52 research outputs found

    Estado de desarrollo de la flor en el reposo en cerezo

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    1 .Pag con resumen amplio extraído del Libro de Actas del Congreso.Para explorar si existe un estado de la flor determinado asociado al reposo, en este trabajo se ha caracterizado el desarrollo de los primoridos florales de seis variedades de cerezo, con diferentes fechas de floración y diferentes necesidades de frío, desde el inicio de la diferenciación floral hasta el desborre durante tres años.Peer reviewe

    Chilling requirements and flower bud development in cherry

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    1 Pag. extracted from the Abstracts Book of the International Symposium.The work was performed along two consecutive years, paying attention to the possible anatomical and cytochemical changes accompanying dormancy. Results show that while no anatomical variations occur along dormancy, conspicuous cytochemical changes can be tracked along this period that may help to understand the requirement for chilling.Peer reviewe

    Dormancy and flower bud development in cherry

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    1 Pag with extended abstract.Flowering is a key moment in fruit production and it just last few days in sweet cherry. However flower buds are differentiated at the end of the previous summer and further development is stopped by dormancy. The importance of the blooming dates prediction have made to develop several empirical models to determine the length of dormancy, however this models are not supported on biological bases.Peer reviewe

    Diferenciación floral en variedades de cerezo con distintos requerimientos de frío

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    1 .pdf, con fotos, copia del póster original presentado por los autores al Congreso.El cerezo es un cultivo adaptado a zonas templadas, donde para sobrevivir a las bajas temperaturas del invierno los árboles cesan su crecimiento en otoño, entrando en estado de reposo. Las bajas temperaturas son necesarias para poder superar este estado y reanudar el crecimiento cuando se acerca la primavera; si los árboles no están expuestos a suficiente frío durante el reposo, se producen problemas en el desborre de las yemas y la floración. El desarrollo floral se ve intensamente afectado por el reposo, ya que las flores comienzan a desarrollarse a finales del verano, cesan su desarrollo en otoño y reanudan el crecimiento en primavera poco antes de la floración. Aunque el desarrollo floral se ha descrito en muchas especies, no se ha relacionado con el reposo.Peer reviewe

    Desarrollo de la yema de flor durante el reposo en cerezo

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    1 Pag. con resumen amplio del Póster presentado por los autores.En este trabajo se ha caracterizado secuencialmente el desarrollo de la yema floral en el cultivar de cerezo Bing desde finales de septiembre hasta la floración. La caracterización de los estados de desarrollo de la yema de flor se ha realizado mediante la disección de yemas en el microscopio estereoscópico y mediante la caracterización histoquímica en el microscopio.Peer reviewe

    Flower development and dormancy in prunus avium

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    1 Pag.In many woody perennials flower development lasts for several months, and at winter this development is halted as the flower buds enter a dormant period. In this way, flower development supports the low winter temperatures, and adapts the subsequent reproductive process to the suitable conditions of spring and summer. Still dormancy is not just a survival strategy, but also a requisite for proper flowering and is one of the main drawbacks for the cultivation of temperate fruit trees to warmer latitudes. In spite of its agricultural implications, what occurs during dormancy remains elusive. Chilling requirements are genetically controlled for they vary among genotypes, and have been traditionally calculated in an empirical way with different mathematical models. Recently there is a search for the genetic control of this process, but this search is hindered by the absence of a biological frame where to fit results. In this work, flower development is characterized in sweet cherry (Prunus avium) with microscope image analysis combined with cytochemistry. Results show at what stage flower buds enter dormancy and what are the first events at waking up time. These events mark a sporophytic gametophytic boundary and the onset of the new male gametophyte generation, with meiosis taking place in the anther. But also the observation of reproductive structures, along the dormant period, surprisingly shows that important changes in carbohydrate accumulation occur during this apparently flower bud dormant stage.Peer Reviewe

    Agroclimatic requirements and adaptation potential to global warming of Spanish cultivars of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.)

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    Traditional fruit tree cultivars are an important source of agricultural biodiversity. These genotypes are well adapted to the regions where they grow, and their fruits offer distinctive features compared to the commercial cultivars that are frequently grown. We analyzed the adaptation prospects of seven sweet cherry cultivars grown in Zaragoza (Spain) to future climate conditions. We first delineated chilling and forcing phases using Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression to correlate phenology records with daily accumulations of chill and heat during the months preceding flowering. We then calculated chill requirements using three chill models (Chilling Hours, Utah and Dynamic) and forcing requirements using one heat model (Growing Degree Hours, GDH). Results indicated that the chilling and forcing requirements ranged between 26.1 and 60.2 CP (chill portions) and from 5473 to 8030 GDH, respectively. We then assessed the cultivars’ potential to adapt to a warmer future using climate projections and comparing the chill requirements with the expected chill accumulation under two global warming scenarios, RCP4.5 (effective reduction of greenhouse gas emissions) and RCP8.5 (very high greenhouse gas emissions), by two time horizons, 2050 and 2085, with temperature projections from fifteen Global Climate Models (GCM). These projections established that chill accumulation has consistently decreased over the last 30 years, but temperate trees have shown regular breaking of dormancy, bud burst and blooming. Future chill levels are expected to continue decreasing given the sustained warming trend, so there is no guarantee that sufficient winter chill will be observed in the medium to long term if the warming trend continues. For three out of the seven cultivars we analyzed, most global climate models predict medium or low risks by 2050 and 2085 under the RCP4.5 scenario. Under the RCP8.5 scenario, particularly by the end of the 21st century (i.e. 2085), four of the cultivars with high chill needs are expected to not to meet their chill requirements very often.Publishe

    Adaptation of sweet cherry cultivars to future climate conditions in the Ebro Valley (Spain)

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    chilling hourschilling requirementschilling portionschilling unitsclimate changefuture scenariosPrunus aviu

    Necesidades de frío en variedades de melocotonero, nectarino y paraguayo

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    El melocotonero es el frutal de hueso más cultivado a nivel nacional. España es el tercer país productor europeo, y las principales CC.AA. productoras son Cataluña, Aragón, Murcia y Extremadura. El proceso de reposo invernal es crucial para el ciclo anual de los melocotoneros, en el que las yemas pasan por fases de endo– y eco–dormancia, influenciadas principalmente por la temperatura. Cada variedad tiene unas necesidades de frío y calor específicas que de-ben cubrirse para que se produzca una floración normal. La reducción del frío invernal en muchas zonas de cultivo está provocando problemas de producción en las variedades más exigentes en necesidades de frío en los años de inviernos templados. En el contexto de calentamiento glo-bal provocado por el cambio climático, conocerlas necesidades de frío de las variedades es cada vez más importante para determinar su posible adaptación a una zona determinada. En este tra-bajo se ha recopilado la información disponible sobre las necesidades de frío de variedades de melocotonero, nectarino y paraguayo, y se des-criben ensayos en marcha sobre la adaptación del cultivo en zonas de diferente climatología.Publishe