19 research outputs found

    Hairy Black Holes in Massive Gravity: Thermodynamics and Phase Structure

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    The thermodynamic properties of a static and spherically symmetric hairy black hole solution arising in massive gravity with spontaneous Lorentz breaking are investigated. The analysis is carried out by enclosing the black hole in a spherical cavity whose surface is maintained at a fixed temperature TT. It turns out that the ensemble is well-defined only if the "hair" parameter QQ characterizing the solution is conserved. Under this condition we compute some relevant thermodynamic quantities, such as the thermal energy and entropy, and we study the stability and phase structure of the ensemble. In particular, for negative values of the hair parameter, the phase structure is isomorphic to the one of Reissner-Nordstrom black holes in the canonical ensemble. Moreover, the phase-diagram in the plan (Q,TQ,T) has a line of first-order phase transition that at a critical value of QQ terminates in a second-order phase transition. Below this line the dominant phase consists of small, cold black holes that are long-lived and may thus contribute much more to the energy density of the Universe than what is observationally allowed for radiating black holes.Comment: 12 pages, 11 figures, relevant references added, match the published versio

    Adiabatic contraction revisited: implications for primordial black holes

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    We simulate the adiabatic contraction of a dark matter (DM) distribution during the process of the star formation, paying particular attention to the phase space distribution of the DM particles after the contraction. Assuming the initial uniform density and Maxwellian distribution of DM velocities, we find that the number n(r)n(r) of DM particles within the radius rr scales like n(r)r1.5n(r) \propto r^{1.5}, leading to the DM density profile ρr1.5\rho\propto r^{-1.5}, in agreement with the Liouville theorem and previous numerical studies. At the same time, the number of DM particles ν(r)\nu(r) with periastra smaller than rr is parametrically larger, ν(r)r\nu(r) \propto r, implying that many particles contributing at any given moment into the density ρ(r)\rho(r) at small rr have very elongated orbits and spend most of their time at distances larger than rr. This has implications for the capture of DM by stars in the process of their formation. As a concrete example we consider the case of primordial black holes (PBH). We show that accounting for very eccentric orbits boosts the amount of captured PBH by a factor of up to 2×1032\times 10^3 depending on the PBH mass, improving correspondingly the previously derived constraints on the PBH abundance.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figures, discussions added to the "Simulation of DM orbits" part, fig.3 with several DM densities. Revised version to match published versio

    Constraints on primordial black holes as dark matter candidates from capture by neutron stars

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    We investigate constraints on primordial black holes (PBHs) as dark matter candidates that arise from their capture by neutron stars (NSs). If a PBH is captured by a NS, the star is accreted onto the PBH and gets destroyed in a very short time. Thus, mere observations of NSs put limits on the abundance of PBHs. High DM densities and low velocities are required to constrain the fraction of PBHs in DM. Such conditions may be realized in the cores of globular clusters if the latter are of a primordial origin. Assuming that cores of globular clusters possess the DM densities exceeding several hundred GeV/cm3^3 would imply that PBHs are excluded as comprising all of the dark matter in the mass range 3×1018gmBH1024g3\times 10^{18} \text{g} \lesssim m_\text{BH}\lesssim 10^{24} \text{g}. At the DM density of 2×1032\times 10^3 GeV/cm3^3 that has been found in simulations in the corresponding models, less than 5% of the DM may consist of PBH for these PBH masses.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, precise computation of dynamical friction added, accepted for publication in PR

    Reassessing thermodynamic advantage from indefinite causal order

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    Indefinite causal order is a key feature involved in the study of quantum higher order transformations. Recently, intense research has been focused on possible advantages related to the lack of definite causal order of quantum processes. Quite often the quantum switch is claimed to provide advantages in information-theoretic and thermodynamic tasks. We address here the question whether indefinite causal order is a resource for quantum thermodynamics. Inspired by previous results in the literature, we show that indefinite causal order is not necessary for the reported increase in free energy and ergotropy. More specifically, we show that a simple causally ordered process, which replaces the system's state with a new one before the final measurement, outperforms the quantum switch in all thermodynamic tasks considered so far. We further show that a similar advantage can be also achieved without completely discarding system, if we allow for non-Markovian interactions between the system and an environment. We extend the analysis to more extreme examples of indefinite causal order, showing that they do not provide an advantage either. Finally, we discuss a possible way to study the advantages that may arise from indefinite causal order in a general scenario

    Black Hole Thermodynamics and Massive Gravity

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    We consider the generalized laws of thermodynamics in massive gravity. Making use of explicit black hole solutions, we devise black hole merger processes in which i) total entropy of the system decreases ii) the zero-temperature extremal black hole is created. Thus, both second and third laws of thermodynamics are violated. In both cases, the violation can be traced back to the presence of negative-mass black holes, which, in turn, is related to the violation of the null energy condition. The violation of the third law of thermodynamics implies, in particular, that a naked singularity may be created as a result of the evolution of a singularity-free state. This may signal a problem in the model, unless the creation of the negative-mass black holes from positive-mass states can be forbidden dynamically or the naked singularity may somehow be resolved in a full quantum theory.Comment: 15 pages, 4 figures; v2:Style changed to JHEP. Discussion added in the conclusions. Revised version to match published versio

