228 research outputs found

    Desain Pit Penambangan Batubara Blok C pada PT. Intibuana Indah Selaras Kabupaten Nunukan Provinsi Kalimantan Utara

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    Desain pit adalah suatu kegiatan dalam merencanakan kegiatan produksi pada tambang dengan metode yang digunakan adalah tambang terbuka. Tujuan dari penelitian ini, untuk mendapatkandesain pit yang ideal, dengan mengunakan metode penampang sayatan, penyebaran batubara, cadangan overburden, cadangan batubara, geometri bench dan stripping ratio. Metode penelitian yang digunakan untuk pembuatan desain pit adalah program autocad 2012 . Adapun data – data yang yang diperhatikan dalam pembuatan desain pit meliputi kestabilan lereng ( lebar bench, tinggi bench, kemiringan lereng dan endapan batubara). Dari hasil pengolahan data, maka didapatkan luas bukaan pit 75,8763 Ha, dengan nilai stripping ratio 11 : 1 dan desain pit penambangan batubara dengan geometri bench tinggi yaitu 7 meter, lebar bench 3 – 4 meter dan kemiringan 65 o. Dimana desain pit penambangan sampai pada kedalam 2 m di permukaan laut

    Penerapan Denda Murabahah Menurut Fatwa Dewan Syariah Nasional Dsn/mui (Studi di PT. Bank Muamalat Indonesia Cabang Padangsidimpuan)

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    The law of sharia banks as a monetary intermediary institution which is the main contributor and main funding activity is that various products and mechanisms are facing various dynamics, such as the fact that some customers cannot fulfill their obligations within the prescribed time, resulting in delayed payment delays. In this case, the bank tried to overcome the problem tersbut by applying a penalty on financing in which accommodate the opinion of the Council of Advocates of Islamic Law of the National MUI where the customer can be fined if the customer is late in making deferred payments. In Islam a person is obliged to respect and obey each trust or agreement entrusted to him. If he has obtained a bank loan or financing, then he already trusts other people (depositors or owners of capital) so that if he did default, then it can be said he has done default and can be subjected to sanctions or actions according to the conditions and reasons. In this case because customers do default bank will suffer losses, because it causes bank spend more extra expenses ranging from administrative affairs, to hire a lawyer. The National Islamic Law Council of MUI in its fatwa Number 17/ DSN-MUI / IX / 2000 on Sanctions against Clients Delaying Payments enables the banks of sharia to assume customer to be able to but does not fulfill the obligations of syari 'ah

    Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis dan Kemandirian Belajar Mahasiswa melalui Pembelajaran Generatif

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    The research aims at analyzing the quality of students' critical thinking and self-learning abilities by applying generative learning method in the subject of Algebra Structure at Mathematics Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Lubuk Linggau. The variable of the research was the result of generative learning approach to improve critical thinking and self-learning abilities in the subject of Algebra Structure at Mathematics Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Lubuk Linggau. The research objects were 23 students of the fifth semester class in Mathematic Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Lubuk Linggau the year of 2009/2010. Research method applied was quasi experiment, with experiment class treated with generative learning method and without control class. The research result showed that in general, the critical thinking and self-learning abilities of Algebra Structure Subject had the mean of 75.90 (with minimum score of 70) meaning, the critical thinking and self-learning abilities of the students were generally in high level. Whereas the analysis result of variants test was t-count =3.954 and t-table (dk =22, á =1%) = 2,508. It showed that the critical thinking and self-learning abilities of the students with generative learning approach in the subject of Algebra Structure at Mathematics Education Study Program of STKIP PGRI Lubuk Linggau was above the score of 70

    Penggunaan Narkoba Dikalangan Wanita Di Desa Ganting Kecamatan Salo Kebupaten Kampar

