164 research outputs found

    Index problems for game automata

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    For a given regular language of infinite trees, one can ask about the minimal number of priorities needed to recognize this language with a non-deterministic, alternating, or weak alternating parity automaton. These questions are known as, respectively, the non-deterministic, alternating, and weak Rabin-Mostowski index problems. Whether they can be answered effectively is a long-standing open problem, solved so far only for languages recognizable by deterministic automata (the alternating variant trivializes). We investigate a wider class of regular languages, recognizable by so-called game automata, which can be seen as the closure of deterministic ones under complementation and composition. Game automata are known to recognize languages arbitrarily high in the alternating Rabin-Mostowski index hierarchy; that is, the alternating index problem does not trivialize any more. Our main contribution is that all three index problems are decidable for languages recognizable by game automata. Additionally, we show that it is decidable whether a given regular language can be recognized by a game automaton

    Weak MSO: Automata and Expressiveness Modulo Bisimilarity

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    We prove that the bisimulation-invariant fragment of weak monadic second-order logic (WMSO) is equivalent to the fragment of the modal μ\mu-calculus where the application of the least fixpoint operator μp.φ\mu p.\varphi is restricted to formulas φ\varphi that are continuous in pp. Our proof is automata-theoretic in nature; in particular, we introduce a class of automata characterizing the expressive power of WMSO over tree models of arbitrary branching degree. The transition map of these automata is defined in terms of a logic FOE1∞\mathrm{FOE}_1^\infty that is the extension of first-order logic with a generalized quantifier ∃∞\exists^\infty, where ∃∞x.ϕ\exists^\infty x. \phi means that there are infinitely many objects satisfying ϕ\phi. An important part of our work consists of a model-theoretic analysis of FOE1∞\mathrm{FOE}_1^\infty.Comment: Technical Report, 57 page

    On Modal μ -Calculus and Gödel-Löb Logic

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    We show that the modal μ-calculus over GL collapses to the modal fragment by showing that the fixpoint formula is reached after two iterations and answer to a question posed by van Benthem in [4]. Further, we introduce the modalμ ~-calculus by allowing fixpoint constructors for any formula where the fixpoint variable appears guarded but not necessarily positive and show that this calculus over GL collapses to the modal fragment, too. The latter result allows us a new proof of the de Jongh, Sambin Theorem and provides a simple algorithm to construct the fixpoint formul
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