    Trous noirs et le secteur sombre

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    This thesis is divided in two parts: the first part is dedicated to the study of black hole solutions in a theory of modified gravity, called massive gravity, that may be able to explain the actual stage of accelerated expansion of the Universe, while in the second part we focus on constraining primordial black holes as dark matter candidates.In particular, during the first part we study the thermodynamical properties of specific black hole solutions in massive gravity. We conclude that such black hole solutions do not follow the second and third of law of thermodynamics, which may signal a problem in the model. For instance, a naked singularity may be created as a result of the evolution of a singularity-free state.In the second part, we constrain primordial black holes as dark matter candidates. To do that, we consider the effect of primordial black holes when they interact with compact objects, such as neutron stars and white dwarfs. The idea is as follows: if a primordial black hole is captured by a compact object, then the accretion of the neutron star or white dwarf’s material into the hole is so fast that the black hole destroys the star in a very short time. Therefore, observations of long-lived compact objects impose constraints on the fraction of primordial black holes. Considering both direct capture and capture through star formation of primordial black holes by compact objects, we are able to rule out primordial black holes as the main component of dark matter under certain assumptions that are discussed.To better understand the relevance of these subjects in modern cosmology, we begin the thesis by introducing the standard model of cosmology and its problems. We give particular emphasis to modifications of gravity, such as massive gravity, and black holes in our discussion of the dark sector of the Universe./Cette thèse est divisée en deux parties :la première partie est consacrée à l’étude de certaines solutions de trous noirs dans une théorie modifiée de la gravité, appelée la gravité massive, qui peut être en mesure d’expliquer l’expansion accélérée de l’Univers; tandis que dans la seconde partie, nous nous concentrons sur des contraintes sur les trous noirs primordiaux comme candidats de matière noire.En particulier, au cours de la première partie, nous étudions les propriétés thermodynamiques de solutions spécifiques de trous noirs en gravité massive. Nous en concluons que ces solutions de trous noirs ne suivent ni la deuxième, ni la troisième loi de la thermodynamique, ce qui semble indiquer une inconsistance dans le modèle. Par exemple, une singularité nue peut être créée à la suite de l’évolution d’un état sans aucune singularité.Dans la deuxième partie, nous mettons des contraintes sur les trous noirs primordiaux en tant que candidats de matière noire. Pour ce faire, nous considérons l’effet des trous noirs primordiaux lorsqu’ils interagissent avec des objets compacts, tels que les étoiles à neutrons et les naines blanches. L’idée est comme suit :si un trou noir primordial est capturé par un objet compact, alors l’accrétion du matériel constituant l’étoile à neutrons ou la naine blanche est si rapide que le trou noir détruit l’étoile en un temps très court. Par conséquent, les observations d’objets compacts imposent des contraintes sur la fraction de trous noirs primordiaux. Considérant à la fois la capture directe des trous noirs primordiaux par les objets compacts et la capture au travers de la formation stellaire, nous sommes en mesure d’exclure les trous noirs primordiaux comme la composante principale de matière noire sous certaines hypothèses qui sont discutées.Pour mieux comprendre la pertinence de ces sujets dans la cosmologie moderne, nous commençons la thèse par l’introduction du modèle standard de la cosmologie et de ses problèmes. Nous donnons une importance particulière aux modifications de la gravité, telles que la gravité massive, et aux trous noirs dans notre discussion sur le secteur sombre de l’Univers.Doctorat en Sciencesinfo:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublishe

    Modified dust and the small scale crisis in CDM

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    At large scales and for sufficiently early times, dark matter is described as a pressureless perfect fluid - dust - non-interacting with Standard Model fields. These features are captured by a simple model with two scalars: a Lagrange multiplier and another playing the role of the velocity potential. That model arises naturally in some gravitational frameworks, e.g. the mimetic dark matter scenario. We consider an extension of the model by means of higher derivative terms, such that the dust solutions are preserved at the background level, but there is a non-zero sound speed at the linear level. We associate this Modified Dust with dark matter, and study the linear evolution of cosmological perturbations in that picture. The most prominent effect is the suppression of their power spectrum for sufficiently large cosmological momenta. This can be relevant in view of the problems that cold dark matter faces at sub-galactic scales, e.g. the missing satellites problem. At even shorter scales, however, perturbations of Modified Dust are enhanced compared to the predictions of more common particle dark matter scenarios. This is a peculiarity of their evolution in radiation dominated background. We also briefly discuss clustering of Modified Dust. We write the system of equations in the Newtonian limit, and sketch the possible mechanism which could prevent the appearance of caustic singularities. The same mechanism may be relevant in light of the core-cusp problem.SCOPUS: ar.jinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishe

    Black hole thermodynamics and massive gravity

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