22 research outputs found

    Sol-Gel Lithography Method for Production of Flexible Transparent Ir-Heater

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    Представлена перспективная малозатратная методика формирования прозрачных проводящих покрытий на основе металлической микросетки, формируемой при помощи самоорганизованного шаблона. Разработанный метод позволил создать основы технологии получения гибких прозрачных нагревательных элементов. Показана высокая однородность нагрева и стабильность микросетки при деформационных воздействияхA promising low-cost method of forming transparent conductive coatings based on metal micromesh formed using self-organized pattern. The developed method is will provide the framework technology of flexible transparent heating elements. The show high heating uniformity and stability micromesh during deformation effect

    Modification of Spray-Method for Producing of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Films and Their Properties

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    Разработана методика формирования тонких пленок однослойных углеродных нанотрубок посредством ультразвукового распыления водной дисперсии. Методика позволяет формировать пленки однослойных углеродных нанотрубок большой площади и высокой однородности, на поверхностях сложной формы. При помощи данной методики сформированы прозрачные электроды, характеризующиеся прозрачностью 77 % и удельным поверхностным сопротивлением 210 Ом/кв, а также прозрачностью в инфракрасном диапазоне более 91 %The technique of forming thin films of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ultrasonic spraying an aqueous dispersion. The developed technique allows to form a film of single-walled carbon nanotubes of large area and highly homogeneous. The technique allows to form a nanotube coating on the surfaces of complex shape. Using this method, the transparent electrodes are formed characterized by transparency of 77 % and a surface resistivity of 210 ohms / square, and transparency in the infrared range of more than 91

    Amyloid Aggregates of Smooth-Muscle Titin Impair Cell Adhesion

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    Various amyloid aggregates, in particular, aggregates of amyloid β-proteins, demonstrate in vitro and in vivo cytotoxic effects associated with impairment of cell adhesion. We investigated the effect of amyloid aggregates of smooth-muscle titin on smooth-muscle-cell cultures. The aggregates were shown to impair cell adhesion, which was accompanied by disorganization of the actin cytoskeleton, formation of filopodia, lamellipodia, and stress fibers. Cells died after a 72-h contact with the amyloid aggregates. To understand the causes of impairment, we studied the effect of the microtopology of a titin-amyloid-aggregate-coated surface on fibroblast adhesion by atomic force microscopy. The calculated surface roughness values varied from 2.7 to 4.9 nm, which can be a cause of highly antiadhesive properties of this surface. As all amyloids have the similar structure and properties, it is quite likely that the antiadhesive effect is also intrinsic to amyloid aggregates of other proteins. These results are important for understanding the mechanisms of the negative effect of amyloids on cell adhesion

    Sol-Gel Lithography Method for Production of Flexible Transparent Ir-Heater

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    Представлена перспективная малозатратная методика формирования прозрачных проводящих покрытий на основе металлической микросетки, формируемой при помощи самоорганизованного шаблона. Разработанный метод позволил создать основы технологии получения гибких прозрачных нагревательных элементов. Показана высокая однородность нагрева и стабильность микросетки при деформационных воздействияхA promising low-cost method of forming transparent conductive coatings based on metal micromesh formed using self-organized pattern. The developed method is will provide the framework technology of flexible transparent heating elements. The show high heating uniformity and stability micromesh during deformation effect

    Simulation of the Kinematic Condition of Radial Shear Rolling and Estimation of Its Influence on a Titanium Billet Microstructure

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    The finite element method (FEM) computer simulation of the three-high radial shear rolling of Ti-6Al-4V alloy round billets was conducted using QForm software. The simulation was performed for the MISIS-100T rolling mill’s three passes according to the following rolling route: 76 mm (the initial billet diameter) →65 mm→55 mm→48 mm (the final billet diameter). The change in the total velocity values for the points on the radius of the 48 mm diameter billet was estimated while passing the rolls’ draft. The relative increase in the accumulated strain was estimated for the same points. Then, experimental shear rolling was performed. Grain sizes of the α- and β-phases were estimated in the cross section of the final billet at the stationary stage of rolling. The grain size distribution histograms for different phases were plotted. An area was found in the billet’s cross section in which the trend of change in the total velocity of the points changed. This area represented a neutral layer between the slowing peripheral segments of the billet and the accelerating central segments of the billet. Inside this neutral layer, the limits of the cylindrical surface radius value were estimated. Experimental radial shear rolling was performed to compare the experimental rolling results (the billet microstructure investigation) with the computer simulation results. The computer simulation obtained two estimations of the radius limits: 8–16 mm (based on the analysis of the total velocity change) and 12–16 mm (based on the accumulated strain’s relative increment change). The experimental rolling obtained two more estimations of the radius limits: 8.4–19.5 mm and 11.3–19.7 mm—based on the results of the microstructure investigation. It was confirmed that varying the kinematic and deformation parameters of radial shear rolling allows regulation of the thickness of the peripheral fine-grain layer and the diameter of the central coarse-grain layer of the rolled billets

    Thermoelectric properties of low-cost transparent single wall carbon nanotube thin films obtained by vacuum filtration

