3 research outputs found

    Ordinary and Hot Electroluminescence from Single-Molecule Devices: Controlling the Emission Color by Chemical Engineering

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    Single-molecule junctions specifically designed for their optical properties are operated as light-emitting devices using a cryogenic scanning tunneling microscope. They are composed of an emitting unita molecular chromophoresuspended between a Au(111) surface and the tip of the microscope by organic linkers. Tunneling electrons flowing through these junctions generate a narrow-line emission of light whose color is controlled by carefully selecting the chemical structure of the emitting unit. Besides the main emission line, red and blue-shifted vibronic features of low intensity are also detected. While the red-shifted features provide a spectroscopic fingerprint of the emitting unit, the blue-shifted ones are interpreted in terms of hot luminescence from vibrationally excited states of the molecule

    Spin-Dependent Hybridization between Molecule and Metal at Room Temperature through Interlayer Exchange Coupling

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    We experimentally and theoretically show that the magnetic coupling at room temperature between paramagnetic Mn within manganese phthalocyanine molecules and a Co layer persists when separated by a Cu spacer. The molecule’s magnetization amplitude and direction can be tuned by varying the Cu–spacer thickness and evolves according to an interlayer exchange coupling mechanism. <i>Ab initio</i> calculations predict a highly spin-polarized density of states at the Fermi level of this metal-molecule interface, thereby strengthening prospective spintronics applications

    High Spin Polarization at Ferromagnetic Metal–Organic Interfaces: A Generic Property

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    A high spin polarization of states around the Fermi level, <i>E</i><sub>F</sub>, at room temperature has been measured in the past at the interface between a few molecular candidates and the ferromagnetic metal Co. Is this promising property for spintronics limited to these candidates? Previous reports suggested that certain conditions, such as strong ferromagnetism, i.e., a fully occupied spin-up d band of the ferromagnet, or the presence of π bonds on the molecule, i.e., molecular conjugation, needed to be met. What rules govern the presence of this property? We have performed spin-resolved photoemission spectroscopy measurements on a variety of such interfaces. We find that this property is robust against changes to the molecule and ferromagnetic metal’s electronic properties, including the aforementioned conditions. This affirms the generality of highly spin-polarized states at the interface between a ferromagnetic metal and a molecule and augurs bright prospects toward integrating these interfaces within organic spintronic devices