78 research outputs found

    Resetting the late timing of ‘night owls’ has a positive impact on mental health and performance

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    Background There is conflict between living according to our endogenous biological rhythms and our external environment, with disruptions resulting in negative consequences to health and performance. This is often documented in shift work and jet lag, but ‘societal norms’ (eg, typical working hours) can create profound issues for ‘night owls’, people whose internal biological timing predisposes them to follow an unusually late sleep-wake cycle. Night owls have also been associated with health issues, mood disturbances, poorer performance and increased mortality rates. Methods This study used a randomized control trial design aimed to shift the late timing of night owls to an earlier time (phase advance), using non-pharmacological, practical interventions in a real-world setting. These interventions targeted light exposure (through earlier wake up/sleep times), fixed meals times, caffeine intake and exercise. Results Overall, participants demonstrated a significant advance of ~2 h in sleep/wake timings as measured by actigraphy and circadian phase markers (dim light melatonin onset and peak time of the cortisol awakening response), whilst having no adverse effect on sleep duration. Notably, the phase advance was accompanied by significant improvements to self-reported depression and stress, as well as improved cognitive (reaction time) and physical (grip strength) performance measures during the typical 'suboptimal morning hours. Conclusions Our findings propose a novel strategy for shifting clock timing towards a pattern that is more aligned to societal demands that could significantly improve elements of performance, mental health and sleep timing in the real world.</p

    Circadian phenotype composition is a major predictor of diurnal physical performance in teams

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    Team performance is a complex phenomenon involving numerous influencing factors including physiology, psychology, and management. Biological rhythms and the impact of circadian phenotype have not been studied for their contribution to this array of factors so far despite our knowledge of the circadian regulation of key physiological processes involved in physical and mental performance. This study involved 216 individuals from 12 different teams who were categorized into circadian phenotypes using the novel RBUB chronometric test. The composition of circadian phenotypes within each team was used to model predicted daily team performance profiles based on physical performance tests. Our results show that the composition of circadian phenotypes within teams is variable and unpredictable. Predicted physical peak performance ranged from 1.52pm to 8.59pm with performance levels fluctuating by up to 14.88% over the course of the day. The major predictor for peak performance time of day in a team is the occurrence of late circadian phenotypes. We conclude that circadian phenotype is a performance indicator in teams that allows new insight and a better understanding of team performance variation in the course of a day as often observed in different groupings of individuals

    UK hydrological outlook - August 2023

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    The Hydrological Outlook provides an insight into future hydrological conditions across the UK. Specifically, it describes likely trajectories for river flows and groundwater levels on a monthly basis, with a particular focus on the next three months. Well established monitoring programmes provide the current status of both river flows and groundwater levels at many sites across the UK, and data from these programmes provide the starting point for the Outlook. A number of techniques are used to project forwards from the current state and results from these are used to produce a summary that includes a highlights map

    UK hydrological outlook - February 2024

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    The outlook for February is for normal to above normal flows, and normal to exceptionally high groundwater levels to be seen across northern and eastern parts of the UK. Flows in south-western Britain and Northern Ireland are likely to be normal to below normal for February. This pattern is likely to persist for river flows over the next three months, whilst groundwater levels are likely to recess to be normal to above normal, with some normal to below normal exceptions

    Hydrological outlook UK - October 2021

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    The Hydrological Outlook provides an insight into future hydrological conditions across the UK. Specifically, it describes likely trajectories for river flows and groundwater levels on a monthly basis, with a particular focus on the next three months. Well established monitoring programmes provide the current status of both river flows and groundwater levels at many sites across the UK, and data from these programmes provide the starting point for the Outlook. A number of techniques are used to project forwards from the current state and results from these are used to produce a summary that includes a highlights map

    Hydrological outlook UK - August 2024

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    The Hydrological Outlook provides an insight into future hydrological conditions across the UK. Specifically, it describes likely trajectories for river flows and groundwater levels on a monthly basis, with a particular focus on the next three months. Well established monitoring programmes provide the current status of both river flows and groundwater levels at many sites across the UK, and data from these programmes provide the starting point for the Outlook. A number of techniques are used to project forwards from the current state and results from these are used to produce a summary that includes a highlights map

    UK hydrological outlook - May 2024

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    The Hydrological Outlook provides an insight into future hydrological conditions across the UK. Specifically, it describes likely trajectories for river flows and groundwater levels on a monthly basis, with a particular focus on the next three months. Well established monitoring programmes provide the current status of both river flows and groundwater levels at many sites across the UK, and data from these programmes provide the starting point for the Outlook. A number of techniques are used to project forwards from the current state and results from these are used to produce a summary that includes a highlights map

    Classification of human chronotype based on fMRI network-based statistics

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    Chronotype—the relationship between the internal circadian physiology of an individual and the external 24-h light-dark cycle—is increasingly implicated in mental health and cognition. Individuals presenting with a late chronotype have an increased likelihood of developing depression, and can display reduced cognitive performance during the societal 9–5 day. However, the interplay between physiological rhythms and the brain networks that underpin cognition and mental health is not well-understood. To address this issue, we use rs-fMRI collected from 16 people with an early chronotype and 22 people with a late chronotype over three scanning sessions. We develop a classification framework utilizing the Network Based-Statistic methodology, to understand if differentiable information about chronotype is embedded in functional brain networks and how this changes throughout the day. We find evidence of subnetworks throughout the day that differ between extreme chronotypes such that high accuracy can occur, describe rigorous threshold criteria for achieving 97.3% accuracy in the Evening and investigate how the same conditions hinder accuracy for other scanning sessions. Revealing differences in functional brain networks based on extreme chronotype suggests future avenues of research that may ultimately better characterize the relationship between internal physiology, external perturbations, brain networks, and disease

    The effects of time of day and chronotype on cognitive and physical performance in healthy volunteers

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    Abstract Background Whether you are a morning lark or a night owl has proven to be a key contributor in the timing of peak athletic performance. Recent evidence suggests that accounting for these differences, known as one’s chronotype, results in significantly different diurnal performance profiles. However, there is limited research investigating multiple measures of performance simultaneously over the course of a socially constrained day. Objectives This study aimed to investigate the impact of chronotype on indices of cognitive and physical performance at different times of day in healthy volunteers. Methods We recruited 56 healthy individuals categorised as early (ECT, n = 25) or late (LCT, n = 31) chronotypes using the Munich ChronoType Questionnaire, circadian phase markers and objective actigraphy. Measures of cognitive and physical performance, along with self-reported daytime sleepiness, were taken at multiple times of day (14:00 h, 20:00 h and 08:00 h the following morning). Results Here, we find significantly different diurnal variation profiles between ECTs and LCTs, for daytime sleepiness, psychomotor vigilance, executive function and isometric grip strength. LCTs were significantly impaired in all measures in the morning compared to ECTs. Conclusion Our results provide evidence to support the notion that ‘night owls’ are compromised earlier in the day. We offer new insight into how differences in habitual sleep patterns and circadian rhythms impact cognitive and physical measures of performance. These findings may have implications for the sports world, e.g. athletes, coaches and teams, who are constantly looking for ways to minimise performance deficits and maximise performance gains
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