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    Текст статьи не публикуется в открытом доступе в соответствии с политикой журнала.The dispersions of semiconducting (sc-) and metallic (m-) SWCNTs with purity more than 98 and 86%, correspondingly, were obtained by using the aqueous two-phase extraction method. The unseparated (un-) SWCNTs contained ~3/4 of semiconducting and ~1/4 of metallic nanotubes. Thin films based on unseparated, semiconducting and metallic SWCNTs were prepared by vacuum filtration method. An Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and a Transmission Electronic Microscopy (TEM) were used to investigate the thin film microstructure. The thin SWCNT film transmittance was measured in the wavelength range of 300–1500 nm. Thermoelectric properties were carried out in the temperature range up to 200 °C. The largest Seebeck coefficient was observed for thin films based on semiconducting SWCNTs. The maximum value was 98 μV/K under the temperature of 170 °C. The lowest resistivity was 7.5·10−4·Ohm·cm at room temperature for thin un-SWCNT films. The power factor for m-SWCNT and un-SWCNT films was 47 and 213 μWm−1 K−2, correspondingly, at room temperature and 74 and 54 μWm−1 K−2 at 200 °C, respectively. For a thin sc-SWCNT film the maximum power factor was 2.8 μWm−1 K−2 at 160 °C. The un-SWCNT film thermal conductivity coefficient was 5.63 and 3.64Wm−1 K−1 and a thermoelectric figure of merit was 0.011 and 0.016 at temperatures of 23 and 50 °C, respectively

    Modification of Spray-Method for Producing of Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes Films and Their Properties

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    Разработана методика формирования тонких пленок однослойных углеродных нанотрубок посредством ультразвукового распыления водной дисперсии. Методика позволяет формировать пленки однослойных углеродных нанотрубок большой площади и высокой однородности, на поверхностях сложной формы. При помощи данной методики сформированы прозрачные электроды, характеризующиеся прозрачностью 77 % и удельным поверхностным сопротивлением 210 Ом/кв, а также прозрачностью в инфракрасном диапазоне более 91 %The technique of forming thin films of single-walled carbon nanotubes by ultrasonic spraying an aqueous dispersion. The developed technique allows to form a film of single-walled carbon nanotubes of large area and highly homogeneous. The technique allows to form a nanotube coating on the surfaces of complex shape. Using this method, the transparent electrodes are formed characterized by transparency of 77 % and a surface resistivity of 210 ohms / square, and transparency in the infrared range of more than 91

    А New Method of Obtaining Transparent Conducting Films of Indium (III) Oxide and Indium-Tin Oxide

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    В работе получены седиментационно устойчивые золи гидроксидов индия (III) и олова (IV) методом анионообменного синтеза, заключающимся в обменной реакции между ОН‑ионами анионообменной смолы и анионами металлосодержащих растворов. Синтезированные гидрозоли использованы для получения проводящих пленок оксида индия (III) In2O3 и оксида индия, легированного оловом In2O3:Sn, с поверхностным сопротивлением 4 кОм/кв, толщинами 200– 500 нм и прозрачностью более 85 %. Подобраны режимы нанесения прекурсоров на стеклянные подложки модифицированным спрей-методом и методом центрифугирования. Пленки исследованы с помощью РФА, СЭМ, оптической микроскопии и спектрофотометрииIn the work, sedimentation-stable sols of indium (III) and tin (IV) hydroxides were obtained by the Anion Resin Exchange Precipitation, which consists of the exchange reaction between the OH ions of the anion exchange resin and the anions of metal-containing solutions. The synthesized hydrosols were used to obtain conducting films of indium (III) In2O3 oxide and indium oxide doped with Tin In2O3: Sn, with a surface resistance of 4 kOhm/sq, thicknesses of 200–500 nm and a transparency of more than 85 %. The modes of applying precursors to glass substrates by the modified spray method and centrifugation method are selected. Films were studied using XRD, SEM, optical microscopy and spectrophotometr

    Spinal Cord Molecular and Cellular Changes Induced by Adenoviral Vector- and Cell-Mediated Triple Gene Therapy after Severe Contusion

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    The gene therapy has been successful in treatment of spinal cord injury (SCI) in several animal models, although it still remains unavailable for clinical practice. Surprisingly, regardless the fact that multiple reports showed motor recovery with gene therapy, little is known about molecular and cellular changes in the post-traumatic spinal cord following viral vector- or cell-mediated gene therapy. In this study we evaluated the therapeutic efficacy and changes in spinal cord after treatment with the genes encoding vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), glial cell-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), angiogenin (ANG), and neuronal cell adhesion molecule (NCAM) applied using both approaches. Therapeutic genes were used for viral vector- and cell-mediated gene therapy in two combinations: (1) VEGF+GDNF+NCAM and (2) VEGF+ANG+NCAM. For direct gene therapy adenoviral vectors based on serotype 5 (Ad5) were injected intrathecally and for cell-mediated gene delivery human umbilical cord blood mononuclear cells (UCB-MC) were simultaneously transduced with three Ad5 vectors and injected intrathecally 4 h after the SCI. The efficacy of both treatments was confirmed by improvement in behavioral (BBB) test. Molecular and cellular changes following post-traumatic recovery were evaluated with immunofluorescent staining using antibodies against the functional markers of motorneurons (Hsp27, synaptophysin, PSD95), astrocytes (GFAP, vimentin), oligodendrocytes (Olig2, NG2, Cx47) and microglial cells (Iba1). Our results suggest that both approaches with intrathecal delivery of therapeutic genes may support functional recovery of post-traumatic spinal cord via lowering the stress (down regulation of Hsp25) and enhancing the synaptic plasticity (up regulation of PSD95 and synaptophysin), supporting oligodendrocyte proliferation (up regulation of NG2) and myelination (up regulation of Olig2 and Cx47), modulating astrogliosis by reducing number of astrocytes (down regulation of GFAP and vimetin) and microglial cells (down regulation of Iba1)