73 research outputs found

    The Link between Food Traceability and Food Labels in the Perception of Young Consumers in Italy

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    The research analyzed the perception of food traceability among consumers in Italy and the role of food labels in supporting consumer information about food traceability. The components (health, quality, product origin and many others) that are involved in the concept of food traceability were examined and the most important ones were identified. An online survey (n=511 consumers) was carried out in Milan in the north of Italy. Students and employees from the Bocconi University were selected in order to investigate the relevance of food traceability in consumer purchasing decisions. An ordered logit regression was applied.The findings confirm that consumers are interested in various components of food traceability and look for labels that provide information on the product supply chain. The research confirms that traceability is important in the food market and some types of labels on product features (as product sustainability or origin) are associated with it

    Moving Toward Telehealth Surveillance Services for Toddlers at Risk for Autism During the COVID-19 Pandemic

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    Since 2016, the project "Early Bird Diagnostic Protocol for Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD)" funded by the Italian Ministry of Health has been operative at IRCCS Fondazione Stella Maris (FSM), Pisa (IT), with the main aim of developing early age-specific diagnostic protocols by longitudinally enrolling two different populations at risk for ASD: (i) toddlers with older siblings with ASD (FR) and (ii) toddlers referred by a child psychiatrist or pediatrician for suspected ASD (CR). On January 30, 2020, when the World Health Organization declared the outbreak of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), 136 patients (85 FR; 51 CR; 93 males; 43 females) had been enrolled in the project with 324 completed time points and 64 still missing. Considering both the huge psychological burden on families with toddlers at risk for ASD during the lockdown and the longitudinal studies reporting the positive "surveillance effect" in terms of a better outcome in at-risk toddlers, our priority has been to maintain regular contact and support to enrolled families. To do this, the research team, being authorized for smart-working research activities, has set up a detailed remote surveillance protocol (RSP). The RSP includes three online interviews and one online video registration of parent-child play. In the current community case study, the authors report the telehealth procedure and discuss possible future directions in developing remote assessment and new evaluation modalities for ecological parent-child play video recordings in at-risk populations. Hopefully, the surveillance protocol will further improve our ability to detect risk and activate early tailored intervention

    Gut to brain interaction in Autism Spectrum Disorders: A randomized controlled trial on the role of probiotics on clinical, biochemical and neurophysiological parameters

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    Background: A high prevalence of a variety of gastrointestinal (GI) symptoms is frequently reported in patients with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD). The GI disturbances in ASD might be linked to gut dysbiosis representing the observable phenotype of a "gut-brain axis" disruption. The exploitation of strategies which can restore normal gut microbiota and reduce the gut production and absorption of toxins, such as probiotics addition/supplementation in a diet, may represent a non-pharmacological option in the treatment of GI disturbances in ASD. The aim of this randomized controlled trial is to determine the effects of supplementation with a probiotic mixture (Vivomixx®) in ASD children not only on specific GI symptoms, but also on the core deficits of the disorder, on cognitive and language development, and on brain function and connectivity. An ancillary aim is to evaluate possible effects of probiotic supplementation on urinary concentrations of phthalates (chemical pollutants) which have been previously linked to ASD. Methods: A group of 100 preschoolers with ASD will be classified as belonging to a GI group or to a Non-GI (NGI) group on the basis of a symptom severity index specific to GI disorders. In order to obtain four arms, subjects belonging to the two groups (GI and NGI) will be blind randomized 1:1 to regular diet with probiotics or with placebo for 6 months. All participants will be assessed at baseline, after three months and after six months from baseline in order to evaluate the possible changes in: (1) GI symptoms; (2) autism symptoms severity; (3) affective and behavioral comorbid symptoms; (4) plasmatic, urinary and fecal biomarkers related to abnormal intestinal function; (5) neurophysiological patterns. Discussion: The effects of treatments with probiotics on children with ASD need to be evaluated through rigorous controlled trials. Examining the impact of probiotics not only on clinical but also on neurophysiological patterns, the current trial sets out to provide new insights into the gut-brain connection in ASD patients. Moreover, results could add information to the relationship between phthalates levels, clinical features and neurophysiological patterns in ASD. Trial registration: ClinicalTrials.gov Identifier: NCT02708901. Retrospectively registered: March 4, 2016

    Parental perspectives on psychiatric comorbidity in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorders receiving publicly funded mental health services