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    The study is done in the village of Ganting Salo district sub-district Kampar. The purpose of this research is to know what are the That such me a housewife drugs and the impacts what happened on households and social environment women using drugs. To obtain data needed in this research, Writer conduct data collection by directly place of research locations and with conducting observations and conducted interviews in depth. Informants in this research were five people. The data collected already dressed in the form of qualitative analysis descriptive. The research there are that intrinsic factor and extrinsic in drug use with girls the village Ganting Salo Sub Kampar, The image of respondents named because the effects of their peers. Then respondents named lina , mega , and ita Family affluence and surrounding environment . Aside from the issue of their peers and family, Economic factors the most powerful affect drug use with girls the village Ganting Salo Sub Kampar by Citra,Evi,Lina,Mega and Ita Namely having persons nearest, The reason for them the family are the nearest because they always associated almost every day due to have a profession and the same job So that economic also had an influence on what they do because these are sourced of economics such as the the education of their children , eat family and others All is because the results of work as drug dealers. This resulted in fifth it was the subject of taking drugs. Advice: to family , should family of more give attention to members of nice family housewives as Wife and housewives as a son. For the government in the effort to reduce drugs abuse non penal on housewife with through social control and attention from the community be given higher priority. To teenagers in the effort to reduce drugs that is teenagers must be more careful in response to various measures of others Coming from outside. The community must more care to the mother of households who had trouble in the economy by a working group mum households more independen, So that their destiny more terperhatikan welfare. So that they do not working to find money hit the road that is not true. Law enforcement should be bold to refuse negotiations of suspects dealers narcotics to manipulate evidence in order to relieve demands to suspect drug dealer. To informants should informants more receptive to her family when having heavy loads And any problem. As small as of any problems can be solved with .Password: the impact of , the causes of and drug

    Penggunaan Narkoba Dikalangan Wanita di Desa Ganting Kecamatan Salo Kabupaten Kampar

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    This research was conducted in rural districts Ganting salo Kampar district. The purpose of this study was to analyze the social, cultural, and economic as well as the impact it had on the social environment for women to use drugs. Obtain the necessary data in this study, the authors collected data to descend directly to the location of research and observation and do in-depth interviews. Informants in this study amounted to 5 people. The data obtained was processed in the form of descriptive qualitative analysis. The conclusion from this study is the subject of the age of 36-41 years amounted to 4 people, and aged 41 years and over amounted to 1, the average junior high school graduate informants are all Muslim. All informants residing in their own homes and rata2 mendeliong tribes. And as for drivers of women using drugs there are three reasons caused due to suicide, environmental factors, and the availability of drugs. The research of the results are the background factors of women using drugs terdiriri of factors intrinsic and extrinsic factors. Intrinsic factor is composed of : Religion, Family, Intelligence. While extrinsic factors consist of: Intercourse and social environment, education, economy. Drug abuse carried out by women in the analysis by the lack of faith in women causes women to be involved with drug abuse. Tip : For a family, it gives more attention to the families of both women as wives and women as children. For the government, the public should be more concerned about the economic difficulties the women who formed a working group in order to be more independent woman. For the informant, the informant should be more open to their families if they have heavy loads and any issues.Keywords: Impact, Causes and Drug

    Efek Pengolahan Tepung Ubi Jalar, Ipomoea Batatas pada Sintasan dan Pertumbuhan Ikan Koi, Cyprinus Carpio

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    Ubi jalar memiliki kandungan karbohidrat yang cukup tinggi, vitamin A dan C serta mineral. Selain mengandung zat gizi yang dibutuhkan, ubi jalar juga mengandung zat tripsin inhibitor yang dapat dihilangkan melalui pemanasan. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui sintasan dan pertumbuhan ikan koi yang diberi pakan mengandung tepung ubi jalar yang telah diolah dan tanpa diolah serta pakan tanpa ubi jalar. Ikan uji sebanyak 8 ekor dimasukkan ke dalam setiap wadah penelitian ( akuarium 50 x 40 x 40 cm3) yang berisi air tawar sekitar 60% dari volume total wadah (± 64 liter). Pemberian pakan dilakukan 3 kali sehari sebanyak 5% per bobot biomassa ikan uji. Parameter yang diamati adalah sintasan, pertumbuhan bobot dan pertumbuhan panjang. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan pakan yang megandung tepung ubi jalar yang telah diolah dan tanpa diolah memberikan pertambahan panjang dan sintasan ikan koi yang tidak berbeda namun pada pertumbuhan bobot berbeda. Pakan yang mengandung tepung ubi jalar dan tanpa ubi jalar juga memperlihatkan hasil yang sama pada semua perlakuan

