natrium Silika terhadap Natrium Hidroksida (Na2SiO3/NaOH)

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    Paving block geopolymer is a material synthesized through a polymerization process which can be used in the construction, especially of homes, buildings and roads. The objective of this research are to determine the effect of the concentration of NaOH and sodium silica to sodium hydroxide ratio (Na2SiO3 / NaOH) and characterization of geopolymer paving blocks made from coal ash. Paving block geopolymer prepared by mixing coal ash and fine aggregate and then added liquid activator (sodium hydroxide and sodium silica). Paving block pour into cube mould with size 5x5x5 cm3. Subsequently the mixture put at room temperature for 24 hours and then dried at curing temperature of 90 ° C for 24 hours. Characteristic of geopolymer paving blocks ie compressive strength, density, porosity, morphology and TCLP test were determined. The compressive strength of paving block geopolymer increase with concentration NaOH and sodium silica to sodium hydroxide ratio. The obtained of compressive strength of paving block geopolymer of 13,730 MPa at concentration NaOH 10M and increase to 19,068 Mpa at concentration NaOH 14 M. The highest density of paving block geopolymer is 2,17 gr/cm3 at concentration NaOH 14 M

    Pengaruh Human Relation dan Reward terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pekanbaru

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    This research was conducted at PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pekanbaru located on the street Sisingamaraja No. 65 Pekanbaru Riau in order to determine and analyze the influence of human relations and reward partially on the performance of employees at PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pekanbaru. To know and analyze the influence of human relations and simultaneously reward the performance of employees at PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pekanbaru. The study population was 43 employees of PT. Nugraha lane Ekakurir Pekanbaru. Research variables used are human relations and reward as the independent variable and the performance of employees as the dependent variable. Methods of data analysis using multiple linear regression analysis aided by SPSS 20 for windows. The results of this study indicate that human relations and reward partially and simultaneously have a significant influence on the performance of employees of PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pekanbaru. The dominant variable affecting the performance is a factor of human relations. Research that has been conducted in accordance with the regression test (t test) and (f test) shows independent variables studied are human relations and reward variables have a significant effect on the dependent variable employee performance. Recommendations to the authors propose is expected to PT. Jalur Nugraha Ekakurir Pekanbaru to be able to further enhance the variable human relations as establish effective communication, shared interests with the employees, a positive view of employees, establish a harmonious relationship with employees and provide tolerance among its members, because human relations greatly affect the performance by gaining average responses agreed
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