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    An increased prevalence of psychiatric comorbidity (PC) in individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) is consistently reported. While several studies have examined PC in school-aged children, adolescents and adults with ASD, investigations on PC in preschoolers are less common. In this study, we explore the prevalence and the type of PC in a sample of 989 preschoolers with ASD through the DSM-Oriented Scales (DOS) of the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL 1½-5) and their possible links with the core features of ASD and cognitive functioning. Results indicated that 37.8% of the sample had at least one PC in addition to ASD; these subjects displayed significantly higher Total score (p = 0.02) and Social Affect score (p = 0.003) on the ADOS-based calibrated severity scores (CSS), as well as lower (p ≤ 0.0001) performance IQ (pIQ) compared to ASD individuals without PC. As far as the specific DOS, Affective Problems (AP) were detected in 23.4% of the whole sample, ADHD Problems (ADHD) in 17.3%, Anxiety Problems (AXP) in 16.7%, and Oppositional Problems (OP) in 7.9%. These different comorbidities were isolated in 195 subjects (Mono-comorbid group: 19.7% of the whole sample), while 179 subjects (18.1% of the whole sample) had two or more types of PC (Multi-comorbid group). One-way ANOVA revealed that subjects with multi-comorbidity have statistically significant lower pIQ and higher Total score and Social Affect score on CSS-ADOS. Specific differences for each type of comorbidity and gender differences were also discussed. Taken together, results indicate a considerable presence of PC in preschoolers with ASD that should be accurately considered during the assessment and diagnosis process in order to plan a tailored intervention based not only on core symptoms of ASD, but also on comorbid psychiatric condition since preschool age

    High-Risk Siblings without Autism: Insights from a Clinical and Eye-Tracking Study

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    Joint attention (JA)—the human ability to coordinate our attention with that of other people—is impaired in the early stage of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, little is known about the JA skills in the younger siblings of children with ASD who do not develop ASD at 36 months of age [high-risk (HR)-noASD]. In order to advance our understanding of this topic, a prospective multicenter observational study was conducted with three groups of toddlers (age range: 18–33 months): 17 with ASD, 19 with HR-noASD and 16 with typical development (TD). All subjects underwent a comprehensive clinical assessment and an eye-tracking experiment with pre-recorded stimuli in which the visual patterns during two tasks eliciting initiating joint attention (IJA) were measured. Specifically, fixations, transitions and alternating gaze were analyzed. Clinical evaluation revealed that HR-noASD subjects had lower non-verbal cognitive skills than TD children, while similar levels of restricted and repetitive behaviors and better social communication skills were detected in comparison with ASD children. Eye-tracking paradigms indicated that HR-noASD toddlers had visual patterns resembling TD in terms of target-object-to-face gaze alternations, while their looking behaviors were similar to ASD toddlers regarding not-target-object-to-face gaze alternations. This study indicated that high-risk, unaffected siblings displayed a shared profile of IJA-eye-tracking measures with both ASD patients and TD controls, providing new insights into the characterization of social attention in this group of toddlers

    Impact of sleep disorders on behavioral issues in preschoolers with autism spectrum disorder

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    BackgroundSleep disorders are one of the most common problems in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD). However, they often tend to be underdiagnosed and incorrectly treated in clinical practice. This study aims to identify sleep disorders in preschool children with ASD and to explore their relationship with the core symptoms of autism, the child's developmental and cognitive level as well as the psychiatric comorbidities. MethodsWe recruited 163 preschool children with a diagnosis of ASD. The Children's Sleep Habits Questionnaire (CSHQ) assessed sleep conditions. Multiple standardized tests were used to evaluate intellectual abilities, the presence of repetitive behaviors (through the Repetitive Behavior Scale-Revised), as well as the emotional-behavioral problems and the psychiatric comorbidities (through the Child Behavior Checklist -CBCL 1(1/2)-5). ResultsThe results showed that poor disorders had consistently higher scores in all areas assessed by the CSHQ and on the CBCL across all domains. The correlational analysis showed that severe sleep disorders were associated with higher scores in internalizing, externalizing, and total problems at the CBCL syndromic scales, and in all DSM-oriented CBCL subscales. Moreover, we found that the association between sleep disorders and restricted and repetitive behaviors (RRBs) is explained by the anxiety-related symptoms. ConclusionBased on these findings, the study recommends that screening for sleep problems followed by early intervention should constitute a routine part of clinical practice for children with ASD

