970 research outputs found

    Pertumbuhan dan Hasil Tanaman Tomat (Lycopersicum Esculentum Mill.) pada Pemberian Berbagai Jenis Mulsa

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    This research was conducted in Bulupountu Dusun Jaya, District Sigi Biromaru, Sigi in June to October 2015. This study was conducted to compare the effect of various mulch types (organic and inorganic) on the growth and yield of tomato (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill). This study uses a randomized block design consisted of five treatments, A0 = without mulch, A1= black plastic mulch, A2=silver plastic mulch, A3 = johar leaf mulch, A4 = rice straw mulch. Each treatment was repeated five times so that there are 25 experimental units. Mulching can increase growth and yield of tomato plants. Type silver plastic mulch provides the best growth and yield of tomato plants, especially on fruit weight parameters

    A Pricing-Based Cooperative Spectrum Sharing Stackelberg Game

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    We consider the problem of cooperative spectrum sharing among a primary user (PU) and multiple secondary users (SUs) under quality of service (QoS) constraints. The SUs network is controlled by the PU through a relay which gets a revenue for amplifying and forwarding the SUs signals to their respective destinations. The relay charges each SU a different price depending on its received signal-to-interference and-noise ratio (SINR). The relay can control the SUs network and maximize any desired PU utility function. The PU utility function represents its rate, which is affected by the SUs access, and its gained revenue to allow the access of the SUs. The SU network can be formulated as a game in which each SU wants to maximize its utility function; the problem is formulated as a Stackelberg game. Finally, the problem of maximizing the primary utility function is solved through three different approaches, namely, the optimal, the heuristic and the suboptimal algorithms.Comment: 7 pages. IEEE, WiOpt 201

    Makna Pesan Tato Sebagai Bentuk Identitas Diri Di Kalangan Pengguna Tato Di Komunitas Riau Tatto Community (Rtc)

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    Tattoo is a symbol work of art. Meanings of the symbols is an integral part and the interaction of different communication patterns of thought and action which later became the deal. The phenomenon of tattoo is not born out of a tube called modern world and urban. Historically, tattoos were born and come from inland culture, traditional, even old-fashioned can be said. Community tattoo in Pekanbaru from the largest tattoo community in Indonesia Indonesian Subculture: Riau Tatto Community (RTC), which was established in April 2013. The community is comprised of 28 and 8 of them are tatto maker (tatto maker) who has his own tattoo studio and chaired by Buntala and regulars they called lovers of tattoos (tattoo lover). This study aims to determine the meaning of a message tattooed as a representation, interpretation and object identity among users in Riau tattoo Tatto Community.This study uses qualitative research methods to perform the method of semiotic analysis approach. Subjects in this study is the chairman of RTC along with five members of the secretariat who have a tattoo studio (tattoo maker) and members who do not have a tattoo studio (tattoo lover) each - each representing the five classifications of tattoos determined through purposive sampling technique. Data collected by observation, interview, and documentation. Data were analyzed using the phenomenological research data analysis according to Creswell. Mechanical examination of the validity of data through triangulation.The results of this study indicate that the meaning of a message tattooed as a representation of identity among the tattoo community RTC, ie the tattoo community RTC showed their understanding of art appreciation, actualization representing self-identity users multiple tattoos background meaning that formed in the pictures tattoo. the meaning of the message of tattoos as an interpretation of identity among the tattoo community RTC, the variety of tattoo designs are multi interpretation because the tattoo is something very symbolic to show the values of interpretation that refer to their previous understanding of the various symbols that have been or associate in the local culture. meaning tattoos messages as objects of identity among the tattoo community RTC, the tattoo can show a very personal side of the tattoo as well as the meaning of the images used and motivation in making these tattoos

    Familial reciprocal translocation t (8; 17)(p23; q21) in a woman with recurrent spontaneous abortion

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    This work presents the results of cytogenetic analysis of a couple referred to our genetics laboratory with ten first trimester abortions and one IVF failure. The male showed a normal (46, XY) karyotype whereas the female was found to carry an apparently balanced reciprocal translocation [46, XX, t (8; 17)(p23; q21)]. Two sisters and two brothers of the eight siblings of the female proved to have the same translocation. Although the female's father is deceased and his sample was not available for investigation. The origin of this translocation must be paternal since the female's mother harbored a normal karyotype. It is concluded that the history of recurrent pregnancy losses in the couple is due to the production of unbalanced gametes in the female as a result of the reciprocal translocation she has and the couple was advised to undergo a PGD for embryo selection prior to their future IVF trials. The authors also recommend that all RSA couples with normal routine work-up results should be offered chromosomal analysis without delay

