47 research outputs found

    Аксиология маргинальности и маргинальные дискурсы русской литературы начала XXI века

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    En el artículo se analizan los rasgos socioculturales y cognitivos de la literatura rusa moderna marginal; se presta especial atencion a la modelación cognitiva y lingüísticocultural del texto literario, que contiene los rasgos marginales diferentes; se proponen métodos argumentados para la clasificacion de los textos de la literatura marginal. Se interpreta el fenómeno de la marginalidad cultural y se descubren las raíces antropológicas de este fenómeno.В статье рассматриваются социокультурные и когнитивные черты современной русской маргинальной литературы. Особое внимание уделяется когнтивному и лингвокультурол огическому моделированию литературного текста, в различной степени несущего в себе маргинальные черты. Предлагаются обоснованные подходы к описанию и классификации текстов маргинальной литературы

    Localization and Internationalization of Texts of the Media Discourse

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    The article presents the results of a comparative analysis of the original and secondary texts of media discourse aimed at identifying the ways to localize and internationalize the verbal content of news websites. The study has been conducted on the material of news hypertexts in four languages – Russian, English, German and French, posted on the international Internet resource rt.com, Business Insider news portal, National Review newspaper, RTD Documentary Channel, L'Express journal. The authors substantiate the importance of using the terms 'localization' and 'internationalization' in translation studies to name inter-language transformations used in creating news messages, and analyze the definitions of these concepts in the frameworks of linguistics. The analysis shows that in many cases the standard translation model "source text – translation text", which presupposes a certain level of semantic equivalence, loses its relevance, since the secondary text is a new verbal product. It has been shown that the localized verbal space of the analyzed international media websites is created through the use of the following translation techniques: addition / omission of information in accordance with the pragmatic characteristics of readers, inclusion of culture-specific vocabulary in the secondary text, explication of toponyms and proper names, neutralization of imagery, omission of precision vocabulary, indication of a personal viewpoint of a secondary text's author, historical reference to allusions. It has also been revealed that internationalization of texts is performed through omission of cultural markers, addition of phrases emphasizing the view on the country "from outside", explication of toponyms, replacing proper names with generalized lexemes, as well as by indicating the positions of English-speaking countries on topical issues

    Elastin Barrier Membranes for Guided Tissue Regeneration Technologies

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    This article discusses the prospects for the use of new elastin barrier membranes manufactured using adapted technologies for the selective isolation of the elastin component from the extracellular xenogenic matrix of the pericardium ligamentous apparatus: (1) by high-temperature extraction under pressure; (2) cyanogen bromide method. A commercial material, Geistlich Bio–Gide® membrane (BG), was used as a control comparison group. It is shown that the materials of group (1) have a high degree of biocompatibility, exceeding the indicators of the control group BG. Based on the results of an study in a model of subcutaneous heterotopic implantation in rats, it was shown that elastin BM has a chemoattractant effect on the mesenchymal recipient cells and, unlike the control, is able to integrate to a high degree into the surrounding recipient tissues. At the same time, the materials of group (1) had a pronounced proangiogenic effect. Thus, it has been shown that elastin BM groups (1) have a medium-term barrier function and are able to induce full-fledged cellular repopulation and local neoangiogenesis, which can be useful in clinical practice, primarily in GTR technologies (with gingival flap augmentation) or when used together with other BM as an angiogenesis inducer to ensure formation of the vascular bed in GBR technologies of bone tissue

    Remineralization of Demineralized Bone Matrixes with Preserved Fibrillary Structure as a Promising Approach to Obtain Highly Effective Osteoplastic Materials

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    The development of highly effective osteoplastic materials capable of providing bone tissue regeneration still remains an urgent and unresolved problem. In the presented work, an approach is proposed for the creation of biomimetic materials by the deposition of amorphous calcium phosphates on the surface of a xenogenic bone demineralized matrix under physiological conditions. Adsorption spectroscopy and scanning electron microscopy showed the efficiency of deposition of amorphous calcium phosphates on the trabeculae surface. The additional inclusion of the calcium-binding protein albumin was found to increase the efficiency of CPC adsorption on the trabeculae surface during DBM remineralization in vitro. In the model of heterotopic implantation for 7 weeks the osteoinductive properties of the obtained material were demonstrated, expressed in intrabecular mineralization of bone trabeculae, neovascularization and pronounced synthetic activity of osteoblasts (synthesis and structurization of neocollagen directly on the implanted material). The data obtained in the course of this work will be used to create new highly effective osteoplastic materials

    Using the grade-rating system assessing the knowledge when teaching informational and legal disciplines in universities of law enforcement agencies

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    This article discusses the practical experience of using the grade-rating system for assessing the knowledge of cadets in educational organizations within the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia when using the Moodle virtual learning environment. The advantages and disadvantages of the grade-rating system are analyzed

    Clinical cases of microscopic colitis: Diagnosis and treatment issues. Case report

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    Currently, there is an increase in the incidence of microscopic colitis. There are difficulties in diagnosing this disease due to the variability of histological signs, variability of morphological changes in the mucous membrane of the colon in different parts of the colon, and the combination in one patient of not only various forms of microscopic colitis, but also other intestinal diseases. The article describes the differential diagnosis, an example of its staging and successful treatment of various forms of microscopic colitis with budesonide (two clinical cases presented)

    Taphonomic phenomenon of ancient hair from Glacial Beringia:perspectives for palaeoecological reconstructions

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    An accumulation of mammoth hair, discovered in the Bol'shaya Chukochya River valley (northeast Yakutia, Russia), was found to contain remains of terrestrial and aquatic organisms, including plants, insects, crustaceans, birds and mammals. Radiocarbon dating indicated that this post-mortem taphocoenosis represented multiple time periods. The mammoth hair was dated to older than 45 ka BP, the plants were dated to 12 750 +/- 50 a BP (which corresponds to a shift in the environmental conditions and landscapes during the formation of thermokarst in northeastern Russia) and the bird feathers were dated to 4115 +/- 40 a BP. A scenario of the formation of this fossil assemblage is proposed, covering the MIS 3-1 time range. The hair also yielded various Arctic branchiopod crustaceans, which inhabit shallow temporary water bodies and therefore are important for reconstruction of palaeoenvironments. The cladoceran subgenus Daphnia (Ctenodaphnia), currently absent from the Asian part of Beringia, is reported from this region for the first time. The study demonstrates that the discovered permafrostpreserved hair is a unique repository of Ice Age organisms.</p