13 research outputs found

    Physiotherapy Treatment of Obstetrics Brachial Plexus Palsy (OBPP) Erb - Duchenne by age group

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    Presentation: Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy is a damage of Brachial Plexus. The aim of Study: The importance of treatment Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy divided by age groups , Erb - Duchenne with the techniques of Bobath and Vojta. Material and methods:In the study were 30 cases in an 8-year timeframe. Wich 15 of these children have come within 3 months of birth. These entities are applied treatment techniques according to Bobath and Vojta. Result:Of the 30 cases in the study, 15 came within 3 months of their birth. Were treated with Bobath and Vojta techniques and have achieved 100%functional results and 90% aesthetic. 15 children come after this age, 8 arrivals within the first year of birth have reached 90% function and 80% aesthetic. 7 arrivals after 18 months have received 80% function and 70% aesthetics. In measuring the results have participated doctors orthopedic and neuro-pediatric of Q.S.U. "Mother Teresa" and Trauma. Conclusion:Determinant in the results:1. The degree of damage2. Time of arrival in treatment3. Treatment by age.Keywords: Obstetric Brachial Plexus Palsy, Erb-Duchenne, 30 cases, techniques Bobath and Vojta, Function, Aesthetics

    Atelectasis is Common Pulmonary Complication in Patients Following Thoracic Surgery

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    Continued advances in anesthesia, surgery, and perioperative medicine have improved postoperative outcome. Despite these advances postoperative pulmonary complications (PPCs) remain a significant problem. Pain and surgical trauma after thoracic operations lead to abnormal diaphragm function, lessened intercostals muscle tone and pulmonary dysfunction. Our duty is how to grade the risk, prepare and manage patients to minimize the risk of PPCs.Keywords: PPCs, Atelectasis, Anaesthesia, bronchospasm, treatment, patients, etc.

    Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS) and the Use of Positive End-Expiratory Pressure (PEEP)

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    Qëllimi dhe objektivat e studimit: Të përcaktojë nivelin optimal të PEEP-it me qëllim që të arrihet një rekrutim alveolar maksimal nëpërmjet niveleve të oksigjenimeve të përshtatshme. Materiali dhe metoda: Nga 120 pacientë në studim u inkluduan 63 prej tyre me moshë 18-70 vjeç të shtruar në Shërbimin e Reanimacionit Pulmonar dhe të Reanimacionit polivalent të Qendrës Spitalore Universitare, Tiranë. Rezultatet: Paraqitja e vlerave të PaO2 dhe të numrit të pacientëve. Në tabelën PaO2 dhe Mbijetesa paraqiten vlerat e PaO2 fillestar, vlerat e PaO2 më të ulët dhe PaO2 më të lartë. Përpunimi statistikor i studimit të ketyre vlerave pra të PaO2 dhe PEEP-it është paraqitur në tabelën në vazhdim ku jepen mesatarja, devijacioni standart dhe gabimi i mesatares së devijacionit standart. Paraqitja e vlerave të t statistike, sinjifikanca dhe intervalit të konfidencës 95% jepet në tabelën në vazhdim. Konkluzion: Përdorimi i manovrave rekrutuese dhe PEEP-it të lartë është një mënyrë mjaft e mirë ventiluese në pacientët me ARDS . Kurba presion/volum (p/v) në sistemin respirator luan një rol qëndror në zhvillimin e konceptit të mbrojtjes pulmonare.Ky informacion mund të jetë i vlefshëm për të bërë identifikimin e regjimit optimal me PEEP në ventilator .Identifikimi i një niveli të përshtatshëm te PEEP-it përbën një prioritet themelor dhe mjaft të vlefshëm në pacientët me ARDS.

    IASLC Proposals for the Eighth Edition of the TNM Classification of the Lung Cancer, Mesothelioma and Thymic Tumors

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    Kanceri pulmonar është nje nga tumoret që ndeshet më shpesh dhe shkaku kryesor i vdekjeve në SHBA. (1) Me gjithë përparimet që janë bërë në depistimin diagnozën dhe trajtimin e kësaj sëmundjeje,udhërrëfyesit shihen rregullisht për të siguruar dedektimin dhe terapinë më të mirë. Klasifikimi i stadifikimit te kancerit pulmonar përshkruan shtrirjen anatomike të tumoreve malinjë në tre komponentë:Tumori primar (T),statusi nodal për metastazim (N), dhe metastazat në organet e largëta (M). Aktualisht klasifikimi TNM që përdoret per stadifikimn e kancerit pulmonar është edicioni i shtatë,i propozuar nga IASLC (International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer) i miratuar qysh nga janari 2010 nga UICC (Union for International Cancer Control) dhe AJCC (American Joint Committee on Cancer) ndërkohë qe duke filluar nga janari I 2016 pritet të dalë edicioni I tetë TNM, aplikimi i te cilit do të fillojë ne 2017. Këto ndryshime që pritet të ndodhin në përshkrimin e komponentit T të TNM, të kancerit pulmonar, janë paraqitur nga Ramon-Rami-Porta dhe bashkpunetorë (2) në revistën e onkologjisë torakale (3,4).Fjalekyce: klasifikimi TNM, NSCLC, atelektaza, etj

    Diffuse Lipomatosis of Thyroid Gland. Case Report and Review of Literature

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    Fat tissue is usually not present in normal thyroid glands, orcan only be noted directly under the capsule and along the vessels. Only a few thyroid lesions containing fat tissue have been reported until today. Lipomatosis of thyroid gland is very rare and characterized by infiltration of fat cells into the thyroid tissue. The pathophysiology of thyroid lipomatosis remains unclear. We report the case of a 69-year-old female who was admitted to the Emergency Room of our hospital. She complained of dysphagia, dyspnea, swelling of the neck and loss of weight. Her thyroid panel tests were in normal range. Ultrasound examination displayed with typical appearance of a multinodular goiter. A computed tomography revealed a rightward deviation and compression of the trachea with narrowing the tracheal lumen to more than 50%. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy. The histopathological examination revealed fat tissue which was diffusely distributed throughout the whole thyroid gland. There was no evidence of atypia or mitotic activity. Capsular infiltration or amyloid deposits were not noted as well as no nuclear grooves or intra-nuclear cytoplasmic inclusions. Therefore, diffuse lipomatosis of the thyroid gland was diagnosed.In normal thyroid glands, adipose tissue is distributed only under the capsule and along vessels.It is not usually present within the thyroid gland. Only a few adipose tissue -containing thyroid lesions have been reported to date. Lipomatosis of thyroid gland is very rare condition,characterized by infiltration of adipose tissue in the thyroid gland.The pathophysiology of adipose tissue infiltration in the thyroid gland remains unclear. We report a case of a 69-year-old female who presented in the Emergency Room of our hospital, complaining dysphaghia,dyspnea ,swelling of the neck and weight loss. Her thyroid panel tests were in the range,ultrasound showed the typical appearance of multinodular goiter.A computed tomography revealed a rightward tracheal deviation and compression narrowing the tracheal lumen more than 50%. The patient underwent total thyroidectomy. The histopathological examination revealed that adipose tissue was diffusely distributed throughout the thyroid gland.There is no evidence of atypia or mitotic activity. Capsular infiltration or amyloid deposition were not observed. Nuclear grooves or intranuclear cytoplasmic inclusions were not observed. Accordingly, diffuse lipomatosis of thyroid gland was diagnosed