22 research outputs found


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    The research was performed over 2004-2009 based on the two-factor micro-plot experiment located at Wierzchucinek. Maize grown for grain in monoculture constituted the test crop. The aim of the present paper was to determine the effect of a varied sulphur fertilisation and Basfoliar 36 Extra as well as the soil type on the yield size and the ionic equilibrium of ‘LG 2244’ cultivar maize grain. The mean contents of cations in grain varied considerably and could be classified as follows: Mg >K >Ca > Na. Consequently, those contents, in general resulted in the narrowing of the value of ratios K/(Ca+Mg), Ca/Mg and K/Mg, and widening of the value of ratios K/Ca and K/Na. The interaction of the factors investigated differentiated the value of ratio K:Mg; one of the essential ionic ratios determining the quality of crops allocated to animal feed

    Wpływ wieloletniego nawożenia azotem i obornikiem na zmiany wybranych właściwości materii organicznej gleby lekkiej

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    The aim of the research was to assess the effect of long-term application of different doses of nitrogen fertilizers with or without manure to changes in the total organic carbon content, total nitrogen content, evaluation of dissolved organic carbon content and the value of absorbance coefficient (A4/6) in sandy loam soil. The base of research was the long-term field experiment, established in 1979 at the Wierzchucinek Experimental Station close to Bydgoszcz city - Poland. The experiment was carried out in the three-course crop rotation, potato, rye, rye in randomized split-plot design. The experimental treatments were four levels of N fertilizers in 0, 47, 93, and 140 kg∙ha-1∙yr-1 (N0, N1, N2, N3) as a 1st factor of experiment, and the same doses of N fertilizers with farmyard manure application (30 t∙ha-1) as a 2nd factor. After 36 years of experiment the content of total organic carbon was 26% lower and the content of total nitrogen 13% higher compared to the values determined before the experiment foundation (1979). The consequence of changes in the content of organic carbon and total nitrogen, are changes in the ratio of organic carbon content and total nitrogen content. It was noticed that the use of manure and different nitrogen doses resulted in a decrease of organic carbon content and total nitrogen content value. After application of different nitrogen doses, organic carbon content ranged from 122.4 to 152.2 mg∙kg-1. The same nitrogen doses applied simultaneously with farmyard manure increased the organic carbon content, which ranged from 133.5 to 166.7 mg∙kg-1. The changes of the organic carbon content did not effect on percentage of this fraction in the total organic carbon. Percentage of organic carbon content in total organic carbon content was on averaged 1.6%. After the application of different nitrogen doses, humic acids of analyzed soils were characterized by lower average value of A4/6 (5.4). However, the application of nitrogen doses with manure brought a higher - 6.3 - A4/6 value. Farmyard manure application caused the formation of humic acids of lower molecular weight and a low humification degree.Celem pracy było zbadanie wpływu długookresowego nawożenia zróżnicowanymi dawkami azotu stosowanymi z obornikiem lub bez tego nawozu na zmiany zawartości ogólnego węgla organicznego (OWO), azotu ogółem (Nog), rozpuszczalnego węgla organicznego (RWO) w glebie oraz określenie wartości absorbancji (A4/6). Podstawą badań było statyczne wieloletnie doświadczenie polowe, założona w 1979 roku w Stacji Badawczej w Wierzchucinku koło Bydgoszczy. Prowadzono je w trzyletnim, uproszczonym zmianowaniu: ziemniak – żyto ozime – żyto ozime. Pierwszym czynnikiem doświadczenia było zróżnicowane nawożenie azotem, dawki w kg∙ha-1 ∙r -1 wynosiły: N0, N47, N93, N140, drugim zastosowane dawki azotu na tle obornika (30 t∙ha-1). Po 36 latach stosowanego nawożenia średnie zawartości węgla oznaczone w próbkach glebowych były średnio niższe o 26%, natomiast zawartości azotu ogółem w glebie były wyższe o 13% w porównaniu do zawartości określonych w glebie przed założeniem doświadczenia (1979). Konsekwencją zmian zawartości węgla organicznego i azotu ogółem, są zmiany wartości stosunku zawartości węgla do azotu ogółem. Stosowanie łącznie obornika i zróżnicowanych dawek azotu spowodowało zawężenie wartości stosunku zawartości węgla do azotu ogółem. Stwierdzono, że zawartości węgla organicznego w glebie po zastosowaniu zróżnicowanych dawek azotu, wahały się w zakresie od 122.4 mg∙kg-1 do 152.2 mg∙kg-1 natomiast aplikacja azotu na tle obornika spowodowała, że zawartości te mieściły się w zakresie od 133.5 mg∙kg-1 do 166.7 mg∙kg-1 . Zawartości węgla organicznego nie przełożyły się na procentowy udział tej frakcji w całkowitej zawartości węgla organicznego. Udział ten średnio wynosił 1.6%. Zauważono również, że po aplikacji badanych dawek azotu, kwasy huminowe analizowanych gleb charakteryzowały się średnio niższymi wartościami współczynnika A4/6, który wynosił 5.4. Natomiast po zastosowaniu zróżnicowanych dawek azotu łącznie z obornikiem wynosił 6.3. Nawożenie obornikiem generowało powstawanie kwasów huminowych o mniejszej masie cząsteczkowej i o niskim stopniu humifikacji