    Analisis Kualitatif Kecemasan Berkomunikasi Mahasiswa dengan Dosen Pembimbing dalam Proses Bimbingan Skripsi

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    The phenomenon of anxiety experienced by graduate students not only because of the complexity of scientific research process, but also because of worrying to supervisor who guide as well as the methods used by supervisor during thesis guidance. Therefore, the purpose of this study was to analyze students' communication anxiety with the supervisor in the process of thesis guidance. This research was a study using a qualitative methodology. Data collection techniques used were in-depth interviews and observation. The respondents involved were 2 and recruited through snowball sampling technique. The results found that the respondents experienced anxiety when communicated with the supervisor during the thesis guidance. Anxiety is caused by lack of communication skills and experience, reinforcement, degree of evaluation, subordinate status, and degree of dissimilarity

    Analysis Of Direct And Indirect Effects Of Fiscal Decentralization On Regional Disparity (Case Study Of Provinces In Eastern And Western Of Indonesia, 2006-2015)

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    This study aimed to examine the direct and indirect effects of fiscal decentralization on regional disparity through economic growth in eastern and western Indonesia. The method used in this study is Path Analysis. The variables used in this study include the General Allocation Fund (DAU/Dana Alokasi Umum), Special Allocation Fund (DAK/Dana Alokasi Khusus), Revenue Sharing Fund (DBH/Dana Bagi Hasil), local revenue (PAD/Pendapatan Asli Daerah), Economic Growth (G), and regional disparity (IW). Comparing the analysis between eastern and western of Indonesia, the results show that there is no direct effect of fiscal decentralization on regional disparity and economic growth through direct fiscal decentralization on regional disparity in both eastern and western of Indonesia. However, using some measures of fiscal decentralization, in the case of eastern of Indonesia, DAU variable has significant effect whereas in the case of western Indonesia, DBH is the only one variable that has significant effect. This is consistent with the fact that composition of the balance funds disbursed by the central government to local governments, where the greatest composition of funds in eastern Indonesia come from the General Allocation Fund which reflects the dependence of local governments to the central government and for the western region of Indonesia, DBH is the greatest reflecting the independence of the local governments. As a result, to create fiscal decentralization working it is required a greater allocation of the fund balance

    Pengawasan Kinerja Pegawai di Kantor Kecamatan Banggai Kabupaten Banggai Laut (Studi Tentang Pengawasan Camat terhadap Kinerja Aparatur di Kecamatan Banggai)

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    This research aims to analyse the Monitoring Performance of Officials at Subdistrict Office of Banggai Laut. This research used 5 informans. They were the secretary of subdistrict head, the officials at subdistrict office, Dodung headman, and community leader. The researcher used purposive technique in choosing the informan. The researcher choosed the informan purposely. The researcher used observation,interview,and documentation as a technique in collecting data. The research result showed that the monitoring performance of officials at subdistrict office of Banggai Laut was not effective. It was proved by the two indicators used, direct monitoring and indirect monitoring. The direct monitoring which was done by the subdistrict head showed that the officials performance was not optimal, as well as the indirect monitoring could not be said run well because there were some officials who had not been able to work with the maximum due to the lack of monitoring by the subdistrict head. Moreover, many of officials did not understand their duties as civil servants well. Public opinions also gave big impact. Public assumed that the subdistrict head performance was less than maximum because the decision-making by the subdistrict head gave less positive impact on society
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