260 research outputs found


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    Nowadays, the value creation process is based on management of a large amount of data, the Big Data, which are able to connect businesses and customers from all over the world (Xie et al., 2016). Considering the managerial and industrial points of view, Industry 4.0 is a new economic model for the industrial world (Peressotti, 2016), based on the evolution of production paradigm, technological change and process logic adoption: companies should change their business models, invest in staff training, adopting new managerial tools. As a result, the change of the market (from standardized to diversified) with the production of customized products. Machines and robots are able to communicate each other, to take decisions and to self-update. The production lines are automated: control and maintenance tasks can be performed remotely. As a consequence, the creation of the agile value chain: it allows you to monitor large amounts of data in real time, to track status and location of goods, to control the production process distantly. To study the level of adoption of 4.0 industrialization plans, two global indicators have been analyzed: they identify the placement of the largest industrial powers as a result of their industrialization policies adoption. Since the literature review shows few academic contributions and the subject is studied from engineering, computer and industrial design points of view, the objective of the work is to provide a theoretical contribution to managerial and industrial studies: the adoption of innovation in economic policy represents an opportunity to improve the country identity and the competitiveness level. So it is essential to encourage companies to adopt innovative tools, making the production automated. The methodology used is the content analysis technique: literature analysis, reports, conference proceedings, publications and websites are consulted. The originality of the work is to investigate a topic developed recently in Italy

    Quasi-static and low-velocity impact behavior of intraply hybrid flax/basalt composites

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    In an attempt to increase the low-velocity impact response of natural fiber composites, a new hybrid intraply woven fabric based on flax and basalt fibers has been used to manufacture laminates with both thermoplastic and thermoset matrices. The matrix type (epoxy or polypropylene (PP) with or without a maleated coupling agent) significantly affected the absorbed energy and the damage mechanisms. The absorbed energy at perforation for PP-based composites was 90% and 50% higher than that of epoxy and compatibilized PP composites, respectively. The hybrid fiber architecture counteracted the influence of low transverse strength of flax fibers on impact response, irrespective of the matrix type. In thermoplastic laminates, the matrix plasticization delayed the onset of major damage during impact and allowed a better balance of quasi-static properties, energy absorption, peak force, and perforation energy compared to epoxy-based composites

    B23 Cartridge Prototype Final Report

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    This is the final report document of the Study entitled ‘DEVELOPMENT PLAN STUDY FOR ALMA BAND 2+3 PROTOTYPE COMPONENTS’ for which the agreement No. 644776/15/69626/HNE was signed by ESO and INAF on 14 March 2016. This documents reports on the activity performed by INAF since the beginning of the Phase-A study started on 26 January 2015 with a meeting in ESO Garching, Germany, with the aim to setup the international collaboration (band 2+3 consortium), to agree on the content of the study and related timescale

    Real-Time Monitoring of Temperature-Dependent Structural Transitions in DNA Nanomechanical Resonators: Unveiling the DNA-Ligand Interactions for Biomedical Applications

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    Despite being widely recognized as of paramount importance in molecular biology, real-time monitoring of structural transitions in DNA complexes is currently limited to complex techniques and chemically modified oligonucleotides. Here, we show that nanomechanical resonators made of different DNA complexes, such as pristine dsDNA, ssDNA, and DNA intercalated with dye molecules or chemotherapeutic agents, are characterized by unique fingerprint curves when their flexural resonance frequency is tracked as a function of temperature. Such frequency shifts can be successfully used to monitor structural variations in DNA complexes, such as B-to-A form and helix-to-coil transitions, thus opening implications in both environmental studies─for example, trucking the effects of heavy metal exposure on human or vegetable DNA molecules─and in vitro experiments for the evaluation of the effects of drugs on patient DNA

    Synthetic cannabinoid use in a case series of patients with psychosis presenting to acute psychiatric settings : Clinical presentation and management issues