    Wpływ siarki i nawozu wieloskładnikowego na zawartość Cu, Zn and Mn w różnych typach gleb spod kukurydzy

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    The aim of the study was to determine the influence of the soil type and differential sulphur rates used with or without Basfoliar 36 Extra on the soil pH as well as the amount of available forms of copper, zinc and manganese based on the micro plots field experiment. Moreover, the relationship between the studied microelements was examined. The experiment was performed in two-factor design; the first-order factor was the soil type (Typic Hapludolls, Typic Hapludalfs, Typic Haplorthods, Typic Endoaquolls), while the second-order factor - fertilization with sulphur and compound fertilizer - Basfoliar 36 Extra. The plant tested was Rota cultivar maize. The use of sulphur and sulphur combined with Basfoliar 36 Extra changed the classification of the soils in terms of their pH. In the soils under study, as a result of the 10-years application of sulphur and/or foliar fertiliser with NPK fertilization as well as growing maize in monoculture showing a high uptake of macro- and micro-nutrients, there was reported a clear decrease in the content of zinc, copper and manganese, as compared with the initial content. With that in mind, one shall assume that growing maize in a 10-year monoculture is connected with an intensive use of soils, which can result in a clear deficit of the elements studied in soil.Celem badań było określenie wpływu typu gleby i zróżnicowanych dawek siarki stosowanych bez/lub z Basfoliarem 36 Extra na wartość pH gleby oraz zawartości dostępnych formy miedzi, cynku i manganu, w oparciu o doświadczenia mikropoletkowe. Ponadto określono zależności pomiędzy badanymi mikroelementami. Eksperyment przeprowadzono jako dwuczynnikowy: gdzie pierwszym czynnikiem był typ gleby (n = 4, czarnoziem, gleba płowa, gleba bielicowa, czarna ziemia), natomiast drugim - nawożenie siarką (S1, S2) bez/lub z Basfoliarem 36 Extra (n = 5) oraz obiekt kontrolny. Rośliną testową była kukurydza odmiany Rota. Stosowanie siarki oraz siarki w połączeniu z Basfoliarem 36 Extra wpłynęło na zmiany klasyfikacji gleb pod względem ich odczynu. W wyniku 10-letniego stosowania siarki bez/lub z Basfoliarem 36 Extra na tle nawożenia NPK oraz uprawy kukurydzy w monokulturze charakteryzującej się dużym pobraniem makro i mikroskładników stwierdzono wyraźne obniżenie zawartości cynku, miedzi oraz manganu w stosunku do zawartości wyjściowej. W związku z powyższym należy przypuszczać, iż uprawa kukurydzy w 10-letniej monokulturze wiąże się z intensywnym użytkowaniem gleb, co powodować może wyraźny niedobór badanych pierwiastków glebie

    Variation in the Microfibril Angles in Resonance and Non-Resonance Spruce Wood (Picea abies [L.] Karst.)

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    Variation in microfibril angle (MFA) in the S2 of the tangent cell walls of resonance and non-resonance spruce wood (Picea abies [L.] Karst.) used in the manufacture of musical instruments was studied. MFA was measured directly after preliminary visualisation of microfibrils in the cell walls. In the tested samples the position of an annual ring in the samples had no significant influence on the MFA. In the resonance wood, MFA values were between two and three times smaller than in the non-resonance wood. In the resonance wood, the differences in the MFA between earlywood and latewood were smaller, and the MFA fluctuations were also smaller

    The biological-chemical properties of tall wheat grass (Agropyron elongatum (Host., Beauv.) in terms of potential use as biomass for energy production