    Temporal lobe connects regression and macrocephaly to autism spectrum disorders

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    Interictal electroencephalogram (EEG) abnormalities are frequently associated with autism spectrum disorders (ASD), although their relationship with the clinical features of ASD, particularly the regressive onset, remains controversial. The aim of this study was to investigate whether the characteristics of interictal EEG abnormalities might help to distinguish and predict definite phenotypes within the heterogeneity of ASD. We reviewed the awake and sleep interictal EEGs of 220 individuals with idiopathic ASD, either with or without a history of seizures. EEG findings were analyzed with respect to a set of clinical variables to explore significant associations. A brain morphometry study was also carried out on a subgroup of patients. EEG abnormalities were seen in 154/220 individuals (70 %) and were mostly focal (p < 0.01) with an anterior localization (p < 0.001). They were detected more frequently during sleep (p < 0.01), and were associated with a regressive onset of ASD (p < 0.05), particularly in individuals with focal temporal localization (p < 0.05). This association was also stronger in regressive patients with concurrent macrocephaly, together with a relative volumetric reduction of the right temporal cortex (p < 0.05). Indeed, concurrence of temporal EEG abnormalities, regression and macrocephaly might possibly define a distinct endophenotype of ASD. EEG-based endophenotypes could be useful to untangle the complexity of ASD, helping to establish anatomic or pathophysiologic subtypes of the disorder

    Sex Differences in Autism Spectrum Disorder: An Investigation on Core Symptoms and Psychiatric Comorbidity in Preschoolers

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    Findings regarding sex differences in autism spectrum disorder (ASD), as far as core symptoms and psychiatric comorbidities (PC) are concerned, are inconsistent, inconclusive, or conflicting among studies. The lower prevalence of ASD in females than in males and the age and intelligence quotient (IQ) heterogeneity among samples made it difficult to investigate these differences. This case–control study tries to deepen the impact of sex differences on core symptoms of autism and PC in 214 preschoolers with ASD (mean age, 45.26) without impairment in non-verbal IQ (nvIQ ≥70). A total of 107 ASD females (mean age, 44.51 ± 13.79 months) were matched one by one with 107 males (mean age, 46.01 ± 13.42 months) for chronological age (±6 months) and nvIQ (±6 points). We used the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule 2 (ADOS-2) and the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) 1.5–5 to explore autism severity and PC. The results highlight that ASD females did not significantly differ from ASD males regarding the severity of autism. Statistically significant lower levels of emotionally reactive (p = 0.005, η2 = 0.04), anxious-depressed (p = 0.001, η2 = 0.05), internalizing problems (p = 0.04, η2 = 0.02), and DSM-Oriented Scales anxiety problems (p = 0.02, η2 = 0.04) in ASD females than in ASD males were also detected. Our findings of no difference in the autism severity and lower internalizing problems in females than males with ASD extend the knowledge of autism in females during preschool years. Compared to other similar studies on this topic, we can state that these results are not supported by differences in nvIQ between sexes nor by the presence of cognitive impairment. It confirms the need for clinicians to consider sex differences when describing autism psychopathology

    Parieto-Frontal Circuits During Observation of Hidden and Visible Motor Acts in Children. A High-density EEG Source Imaging Study

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    Several studies showed that in the human brain specific premotor and parietal areas are activated during the execution and observation of motor acts. The activation of this premotor-parietal network displaying the so-called Mirror Mechanism (MM) was proposed to underpin basic forms of action understanding. However, the functional properties of the MM in children are still largely unknown. In order to address this issue, we recorded high-density EEG from 12 children (6 female, 6 male; average age 10.5, SD ±2.15). Data were collected when children observed video clips showing hands grasping objects in two different experimental conditions: (1) Full Vision, in which the motor act was fully visible; (2) Hidden, in which the interaction between the hand and the object was not visible. Event-related potentials (ERPs) and topographic map analyses were used to investigate the temporal pattern of the ERPs and their brain source of localization, employing a children template of the Montreal Neurological Institute. Results showed that two different parieto-premotor circuits are activated by the observation of object-related hand reaching-to-grasping motor acts in children. The first circuit comprises the ventral premotor and the inferior parietal cortices. The second one comprises the dorsal premotor and superior parietal cortices. The activation of both circuits is differently lateralized and modulated in time, and influenced by the amount of visual information available about the hand grasping-related portion of the observed motor acts
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