24 research outputs found

    Community Participation in Developing the Pesona Golempang Natural Tourism Attraction

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    Siti FadjarajaniThis study aimed to determine an inventory of objects in the Golempang Charm Area of Darmaraja Village, in Darmaraja District, Sumedang Regency, as well as the forms of community participation in the development of these tourist attractions. Descriptive methods were used. This study used observations, questionnaires, interviews, a literature review and documentation analysis as data collection techniques. Households in the area of RW 10 in Darmaraja Village were included in the study and these were selected using random sampling. The results showed that in the tourist attraction Pesona Golempang there was: natural scenery from the top of Mount Golempang with an excellent natural panorama, which included the Jatigede Dam; extensive camping grounds; the potential for selfies; and opportunities for paragliding. Meanwhile, the forms of community participation in the development of Pesona Golempang tourist attraction took the form of labor, including for road construction, devotional work and tree-planting, and forms of material participation in road construction activities. Keywords: tourism, community participation, Pesona Golempan


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    ABSTRAK Konversi lahan pertanian dinamika sosial dan semakin ekspansif diperkirakan mungkin telah mempengaruhi pengetahuan lingkungan dari Bandung di Area Utara, dan mempengaruhi fungsinya sebagai daerah penyangga untuk dirinya sendiri dan sekitarnya. Oleh karena itu perlu dilakukan penelitian tentang efek dinamika masyarakat setempat dan tanah pertanian konversi pada kelestarian lingkungan studi Bandung Utara area.the dianalisis sembilan variabel, yaitu, tekanan penduduk atas tanah, status sosial, status ekonomi, gaya hidup , dan persepsi nilai tanah, perilaku spasial, perubahan ukuran tanah, perubahan kepemilikan tanah, dan perubahan penggunaan lahan. Sampel keluarga yang memiliki atau digunakan untuk lahan pertanian sendiri di Bandung di Area Utara, yang 416 KK. Mereka dipilih secara acak dengan teknik probability sampling. Kuesioner, teknik observasi wawancara, dan lapangan diadopsi untuk mengumpulkan data. Data dianalisa lebih lanjut dengan menerapkan deskriptif, pendekatan jelas dan teknik regresi berganda. Analisis dilakukan untuk menemukan tekad, R-square korelasi Spearman, dan koefisien t- student. Hasil analisis deskriptif dan korelasi menunjukkan bahwa ada hubungan yang positif dan signifikan antara dinamika masyarakat dan konversi lahan pertanian serta pengaruhnya terhadap pengetahuan lingkungan di Bandung di Area Utara. Temuan kuantitatif menunjukkan bahwa status sosial, persepsi nilai tanah, perubahan ukuran tanah, dan perubahan kepemilikan tanah adalah variabel yang dapat digunakan untuk memprediksi pengetahuan lingkungan dan dampak positif dan signifikan terhadap pengetahuan tentang lingkungan. Variabel yang terkait dengan dinamika masyarakat dan konversi lahan pertanian dapat menjelaskan 27,6% dari pengetahuan lingkungan di Bandung di Area Utara, dan 72,4% oleh penyebab lain yang tidak dijelaskan dalam penelitian ini. Temuan tersebut mungkin menjadi sumber Ilmu Sosial Ilmu (IPS) pendidikan dan pengembangan instruksional, yang dapat memiliki efek pada masyarakat dan lingkungan mereka.  ABSTRACT Social dynamics and increasingly expansive farm land conversion estimated might have influenced knowledge of environmental of Northern Bandung Area, and affected its function as a buffer area for itself and surrounding areas. It was therefore necessary to conduct a study on the effects the local community dynamics and farm land conversion on environmental sustainability of Northern Bandung Area.The study analyzed nine variables, namely, the pressure of population on land, social status, economic status, life style, and perception of land value, spatial behavior, changes in land size, changes in land ownership, and changes in land use. Samples were families who own or used to own farm lands in Northern Bandung Area, are 416 KK. They were randomly selected by a probability sampling technique. Questionnaire, interview, and field observations techniques were adopted to collect data. Data were further analyzed by applying a descriptive, explanatory approach and multiple regression technique. Analysis was carried out to find determination, Spearman’s R-square correlation, and t-student coefficients. The result of descriptive and correlation analysis show that there was a positive and significant correlation between community dynamics and farm land conversion as well as their effects on knowledge of environmental in Northern Bandung Area. Quantitative findings show that social status, perception of land value, changes in land size, and changes in land ownership are variables which can be used to predict knowledge of environmental and their positive and significant impacts on the knowledge of environmental. Variables related to community dynamics and farm land conversion can explain 27.6% of knowledge of environmental in Northern Bandung Area, and 72.4% by other causes is not explained in this research. Those findings may become a source of Social Studies Science (IPS) education and instructional development, which can have effects on community members and their environment