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    Background: Novel Psychoactive Substances (NPS) are a heterogeneous class of synthetic molecules including synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists (SCRAs). Psychosis is associated with SCRAs use. There is limited knowledge regarding the structured assessment and psychometric evaluation of clinical presentations, analytical toxicology and clinical management plans of patients presenting with psychosis and SCRAs misuse. Methods: We gathered information regarding the clinical presentations, toxicology and care plans of patients with psychosis and SCRAs misuse admitted to inpatients services. Clinical presentations were assessed using the PANSS scale. Vital signs data were collected using the National Early Warning Signs tool. Analytic chemistry data were collected using urine drug screening tests for traditional psychoactive substances and NPS. Results: We described the clinical presentation and management plan of four patients with psychosis and misuse of SCRAs. Conclusion: The formulation of an informed clinical management plan requires a structured assessment, identification of the index NPS, pharmacological interventions, increases in nursing observations, changes to leave status and monitoring of the vital signs. The objective from using these interventions is to maintain stable physical health whilst rapidly improving the altered mental state.Peer reviewedFinal Published versio

    Support Band 2 development projects to optimize receiver components and vacuum lens INAF Final Report

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    Scope of this document is to report the activity @ INAF in relation to the work of the collaboration agreement No. 81231/18/88652/ADI for Support of Band 2 development projects to optimize receiver components and vacuum lens [AD 1]. Specifically, this release covers all the activities performed in agreement with the Statement of Work [AD2] and serve as a final report for the Final Review scheduled on 15 July 2019

    Tinkering with the Universe: a primary school project

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    In this paper we describe the workshop “Tinkering with the Universe” held at the Communicating Astronomy with the Public (CAP 2018) in March, 2018 at the Fukuoka City Science Museum, Fukuoka. The goal of the workshop was to have our community tinkering together with simple material mixing low tech and hi-tech to build something new and unexpected. We want to engage people with this way of learning, have feedback from the community and hopefully sparkle some collaboration

    Development Plan Study for Optimization and Production Engineering of Band 2+3 Prototype Components for ALMA Receivers INAF Mid Term Report

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    Scope of this document is to report the activity @ INAF in relation to the work of the collaboration agreement No.74288/16/8223/OSZ entitled ‘Band 2+3 Prototype Passive Components for ALMA Receiver’ for the Development Advanced Study for upgrades of the Atacama Large Millimeter / Submillimeter Array(ALMA). Specifically, this release covers the activities performed in agreement with the Statement of Work [AD2] from Kick-off to up to now and serve as activity report for the Mid Term Revie

    Officina degli Errori: Un esperimento esteso di co-design con le scuole - Officina degli Errori: a co-design extended experiment with primary schools

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    We describe an extended experiment to carry on constructionist approaches at school with an attentive eye to social and gender inclusion for Astrophysics and STEM (Science Technology Engineering Math) disciplines and with a co-design approach with teachers. The “Officina degli Errori” was originally born from the collaboration between the Astronomical Observatory and Space Science of Bologna (OAS), which is part of the National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF), the Museum of Industrial Heritage of Bologna and the “Istituto Comprensivo 12” of Bologna. This type of collaboration is expanding and enriching with various contributions both within INAF, with the creation of dedicated working groups and in schools with further co-design processe

    An application of data-driven analysis in road tunnels monitoring

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    In order to comply with the minimum safety requirements imposed by the Directive 2004/54/EC it is of paramount mportance to correctly manage the operation and maintenance of road tunnels. This research describes how Artificial Intelligence techniques can play a supportive role both for maintenance operators in monitoring tunnels and for safety managers in operation. It is possible to extract relevant information from large volumes of data from sensor equipment in an efficient, fast, dynamic and adaptive way and make it immediately usable by those who manage machinery and servicesto aid quick decisions. Carrying out an analysis based on sensors in motorway tunnels, represents an important technological innovation, which would simplify tunnels management activities and therefore the detection of any possible deterioration, while keeping the risk within tolerance limits. The idea involves the creation of an algorithm for the detection of faults by acquiring data in real time from the sensors of tunnel sub-systems and using them to help identify the service state of the tunnel. The AI models are trained on a period of 6 months with one hour time series granularity measured on a road tunnel part of the Italian motorway systems. The verification has been done with reference to a number of recorded sensor faults
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