200 research outputs found

    A comparison among various notions of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks

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    Three definitions of viscosity solutions for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks recently appeared in literature ([1,4,6]). Being motivated by various applications, they appear to be considerably different. Aim of this note is to establish their equivalence

    Stationary Mean Field Games systems defined on networks

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    We consider a stationary Mean Field Games system defined on a network. In this framework, the transition conditions at the vertices play a crucial role: the ones here considered are based on the optimal control interpretation of the problem. We prove separately the well-posedness for each of the two equations composing the system. Finally, we prove existence and uniqueness of the solution of the Mean Field Games system

    Continuous dependence estimates and homogenization of quasi-monotone systems of fully nonlinear second order parabolic equations

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    Aim of this paper is to extend the continuous dependence estimates proved in \cite{JK1} to quasi-monotone systems of fully nonlinear second-order parabolic equations. As by-product of these estimates, we get an H\"older estimate for bounded solutions of systems and a rate of convergence estimate for the vanishing viscosity approximation. In the second part of the paper we employ similar techniques to study the periodic homogenization of quasi-monotone systems of fully nonlinear second-order uniformly parabolic equations. Finally, some examples are discussed

    Memory effects in measure transport equations

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    Transport equations with a nonlocal velocity field have been introduced as a continuum model for interacting particle systems arising in physics, chemistry and biology. Fractional time derivatives, given by convolution integrals of the time-derivative with power-law kernels, are typical for memory effects in complex systems. In this paper we consider a nonlinear transport equation with a fractional time-derivative. We provide a well-posedness theory for weak measure solutions of the problem and an integral formula which generalizes the classical push-forward representation formula to this setting

    A time-fractional mean field game

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    We consider a Mean Field Games model where the dynamics of the agents is subdiffusive. According to the optimal control interpretation of the problem, we get a system involving fractional time-derivatives for the Hamilton-Jacobi-Bellman and the Fokker-Planck equations. We discuss separately the well-posedness for each of the two equations and then we prove existence and uniqueness of the solution to the Mean Field Games syste

    A differential model for growing sandpiles on networks

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    We consider a system of differential equations of Monge-Kantorovich type which describes the equilibrium configurations of granular material poured by a constant source on a network. Relying on the definition of viscosity solution for Hamilton-Jacobi equations on networks, recently introduced by P.-L. Lions and P. E. Souganidis, we prove existence and uniqueness of the solution of the system and we discuss its numerical approximation. Some numerical experiments are carried out

    A numerical method for Mean Field Games on networks

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    We propose a numerical method for stationary Mean Field Games defined on a network. In this framework a correct approximation of the transition conditions at the vertices plays a crucial role. We prove existence, uniqueness and convergence of the scheme and we also propose a least squares method for the solution of the discrete system. Numerical experiments are carried out
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