8,008 research outputs found

    Self-sustained magnetoelectric oscillations in magnetic resonant tunneling structures

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    The dynamic interplay of transport, electrostatic, and magnetic effects in the resonant tunneling through ferromagnetic quantum wells is theoretically investigated. It is shown that the carrier-mediated magnetic order in the ferromagnetic region not only induces, but also takes part in intrinsic, robust, and sustainable high-frequency current oscillations over a large window of nominally steady bias voltages. This phenomenon could spawn a new class of quantum electronic devices based on ferromagnetic semiconductors.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure

    ROSAT PSPC detection of soft X-ray absorption in GB 1428+4217: The most distant matter yet probed with X-ray spectroscopy

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    We report on a ROSAT PSPC observation of the highly-luminous z = 4.72 radio-loud quasar GB 1428+4217 obtained between 1998 December 11 and 17, the final days of the ROSAT satellite. The low-energy sensitivity of the PSPC detector was employed to constrain the intrinsic X-ray absorption of the currently most distant X-ray detected object. Here we present the detection of significant soft X-ray absorption towards GB 1428+4217, making the absorbing material the most distant matter yet probed with X-ray spectroscopy. X-ray variability by 25+-8 per cent is detected on a timescale of 6500 s in the rest frame. The X-ray variation requires an unusually high radiative efficiency of at least 4.2, further supporting the blazar nature of the source.Comment: 6 pages incl. 6 figures, accepted for publication in Monthly Notice

    Ion-supported tori: a thermal bremsstrahlung model for the X-ray Background

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    We discuss the possibility that a significant contribution of the hard X-ray Background is the integrated emission from a population of galaxies undergoing advection-dominated accretion in their nuclei. Owing to poor coupling between ions and electrons and to efficient radiative cooling of the electrons, the accreting plasma is two-temperature, with the ions being generally much hotter than the electrons and forming an ion-supported torus. We show that the electron te mperature then saturates at approximately 100keV independent of model parameters. At this temperature the hard X-ray emission is dominated by bremsstrahlung radiation. We find that this physical model gives an excellent fit to the spectrum of the XRB in the 3-60 keV range, provided that there is some evolution associated with the spectral emissivity which must peak at a redshift of about 2. We estimate that such galaxies contribute only to a small fraction of the local X-ray volume emissivity. The model implies a higher mean black hole mass than is obtained from the evolution of quasars alone.Comment: 7 pages, 7 ps figures, uses mn.sty (included). Submitted for publication to MNRA

    Some remarks about intrinsic parity in Ryder's derivation of the Dirac equation

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    This work is a comment on Ryder's derivation of the Dirac equation, with emphasis on the physical contents of this equation: the notion of particles and antiparticles according to the Stueckelberg-Feynman interpretation, the opposite intrinsic parity between particles and antiparticles, and the spin.Comment: 4 pages, Revte

    Magnetic flares in accretion disc coronae and the Spectral States of black hole candidates: the case of GX 339-4

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    We present a model for the different X-ray spectral states displayed by Galactic Black Hole Candidates (GBHC). We discuss the physical and spectral implications for a magnetically structured corona in which magnetic flares result from reconnection of flux tubes rising from the accretion disk by the magnetic buoyancy instability. Using observations of one of the best studied examples, GX339-4, we identify the geometry and the physical conditions characterizing each of these states. We find that, in the Soft state, flaring occurs at small scale heights above the accretion disk. The soft thermal-like spectrum is the result of heating and consequent re-radiation of the hard X-rays produced by such flares. The hard tail is produced by Comptonization of the soft field radiation. Conversely, the hard state is the result of flares triggered high above the underlying accretion disk which produce X-rays via Comptonization of either internal synchrotron radiation or soft disk photons. The spectral characteristics of the different states are naturally accounted for by the choice of geometry: when flares are triggered high above the disk the system is photon-starved, hence the hard Comptonized spectrum of the hard state. Intense flaring close to the disk greatly enhances the soft-photon field with the result that the spectrum softens. We interpret the two states as being related to two different phases of magnetic energy dissipation. In the Soft state, Parker instability in the disk favours the emergence of large numbers of relatively low magnetic field flux tubes. In the hard state, only intense magnetic fields become buoyant. The model can also qualitatively account for the observed short timescale variability and the characteristics of the X-ray reflected component of the hard state.Comment: submitted to MNRAS, Feb. 1998, 10 pages, 3 figures in MNRAS LaTex styl

    Magnetic flares and the optical variability of the X-ray transient XTE J1118+480

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    The simultaneous presence of a strong quasi periodic oscillation of period of about 10 seconds in the optical and X-ray lightcurves of the X-ray transient XTE J1118+480 suggests that a significant fraction of the optical flux originates from the inner part of the accretion flow, where most of the X-rays are produced. We present a model of magnetic flares in an accretion disc corona where thermal cyclo-synchrotron emission contributes significantly to the optical emission, while the X-rays are produced by inverse Compton scattering of the soft photons produced by dissipation in the underlying disc and by the synchrotron process itself. Given the observational constraints, we estimate the values for the coronal temperature, optical depth and magnetic field intensity, as well as the accretion rate for the source. Within our model we predict a correlation between optical and hard X-ray variability and an anticorrelation between optical and soft X-rays. We also expect optical variability on flaring timescales (about tens of milliseconds), with a power density spectrum similar to the one observed in the X-ray band. Finally we use both the available optical/EUV/X-ray spectral energy distribution and the low frequency time variability to discuss limits on the inner radius of the optically thick disc.Comment: 5 pages, included 1 figure. One reference corrected. Submitted to MNRA
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