6 research outputs found

    Studies on zinc and copper ion in relation to wound healing in male and female west African dwarf goats

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    Wound healing remains a challenging clinical problem for which precise and efficient management is essential in order to curtail morbidity and mortality. Wound healing has been shown to depend upon the availability of appropriate trace elements like copper and zinc which serve as enzyme cofactors and structural components in tissue repair. This study aims at evaluating the distribution of zinc and copper found in the hair as well as skin during epidermal wound healing. Adult and healthy West African dwarf (WAD) goats of both sexes fed with concentrate, grass, cassava peel and water ad libitum were used. The animals were housed for three weeks before commencement of the experiments. Epidermal wounds were created on the trunks of all the goats using cardboard template of 1cm². Progressive changes in wound contraction were monitored grossly by placing clean and sterile venier calliper on the wound margin. Hair and skin elemental (copper and zinc) analyses were done using atomic absorption spectroscopy (AAS). Significant increases in Cu level were observed in the female hair compared with that of males. There were significant increases in the Zn levels of the females’ hair compared with the males. The wound healed faster in female goat compared with the males. The ratio of copper to zinc is clinically more important than the concentration of either of these trace metals. The pattern of distribution between zinc and copper concentration in the skin and hair of the male and female goats observed in this study could be added factor responsible for early wound healing in female. Therefore, our findings suggest that the distribution in the Cu and Zinc level in skin and hair of both male and female goats could also be a factor for wound healing in the animals.Keywords: Wound healing, Copper, Zinc, Hair, Skin

    Optimal nutrition, a key to addressing reproductive performance in Nigerian local turkey toms

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    The Nigerian local turkey has the potential to augment the supply of poultry protein in the country and across the region. However, the fecundity of the breed is low due to neglect and lack of improvement. This work is therefore aimed at shedding some light in some reproductive indices of the local turkey under optimum nutrition. A group of fifteen toms and nine hens were used in this study. The males were grouped into three groups of five and placed on varying levels of protein, 12% CP, 16% CP and 20% CP for groups 1, 2 and 3 respectively. Semen samples were collected and analysed twice weekly for thirteen weeks. Ejaculate volume, semen concentration, semen PH, gross and individual motilities, live and dead sperm and sperm morphology were investigated and recorded. Data were summarized as mean ± SEM (Standard Error of the Mean). The toms in groups 3 had significantly (P < 0.05) higher ejaculate volume 0.29 ± 0.03 mls and semen concentration7.766 ± 0.612 x109 than groups 1 and 2. The fertilizing ability, which was assessed through in vivo and in vitro sperm penetration assays revealed significantly higher number of sperm penetration holes (P < 0.05) in Groups 2 and 3, 160.97 ± 8.084 and 172.83 ± 7.647 (in vivo); 187.96 ± 8.121 and 189.16 ± 6.446 (in vitro) respectively. The local turkey toms could parallel their exotic counterpart under optimum environment, without the need for genetic hybridization and that 20% CP had more positive influence on the semen quality and fertilizing ability of indigenous Nigerian turkey toms followed by 16% CP with 12% CP exerting the least positive influence.Keywords: Artificial Insemination, Crude protein, Reproduction, Semen, Turkey tom

    Proximate and mineral composition of Japanese quail egg and its possible role in bone healing

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    Quail eggs are known to be highly nutritious. In the first study, the nutritional and mineral composition of quail eggs was evaluated by determining the proportion of moisture, total ash, lipids, nitrogen, crude protein and carbohydrate in the egg. The second phase was to determine the role of quail eggs in bone healing. Freshly laid Japanese quail eggs were purchased from a research institute in Plateau state, Nigeria. Five eggs were randomly selected and used for the evaluation of the nutritional and mineral composition of eggs. They were subjected to different methods to obtain the proximate and nutritive content. The moisture content in the egg was 65.5 %, total ash was 8.5 %, lipid was 1.5 %, nitrogen was 0.75 %, crude protein was 4.72 %, and carbohydrate was 19.78 %. For the mineral content, sodium was 42.5 mg, potassium was 80 mg, phosphorus was 6.49 mg, calcium was 0.9 mg, and magnesium was 1.3 mg. In the second study, 12 male New Zealand white rabbits with an average age of 7–8 months were used. They were separated into 2 groups comprising 6 rabbits per group. Rabbits in group A had a cylindrical trephine drill to create a 3.5 mm diameter defect on the lateral distal epicondyle of the left femur and were monitored for 12 weeks. Faster healing was observed in the group administered quail egg. At week 10, the radiographic score of the quail egg treated group [4(3-4)] was significantly (P < 0.05) higher compared to the control group with 2(2-3). At week 12, complete healing was observed in the quail egg group [4(4-4)]; this was different from the control group that had 2 rabbits yet to be healed. The study shows that Japanese quail egg is nutritious and rich in essential nutrients including calcium and phosphorus and as such it can serve as a nutritional supplement to enhance bone healing