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    Przedmiot niniejszych badań stanowi materiał hodowlany nowo zaaklimatyzowanego w Radzikowie perzu wydłużonego pochodzącego z Azji. Badania prowadzono w Radzikowie w latach 2009–2011, polowe w dwóch doświadczeniach — w jednym nad właściwościami biologicznymi i anatomicznymi (zwłaszcza pędów generatywnych), a w drugim nad agrotechniką (głównie nawożenie i sposoby siewu). Analizy chemiczne i anatomiczne wykonane w laboratorium dwóch Katedr (Katedra Nauk o Drewnie i Katedra Łąkarstwa i Krajobrazu Przyrodniczego) Uniwersytetu Przyrodniczego w Poznaniu. Stwierdzono iż perz wydłużony różni się znacznie w stosunku do gatunków rodzimej polskiej flory traw wieloma cechami biologicznymi i morfologicznymi, a także anatomicznymi i składem chemicznym. Niektóre z tych cech wyraźnie predysponują perz wydłużony do jego uprawy i wykorzystania na cele fitoenergetyczne, a szczególnie do uzyskiwania energii cieplnej przez spalanie. Realność wykorzystania tej rośliny jako fitoenergetycznej zapewnia wysoki plon biomasy dobrej jakości i nasion.The subject of our studies was newly introduced and acclimatized grass species of Asian origin — tall wheatgrass. Two experiments were conducted in Radzików during 2009–2011. One for determination of morphological and anatomical properties, especially in generative phase, and second for agrotechnical requirements, i.e. sowing quantity and fertilization. Chemical analyses were performed in two Departments of Life Sciences University in Poznań. It was concluded that tall wheatgrass is quite different form our native grass species considering all measured biological and chemical properties. Some of mentioned differences predispose tall wheat grass to biomass energy production. It is therefore possible to expect relatively high and good quality yields of seed for reproduction and biomass for energy production

    The Hydrogenation Impact on Electronic Properties of p-Diamond/n-Si Heterojunctions

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    The undoped polycrystalline diamond films (PDFs) have been deposited on n-type silicon (Si) by Hot Filament Chemical Vapor Deposition (HF CVD) technique. The reaction gases are a mixture of methane and hydrogen. The obtained PDFs were characterized by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and Raman spectroscopy which, in addition to the diamond phase, also confirms the presence of sp2 hybridized carbon bonds. As-grown CVD diamond layers are hydrogen terminated and show p-type conductivity. The effect of the level of hydrogenation on the electrical properties of p-diamond/n-Si heterojunctions has been investigated by temperature dependent current–voltage (J-V/T) characteristics. The obtained results suggest that the energy distribution of interface states at the grain boundary (GB) subjected to hydrogenation becomes shallower, and the hole capture cross-section can be reduced. Hydrogenation can lead to a significant reduction of the GB potential barrier. These results can be interesting from the point of view of hydrogen passivation of GBs in microelectronics

    A Crosstalk between the Cannabinoid Receptors and Nociceptin Receptors in Colitis—Clinical Implications

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    Inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) refer to a group of gastrointestinal (GI) disorders with complex pathogenesis characterized by chronic intestinal inflammation with a variety of symptoms. Cannabinoid and nociceptin opioid receptors (NOPs) and their ligands are widely distributed in the GI tract. The nociceptin opioid receptor is a newly discovered member of the opioid receptor family with unique characteristics. Both cannabinoid and NOP systems exhibit antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity and contribute to maintaining proper motility, secretion and absorption in the GI tract. Furthermore, they influence high and low voltage calcium channels, which play a crucial role in the processing of pain, and share at least two kinases mediating their action. Among them there is NF-κB, a key factor in the regulation of inflammatory processes. Therefore, based on functional similarities between cannabinoid and nociceptin receptors and the anti-inflammatory effects exerted by their ligands, there is a high likelihood that there is an interaction between cannabinoid receptors 1 and 2 and the nociceptin receptor in colitis. In this review, we discuss potential overlaps between these two systems on a molecular and functional level in intestinal inflammation to create the basis for novel treatments of IBD

    Production and environmental aspects of the application of biostimulators Asahi SL, Kelpak SL and stimulator Tytanit with limited doses of nitrogen