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    Tasikmalaya Regency is one of the areas that has various potentials to be used as natural tourism, besides that there has many places that has not published, which is in Sukanagara Village, Tanjungjaya District, Tasikmalaya Regency. There has natural tourism potential so that it has used as a tourist attraction. Batu Niung has a lot of potential so the researcher intends to find out how the development efforts and community participation in developing the tourism object are. Batu Niung Tourism Object has a wide river, the rock surface on the river bed has very beautiful and the water has very clear and shallow especially during the dry season and Batu Niug has a DAM and large rocks that can be used as a place to do body rafting. On the edge There are rivers which are made of wood and bamboo so that they can be used as a place to rest while enjoying the beautiful natural atmosphere

    KARAKTERISTIK PEMUKIMAN PENDUDUK DI DAERAH ALIRAN SUNGAI (DAS) CIMANUK Studi Kasus Di Desa Haurpanggung Kecamatan Tarogong Kidul Kabupaten Garut

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    This study aims to determine the characteristics of population settlements, settlement patterns, social characteristics of the population, population characteristics, economic characteristics of the population, natural factors that affect settlement development and non-natural factors that affect the development of residential settlements in Hauranggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation studies. The data analysis technique was carried out using descriptive techniques and data triangulation techniques. The results showed that: (1) residential areas in the Cimanuk Watershed (DAS) in Haurpanggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency. The form or pattern of settlement in Haurpanggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency is included in the form of a linear village, because the settlements extend along the Cimanuk River channel. High population growth has resulted in residents making settlements in the Cimanuk Watershed (DAS). This makes an air catchment area which at any time can cause flooding if the Cimanuk River overflows. (2) Socio-cultural and economic characteristics of the population in Haurpanggung Village, Tarogong Kidul District, Garut Regency. The residents of Hauranggung Village have strong kinship relations because the majority of the population comes from one lineage. They accept anyone regardless of who that person is and do not conflict with the principles of religious teachings. The cultural condition of the Haurpanggung Village community that is quite prominent is the very strong mutual cooperation culture. The economic condition of the community is described by their livelihood. most of the people work in agriculture, plantations, labor. (3) The factors causing the development of settlements are that people living in villages decide to stay in the long term, both residents who already live in the sub-district and residents who previously lived as well as lower land prices. The inability of the community to buy land elsewhereis very expensive


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    The aim of this research is to find out the difference in learning results between students taught by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Type Of Cooperative Learning Model And Discovery Learning Type Of Cooperative Learning Model On Dynamic Of Population Concept.The method of the research is quasi experimental method. The research has been hold at SMPN 1 Cikijing Kabupaten Majalengka. The population of this research is all of second grade in the academic year 2017/2018 as many as 8 classes with the number of 198 people. The samples of this research are class VIII B and class VIII E. The sampling technique of this research is purposive sampling. The data collecting technique of knowledge student learning result is measured by 34 multiple choice question with four options. The assessment of attitude learning results is measured by questionnaire. The assessment of skills learning results is measured by observation techniques. The data analysis techniques use independent t test.The result of the research shows that: (1) there is difference in learning result between students taught by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Type Of Cooperative Learning Model And Discovery Learning Type Of Cooperative Learning Model; (2) there are differences in attitude learning result between between students taught by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Type Of Cooperative Learning Model And Discovery Learning Type Of Cooperative Learning Model; and (3) there are differences in skill learning result between students taught by using Problem Based Learning (PBL) Type Of Cooperative Learning Model And Discovery Learning Type Of Cooperative Learning Model. Based on the result of the research, it is known that cooperative learning model of Problem Based Learning (PBL) is better than cooperative learning model of Discovery Learning typ

    Cultural Diversity of Local Communities to Create Galunggung Geopark in Tasikmalaya Regency