    Effect of ketamine hydrochloride induced anaesthesia on Psammophis sibilans

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    This study sought to determine the actual dose of ketamine hydrochloride to be used to achieve surgical plane of anaesthesia in hissing sand snake (Psammophis sibilans). Ketamine hydrochloride was administered intravenously to the snakes at different doses based on their body weight, and some physiological parameters were monitored. Twelve snakes divided into four groups A, B, C and D were administered ketamine hydrochloride intravenously at 60 mg/kg, 46 mg/kg, 40 mg/kg, and 30 mg/kg respectively. With 40 mg/kg, a good plane of surgical anaesthesia was achieved in this species of snakes. The dose was able to achieve both anaesthesia and analgesia. Other dose recommended for anaesthesia was 30 mg/kg. It is concluded that dose higher than 46 mg/kg may cause the death of the animal. These result shows that ketamine hydrochloride is generally effective at 40 mg/kg in the Psammophis sibilans, with no wide individual variation in the time to onset (3.5±0.7 mins), duration of anaesthesia (23.5±9.19 mins), and time to recovery (36.5±25.1 mins).Keywords: Ketamine hydrochloride, Psammophis sibilans, righting reflex, anaesthesi

    Sonographic measurements of ocular biometry of indigenous Nigerian dogs in Zaria, Nigeria

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    This study was aimed at conducting ophthalmic sonographic examination of Nigerian indigenous dogs to provide baseline information on some major ocular parameters. Healthy eyes of eighty (80) indigenous dogs were used for the study. The dogs were adequately restrained physically and the structure of the ocular globe was evaluated at a depth of 4-6 cm. For each dog, baseline data were obtained for D1= corneal thickness, D2= anterior chamber depth, D3= lens thickness, D4= vitreous chamber depth, and D5= the sagital axial length of the eye. Similarly, the baseline data were obtained for A1= anterior chamber area, A2= lens area, A3= vitreous chamber area and A4= globe area. Result revealed that the baseline ocular parameters of the Indigenous Nigerian dogs’ (in puppy, adult and older dogs respectively) were D1: 1.2 ± 0.2 mm, 1.4 ± 0.2 mm, 1.8 ± 0.2 mm; D3: 12.6 ± 0.6 mm, 13.6 ± 0.8 mm, 15.1 ± 0.9 mm and D5: 39.1 ± 1.4 mm, 42.5 ± 1.5 mm, 43.2 ± 2.1 mm. similarly, area biometry were obtained for A1: 30.8 ±3.0 mm2, 34.5 ± 3.6 mm2 and 32.0 ± 4.6 mm2 and A2: 213.7 ± 21.1 mm2, 250.3 ± 23.6 mm2, 264.8 ± 21.0 mm2. Analysis of variance (ANOVA) with turkey’s multiple comparison post-hoc test was used to compare the level of significance among the test groups. Values of P < 0.05 were considered significant at 95 % confidence. As such, it was deduced that these baseline ocular parameter values varied in two patterns: corneal thickness (D1), lens thickness and area (D3 and A2) and axial length and area (D5 and A4) increased with age from puppy to the adult and the older dogs in both sexes. However, the anterior chamber depth and area (D2 and A1) and vitreous depth and area (D4 and A3) increased initially with age from puppy to the adult dogs and then decreased slightly in the older dogs. The three (3) major ocular segments- anterior chamber, lens capsule and vitreous chamber was demonstrated in this study to represent approximately 2%, 17% and 76% respectively of the entire ocular globe area. The ciliary body and muscles, suspensory ligament and posterior chamber makes up the remainder 5%. This study has presented the baseline sonographic values of some major parameters of Indiginous Nigerian dogs in Zaria, and the values will be useful in the disgnosis ocular conditions that these may present.Keywords: Ultrasonography, Baseline Value, Nigerian indigenous Dog, Ocular Biometr

    Effect of multiple in-utero insonation on rabbit fetal thyroid hormonal level

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    Due to the increased use of ultrasound in the diagnosis of cyesis, it is necessary to study the possible adverse effect of insonation on thyroid hormone in fetuses. Sixteen (16) adult rabbit does that had kindled at least once were used for the study and were scanned using a Medison S600V® Ultrasound machine with a 6.5MHz transcutaneous curve-linear probe. All does were mated naturally by the introduction of a doe to a buck and then divided randomly into two groups. The does that were scanned (insonated)-, were properly restrained on dorsal recumbency, liberally shaved; aquasonic gel applied and scanned using a transcutaneous curve-linear probe for 5 minutes on the 5th day post coitus and thereafter on days 7, 12, 15, 20, 25, 27 and 29. The restrain and scanning procedures were mimicked on the group of does that were not scanned (non-insonated). Upon parturition, blood was collected from kits and serum was extracted and used to assay for total thyroxine (tT4) and triiodothyronine (tT3). Fetal thyroid glands were also harvested for histologic study. Mean tT3 concentration was 1.60 ± 0.90 μg/dl and 1.58 ± 0.03 μg/dl while mean tT4 was 1.46 ± 0.10 μg/dl and 1.39 ± 0.07 μg/dl for the non-insonated and insonated groups, respectively. P values of 0.610 and 0.132 for tT3 and tT4 concentration respectively showed that there is no statistically significant difference in the values even though there was a numerical difference between the groups. No histopathologic change on fetal thyroid gland from both groups was observed. In conclusion, although the values were not significantly different, the numerical decrease of both tT3 and tT4 in the insonated rabbits suggest the possibility that insonation could alter their values in fetuses when the threshold of ultrasound waves are increased and insonation prolonged.Keywords: Fetus, Insonation, Rabbit, Thyroid hormone, Ultrasoun