5 research outputs found

    Legislative Documents

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    Also, variously referred to as: House bills; House documents; House legislative documents; legislative documents; General Court documents

    Additional file 2: of Current management of juvenile dermatomyositis in Germany and Austria: an online survey of pediatric rheumatologists and pediatric neurologists

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    Detailed information on patterns in the use of intravenous methylprednisolone pulse (IVMP) therapy in moderate juvenile dermatomyositis. (A) Doses employed for the individual infusions, (B) the duration of each individual therapy, (C) the overall duration of IVMP therapy and (D) the frequency of IVMP therapy. Abbreviations: IVMP, intravenous methylprednisolone pulse. (JPG 273 kb

    Additional file 1: of Varicella-zoster-virus vaccination in immunosuppressed children with rheumatic diseases using a pre-vaccination check list

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    List of 45 countries with mandatory varicella zoster virus vaccination (according to the national vaccination schedule) retrieved from the WHO vaccine-preventable diseases monitoring system 2017*. (DOCX 19 kb