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    Geopark Galunggung is a platform that accommodates the various potentials of the Kabuapaten Tasikmalaya, in the aspects of geodiversity, biodiversity and cultural diversity. To be able to realize the Galunggung Geopark, active interaction of the local community is required to maintain and preserve the cultural diversity of the geopark area. This study includes four sub-districts namely Leuwisari, Sariwangi, Sukaratu and Padakembang Districts. These four sub-districts are areas that have a lot of diversity in potential compared to other regions. The method used in this research is descriptive method with a qualitative approach and phenomenological studies. Observation data techniques, interviews, documentation study and literature study. The results of this study, the cultural diversity that exists in society is tangible (tangbile) and intangible (intangible), but conditions in the field have a lot of cultural diversity that has almost disappeared due to the times.Geopark Galunggung merupakan suatu flatform yang mewadahi berbagai potensi yang dimiliki oleh Kabuapaten Tasikmalaya, pada aspek geodiversity, biodiversity dan cultural diversity. Untuk dapat mewujudkan Geopark Galunggung ini diperlukan keterlibatan aktif dari masyarakat lokal untuk dapat menjaga dan melestarikan keragaman budaya yang dimiliki oleh kawasan geopark, dalam penelitian ini meliputi empat kecamatan  yaitu Kecamatan Leuwisari, Sariwangi, Sukaratu dan Padakembang. Keempat  kecamatan ini merupakan kawasan yang memiliki banyak keragaman potensi dibandingkan dengan kawasan lainnya. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualilataif dan studi kajian fenomenologi. Teknik pengumpulan data observasi, wawancara, studi dokumentasi dan studi literatur. Hasil dari penelitian ini, Keragaman budaya yang ada pada masyarakat bersifat  berwujud (tangbile) dan tak berwujud (intangible), namun kondisi dilapangan sudah banyak keragaman budaya yang hampir hilang karena perkembangan zaman


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    This research is motivated by the use of inorganic fertilizers which have an impact on soil damage. This study aims to determine: (1) Community empowerment through the manufacture of organic fertilizers. (2) Community participation through the manufacture of organic fertilizers. (3) How to make organic fertilizer. The research focuses on community economic empowerment through the manufacture of organic fertilizer in Cibongas Village, Pancatengah District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The research method uses a descriptive method with a qualitative case study approach which focuses intensively on one particular object which is studied as a case. The results showed that: (1). Community empowerment through the manufacture of organic fertilizer is carried out by approaching local communities and by rediscovering community assets. Focus Group Discussion (FGD). (2) Community participation through the manufacture of organic fertilizer is divided into full participation, partial participation and empty participation. (3) organic fertilizer made from household waste, animal manure, EM4 liquid for agriculture and molasses with very intense assistanc


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    The Adiwiyata program is a collaborative program between the Ministry of Education and the Ministry of the Environment that seeks to instill a caring and environmentally cultured attitude in students from an early age. SMA N 3 Tasikmalaya is a school that received an independent Adiwiyata award in 2014. The method used is descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are through observation, interviews, documentation studies and literature studies. The total population is 1296 students with a sample of 60 students (5%). The results showed that geographical factors that support the Adiwiyata Program can be seen from the management of the natural environment which is already very good, the management of the built environment such as classroom conditions, school field conditions, school canteens, school gardens that are in accordance with the Adiwiyata School criteria and the environment. socio-cultural which consists of in-depth knowledge of the environment, a sensitive attitude to the environment, environmentally responsible behavior, skills in managing the environment


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    This study aims to determine the activities of the Scout Movement in increasing knowledge and developing environmental care attitudes in Pramuka Village, Cigalontang District, Tasikmalaya Regency. The object of this research is the activities of the Scout Movement from the branch to the branch level in Scout Village, Cigalontang District. Tasikmalaya Regency, while the subjects in this study were the daily chairman of the Scout Movement Kwarcab Tasikmalaya Regency, the chairman of the Tasikmalaya Regency DKC, the chairman of the Sako/ Darma Group in Kwarran, Cigalontang District, the Siaga Scouts, the Penggalang Scouts, and the Penegak Scouts/members of the DKR in Cigalontang District.. This research was conducted with a qualitative approach with a phenomenological perspective. Data collection techniques by means of observation, interviews, literature studies, and documentation studies. Data analysis techniques were carried out using descriptive techniques and data triangulation techniques. The results showed that: (1) Activities of the Scout Movement carried out in the Scout Village are mutual cooperation activities in the environmental management of the Scout Village, Cigalontang District, Friday activities (cleaning Friday), Wirakarya activities, Saka Tarunabumi activities in the field of plantation crafts, Saka Wirakartika in the field of craft natural disaster management, Saka Bhakti Husada, Saka Kalpataru, and Saka Wanabakti, (2) Environmental knowledge generated from the activities of the Scout Movement carried out in the Scout Village becomes an understanding and importance of protecting and maintaining the environment. Teaching from Dasa Darma point 2 which reads 'Love of Nature and Compassion for Fellow Humans', (3) The attitude of caring for the environment in the Scout Village is developed by being confirmed as a Scout Village through activities carried out by the Scout Movement such as the use of vacant lands with spice plants and the use of vacant land as campgrounds, restoration and maintenance in protecting the environment, and supervision with the formation of Sako/Gugus Darma at the Kwartir Branch level, Cigalontang District