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    An effective way to reduce nitric oxide emissions may be to reduce the level of nitrogen fertilization. Specialized formulations such as biostimulators are a good alternative to conventional mineral fertilization. The aim of the study was to determine the effect of the application of biostimulation agents (Asahi SL, Kelpak SL, Tytanit) applied against the limited dose of nitrogen (75 kgN·ha−1) on winter wheat ‘Muszelka’, their effect was measured on the parameters: grain yield, protein content, amount of chlorophyll and root mass. No statistically significant changes in yields were observed, but after application of the Asahi SL and Kelpak SL, considerably higher values were found as compared to the controls. It should be emphasised that the applied formulations significantly affected the root mass and chlorophyll content of the leaves. Especially in the case of roots of the plants where the biostimulator Asahi was used in the phase BBCH 37, Kelpak in BBCH 23 and fertilizer Tytanit in BBCH 37. And in the case of chlorophyll objects, where Tytanit was applied in BBCH 37 and 69. In the study, significant correlation was found only between the chlorophyll content and the root mass (r = 0.54)


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    The present research, carried out based on many-year long-term experiment, aimed at determining yielding, the content of total protein and the content of nitrates (V) in potato tubers as a result of the fertilization applied. There were observed significantly lower tuber yields whenever mineral fertilization only was applied. The varied nitrogen fertilization and combined fertilization with nitrogen and manure significantly modified ‘Bila’ potato tuber yielding. Significantly highest yield, as much as 49.5 % higher, as compared with the control, was recorded after the application of nitrogen at the dose of 180 kg N·ha–1 with manure. The content of total protein in ‘Bila’ potato tubers ranged from 94 g·kg-1 to109 g·kg-1 and it was significantly determined by the fertilization used. The content of nitrates (V) was determined by the fertilization applied and ranged from 133 to 222 mg·kg-1.Badania prowadzono w oparciu o wieloletnie doświadczenie statyczne. Celem badań było określenie wielkości plonu, zawartości białka ogólnego i zawartości azotanów (V) w bulwach ziemniaka pod wpływem zastosowanego nawożenia. Stwierdzono istotnie niższe plony bulw na obiektach, gdzie stosowano nawożenie wyłącznie mineralne. Zastosowane zróżnicowane nawożenie azotem oraz łączne nawożenie azotem i obornikiem istotnie modyfikowały wielkość plonu bulw ziemniaka odmiany Bila. Istotnie najwyższą wielkość plonu, wyższą aż o 49,5 %, w stosunku do obiektu kontrolnego, stwierdzono po zastosowaniu azotu w dawce 180 kg N·ha–1 na tle obornika. Zawartość białka ogólnego w bulwach ziemniaka odmiany Bila mieściła się w zakresie od 94 g·kg-1 do109 g·kg-1 i była istotnie determinowana zastosowanym nawożeniem. Ilość azotanów (V) determinowana była zastosowanym nawożeniem i wahała się w granicach od 133 do 222 mg·kg-1

    Soil Fertility Improvement and Carbon Sequestration through Exogenous Organic Matter and Biostimulant Application

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    One of the main tasks in the search for environmentally friendly crop-growing methods is to increase soil fertility by improving its physical, chemical and biological parameters. The aim of this study was to determine the effect that the long-term annual application of different types of soil fertility agents (exogenous organic matter: 1. manure, 2. straw in combination with nitrogen fertilization and liming and 3. the addition of biostimulants) had on organic matter properties, including humic acid (HAs) properties. The research was carried out on the basis of soil samples from a ten-year pot experiment which was set up as single-factor pot experiment with four replications. PVC pots with perforated bottoms were filled with soil samples taken from the tilled layer of an arable field where winter wheat was grown in monoculture. The pots were exposed directly to the weather and were left without vegetation. The soil samples were assayed for the content of total organic carbon (TOC), total nitrogen and fractional composition of humus. HAs were extracted with the Schnitzer method and analyzed for the elemental composition, spectrometric parameters in the FT-IR and UV-VIS range and hydrophilic and hydrophobic properties. In addition, EPR spectra were produced. The results showed that the content of organic matter compared to soil without additives increased with the use of manure and the use of straw in the CaO variant and in the form of a mulch. The content of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) ranged from 124.6 to 286.1 mg kg−1 and had strong positive correlation with TOC content. The values of the ratio of carbon content in humic acids to carbon content in fulvic acids (CHAs/CFAs) ranged from 0.71 to 0.99. The use of a biostimulator—with or without the addition of straw—increased carbon sequestration in humic acid molecules, as well as their oxidation level and their share of hydrophobic fractions with the longest retention time. Thus, the addition of UGmax intensifies humification processes, leading to the formation of stable humic acid molecules