13 research outputs found

    Luminescence of YAG doped with Eu, Yb, and Mn ions under VUV excitation

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    Hydrothermal synthesis has been successfully used to obtain finecrystalline powders of yttriumaluminum garnet (YAG) doped with manganese ions and codoped with cerium and manganese ions. Usingthe method of hightemperature solidstate synthesis, ceramic specimens of YAG that contain europium andytterbium ions have been obtained. In synthesized YAG:Eu and YAG:Yb ceramics, no luminescence that canbe attributed to 5d–4f transitions in Eu2+ or Yb2+ ions has been detected, even though the scheme of energylevels of these ions constructed with respect to YAG energy bands indicates that there is a potential possibilityof the occurrence of 5d–4f luminescence for Eu2+ ions in YAG. At room temperature, the luminescencespectrum of hydrothermally synthesized YAG doped with manganese ions consists of two broad bands withmaxima at ~600 and ~750 nm and does not contain any narrow bands in the red or IR range. Therefore, thespectrum contradicts to the properties of the luminescence of Mn2+, Mn3+, or Mn4+ ions in YAG describedin the literature, even though the obtained hydrothermal specimens can contain noticeable concentrationsonly of Mn3+ ions

    Dual antiplatelet therapy duration after coronary stenting in clinical practice: results of an EAPCI survey

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    Aims: Our aim was to report on a survey initiated by the EuropeanAssociation of Percutaneous Cardiovascular Interventions (EAPCI) concerning opinion on the evidence relating to dual antiplatelet therapy (DAPT) duration after coronary stenting.Methods and results: Results from three randomised clinical trials were scheduled to be presented at the American Heart Association Scientific Sessions 2014 (ARIA 2014). A web-based survey was distributed to all individuals registered in the EuroIntervention mailing list (n=15,200) both before and after ARIA 2014. A total of 1,134 physicians responded to the first (i.e., before AHA 2014) and 542 to the second (i.e., after ARIA 2014) survey. The majority of respondents interpreted trial results consistent with a substantial equipoise regarding the benefits and risks of an extended versus a standard DAPT strategy. Two respondents out of ten believed extended DAFT should be implemented in selected patients. After ARIA 2014, 46.1% of participants expressed uncertainty about the available evidence on DAFT duration, and 40.0% the need for clinical guidance.Conclusions: This EAPCI survey highlights considerable uncertainty within the medical community with regard to the optimal duration of DAFT after coronary stenting in the light of recent reported trial results. Updated recommendations for practising physicians to guide treatment decisions in routine clinical practice should be provided by international societies

    Characterizing hepatitis C virus epidemiology in Egypt: systematic reviews, meta-analyses, and meta-regressions

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    The epidemiology of hepatitis C virus in Iran: Systematic review and meta-analyses

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