33 research outputs found

    Sizing single nanoscale objects from polarization forces

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    Sizing natural or engineered single nanoscale objects is fundamental in many areas of science and technology. To achieve it several advanced microscopic techniques have been developed, mostly based on electron and scanning probe microscopies. Still for soft and poorly adhered samples the existing techniques face important challenges. Here, we propose an alternative method to size single nanoscale objects based on the measurement of its electric polarization. The method is based on Electrostatic Force Microscopy measurements combined with a specifically designed multiparameter quantification algorithm, which gives the physical dimensions (height and width) of the nanoscale object. The proposed method is validated with ~50 nm diameter silver nanowires, and successfully applied to ~10 nm diameter bacterial polar flagella, an example of soft and poorly adhered nanoscale object. We show that an accuracy comparable to AFM topographic imaging can be achieved. The main advantage of the proposed method is that, being based on the measurement of long-range polarization forces, it can be applied without contacting the sample, what is key when considering poorly adhered and soft nanoscale objects. Potential applications of the proposed method to a wide range of nanoscale objects relevant in Material, Life Sciences and Nanomedicine is envisaged

    Depth mapping of metallic nanowire polymer nanocomposites by scanning dielectric microscopy

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    Polymer nanocomposite materials based on metallic nanowires are widely investigated as transparent and flexible electrodes or as stretchable conductors and dielectrics for biosensing. Here we show that Scanning Dielectric Microscopy (SDM) can map the depth distribution of metallic nanowires within the nanocomposites in a non-destructive way. This is achieved by a quantitative analysis of sub-surface electrostatic force microscopy measurements with finite-element numerical calculations. As an application, we determined the three-dimensional spatial distribution of ∼∼∼∼ 50 nm diameter silver nanowires in ∼∼∼∼ 100−250 nm thick gelatin films. The characterization is done both under dry ambient conditions, where gelatin shows a relatively low dielectric constant, r ∼∼∼∼ 5, and under humid ambient conditions, where its dielectric constant increases up to r ∼∼∼∼ 14. The present results show that SDM can be a valuable non-destructive subsurface characterization technique for nanowire-based nanocomposite materials, which can contribute to the optimization of these materials for applications in fields such as wearable electronics, solar cell technologies or printable electronics

    Nanoscale dielectric microscopy of non-planar samples by lift-mode electrostatic force microscopy

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    Lift-mode electrostatic force microscopy (EFM) is one of the most convenient imaging modes to study the local dielectric properties of non-planar samples. Here we present the quantitative analysis of this imaging mode. We introduce a method to quantify and subtract the topographic crosstalk from the lift-mode EFM images, and a 3D numerical approach that allows for extracting the local dielectric constant with nanoscale spatial resolution free from topographic artifacts. We demonstrate this procedure by measuring the dielectric properties of micropatterned SiO2 pillars and of single bacteria cells, thus illustrating the wide applicability of our approach from materials science to biology

    Internal hydration properties of single bacterial endospores probed by electrostatic force microscopy

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    We show that the internal hydration properties of single Bacillus cereus endospores in air under different relative humidity (RH) conditions can be determined through the measurement of its electric permittivity by means of quantitative electrostatic force microscopy (EFM). We show that an increase in the RH from 0% to 80% induces a large increase in the equivalent homogeneous relative electric permittivity of the bacterial endospores, from ∼4 up to ∼17, accompanied only by a small increase in the endospore height, of just a few nanometers. These results correlate the increase of the moisture content of the endospore with the corresponding increase of environmental RH. Three-dimensional finite element numerical calculations, which include the internal structure of the endospores, indicate that the moisture is mainly accumulated in the external layers of the endospore, hence preserving the core of the endospore at low hydration levels. This mechanism is different from what we observe for vegetative bacterial cells of the same species, in which the cell wall at high humid atmospheric conditions is not able to preserve the cytoplasmic region at low hydration levels. These results show the potential of quantitative EFM under environmental humidity control to study the hygroscopic properties of small-scale biological (and nonbiological) entities and to determine its internal hydration state. A better understanding of nanohygroscopic properties can be of relevance in the study of essential biological processes and in the design of bionanotechnological application

    Anomalously low dielectric constant of confined water

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    The dielectric constant ε of interfacial water has been predicted to be smaller than that of bulk water (ε ≈ 80) because the rotational freedom of water dipoles is expected to decrease near surfaces, yet experimental evidence is lacking. We report local capacitance measurements for water confined between two atomically flat walls separated by various distances down to 1 nanometer. Our experiments reveal the presence of an interfacial layer with vanishingly small polarization such that its out-of-plane ε is only ~2. The electrically dead layer is found to be two to three molecules thick. These results provide much-needed feedback for theories describing water-mediated surface interactions and the behavior of interfacial water, and show a way to investigate the dielectric properties of other fluids and solids under extreme confinement

    On the single and multiple associations of COVID‑19 post‑acute sequelae: 6‑month prospective cohort study

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    Medical research is progressing to clarify the full spectrum of sub-acute and long-term effects of the post-COVID-19 syndrome. However, most manuscripts published to date only analyze the effects of post-COVID-19 in patients discharged from hospital, which may induce significant bias. Here, we propose a pioneering study to analyze the single and multiple associations between post-COVID-19 characteristics with up to 6-months of follow-up in hospitalized and non-hospitalized COVID-19 patients. The cohort study was conducted from May to October 2020 at the University Hospital Virgen de la Nieves, the leading hospital assigned for patients with COVID-19 in Granada, Spain. A total of 372 and 217 patients—with 217 and 207 included in the first and second follow-up visits—were referred 2 and 6 months after diagnosing COVID-19, respectively. We find out that post-COVID-19 clinical and mental health impairment symptoms are correlated with patient gender. Logistic adjustments showed strong statistically robust single and multiple associations of demographic, clinical, mental health, X-ray, laboratory indices, and pulmonary function variables. The functional lung tests are good predictors of chest CT imaging abnormalities in elderly patients. Bilateral lung involvement, subpleural reticulum, ground-glass opacity, peripheral lung lesions, and bronchiectasis were the most common findings of the high-resolution computed tomography images. Nonhospitalized patients suffer more severe thromboembolic events and fatigue than those hospitalized