    Penambahan Konsentrasi Asam Lemak Bebas Minyak Jelantah terhadap Karakteristik Etanol Semi Padat

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    This research was aimed to obtain a concentration of free fatty acid of waste-cooking oil that obtained the best semi-solid ethanol. This research used the completely random design with 5 treatments with 3 times repetitions for each treatment. Data were analyzed using ANOVA, when F count is greater or equal to F the table then continued by DNMRT at 5% level. The results of this research shows that the addition of various concentrations of free fatty acid significantly affected the real effect (P<0.05) to combustion residue, heat caloric value, heat transfer, and the degree of acidity (pH). The best formulation was the treatment A2 (free fatty acid concentration of 5%) having a viscosity of 16,797 cP, the heat caloric value 23.029 J/g and combustion residue 39,26%

    Pengaruh Jarak Lapis Geogrid Teratas Dan Kedalaman Pondasi Terhadap Daya Dukung Tanah Pasir Dengan Kepadatan Rc = 70% Pada Pondasi Menerus Dengan Perkuatan Geogrid Tipe Biaksial

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan pada tanah pasir RC 70%. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui pengaruh – pengaruh pondasi menerus yang diletakkan pada tanah pasir dengan perkuatan geogrid tipe biaksial dengan rasio kedalaman pondasi dan jarak lapis geogrid teratas terhadap daya dukung tanah pasir. Yang dimana hasil dari pondasi menerus dengan perkuatan akan dibandingkan dengan pondasi tanpa perkuatan. Parameter yang diamati pada penelitian ini adalah pengaruh kedalaman pondasi (d) dan pengaruh efek letak lapisan geogrid teratas (u) terhadap daya dukung ultimit dan penurunan pada pondasi menerus. Uji model yang dilakukan di laboratorium mengunakan 1 lapis perkuatan geogrid dengan lebar pondasi 8 cm. Rasio yang digunakan adalah variasi rasio d/B sebesar 0; 0,5; 1 dan variasi rasio u/B sebesar 0,25; 0,5; 0,75. didapatkan hasil bahwa nilai daya dukung ultimit tertinggi pada rasio d/B tertinggi akan tetatpi nilai BCIu tertinggi pada d/B=0. Sementara untuk variasi u/B didapatkan nilai optimum pada penelitian ini adalah pada u/B=0,5, karena pada u/B=0,5 mengalami penurunan nilai BCIu

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Panduan Mitigasi Bencana Alam Provinsi Sumatera Barat Berbasis Android

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    Sumatera Barat adalah salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang bila dilihat dari potensi bencana berdasarkan data BNPB, adalah wilayah dengan potensi bahaya yang tinggi. Bencana dapat terjadi kapan saja dan di mana saja sehingga orang perlu meningkatkan kewaspadaan, kesadaran, dan kesiapan yang biasa disebut masyarakat tanggap bencana. Seiring dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi seluler, diperlukan aplikasi yang mengakomodasi kebutuhan masyarakat untuk aplikasi yang dapat memberikan informasi terkini tentang mitigasi disater secara efektif dan efisien. Tujuan dari proyek akhir ini adalah untuk mengembangkan sistem panduan informasi bencana alam yang dapat membantu orang dalam mencari informasi tentang panduan mitigasi bencana, berita &amp; peristiwa mitigasi, pelaporan bencana &amp; layanan pertanyaan bencana, dan menyediakan lokasi BPBD dan rute evakuasi menggunakan Google Map API . Tugas akhir ini menghasilkan sistem informasi panduan mitigasi bencana alam berupa situs web pada server dan aplikasi android pada klien yang menggunakan pemodelan UML. Proses pembuatan pada server menggunakan PHP, HTML, CSS, bahasa pemrograman Javascript berdasarkan kerangka CodeIgniter dengan MYSQL sebagai DBMS dan Sublimetext3 sebagai editor, sedangkan klien menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Java dengan Android Studio sebagai IDE. Sebuah sistem panduan mitigasi bencana alam dapat membantu BPBD telah dibuat dapat membantu BPBD dalam mendidik dan meningkatkan layanan kepada masyarakat dalam hal mitigasi bencana terutama di provinsi Sumatera Barat. Kemudian mempermudah masyarakat dalam mengakses informasi tentang mitigasi bencana ala
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