3 research outputs found

    セイタイ ニオケル チョウカン メンエキ ノ ジュウヨウセイ リンショウエイヨウホウ ケイミャクエイヨウ ケイチョウエイヨウ ニ カンスル ケントウ

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    It is well acknowledged that there is a strong correlation between systemic nutrition and immunological state in human. This mutual dependency can be manifested, especially, in the digestive tract. The intestine, which is the first entry organ of the nutrients, is located in the border of internal circumstance and outer one of the body. It, therefore, is furnished the highly developed immunological self-defending system. Recent studies have been clarified the impaired intestinal defense systems allow the bacterial invasion through the mucosal surface of the digestive tract, which is called " bacterial translocation (BT) ".In the clinical nutritional management, it has been often reported that enteral nutrition (EN) has much more beneficial effects, compared with parenteral nutrition (PN) through the maintaining the intestinal integrity. The data of superiority of EN were introduced in this paper in both experimental and clinical studies. On the viewpoints of these evidences, in conclusion, enteral nutrition is more adequate modality of nutritional giving as long as the intestine can be functioned

    ネパール ニ オケル トキソプラズマショウ ノ ケッセイ エキガク チョウサ

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    We studied the seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies among inhabitants of the Kathmandu Valley, Nepal (location of the capital, Kathmandu) and inhabitants of a village area in Lekhnath City, Kaski District (central Kathmandu), epal. A total of 376 serum samples were collected from apparently healthy participants. Toxoplasma antibodies (IgM and IgG) were detected by enzyme- linked fluorescent assay (ELFA). In the Kathmandu Valley, positive rates for Toxoplasma IgM and IgG antibodies were 1.4% (2/146) and 35.6% (52/146) respectively. In Lekhnath City, positive rates were 2.6% (6/230) for IgM antibodies and 60.4% for IgG antibodies, i.e., comparatively higher than those in the Kathmandu Valley. The higher prevalence of these antibodies in the Lekhnath City village area was associated with animal keeping in almost all households, while in the Kathmandu Valley only a few households kept animals. However, the seroprevalence of anti-Toxoplasma antibodies in these areas was relatively high in each case. Environmental conditions may be responsible for the transmission of Toxo- plasma parasites in both areas

    ネパール ノ Kaski チク ニ オケル セイカツスイ ノ ビョウゲンセイ ビセイブツ オセン ジッタイ チョウサ

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    Diarrheal disease is one of the most important causes of morbidity and mortality particularly among children in the developing countries with poor water sanitation. In the rainy season of 2009, a study on enteropathogenic contamination was performed for the water supply in the Kaski District of Nepal. A total of 23 water samples, including 6 from Pokhara City (central city), 7 from Patneri Village (on the plain side), and 10 from Dhital Village (on the hill side) were investigated using a commercially available coliform bacilli kit, MPN Colilert (IDEXX Laboratories, USA). In total, 87% (20/23) water samples were positive for coliform bacilli (Escherichia coli) and 74% (17/23) for fecal coliform bacilli. All samples collected in Pokhara City and Dhital Village were positive for coliform bacilli while only 57% (4/7) of samples collected from Patneri Village were for coliform bacilli. With regard to fecal coliform bacilli, rates of positivity in these three locations were 100% (6/6), 80% (8/10), and 43% (3/7), respectively. Interestingly, water samples collected from schools at Dhital Village and Patneri Village showed both coliform bacilli and fecal coliform bacilli. These findings, particularly of fecal coliform contamination of water at schools, suggest the possibility of outbreaks of waterborne disease among children. We recommend effective sterilization of the water supply and improvement of knowledge of water safety in school children as well as people in general