7 research outputs found

    Reactions with pions and vector mesons in the sector of odd intrinsic parity

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    The Wess-Zumino-Witten structure is supplemented by a simple vector-meson Lagrangian where the vector mesons are described by antisymmetric tensor fields. With the \rho-\omega-\pi{} coupling as the only parameter in the sector of odd intrinsic parity, i.e. without additional contact terms, one can achieve a proper description of the decay of an \omega-meson into three pions, the single- and double-virtual pion transition form factor and the three-pion production in electron-positron collisions

    Plant Immune Memory in Systemic Tissue Does Not Involve Changes in Rapid Calcium Signaling

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    Upon pathogen recognition, a transient rise in cytoplasmic calcium levels is one of the earliest events in plants and a prerequisite for defense initiation and signal propagation from a local site to systemic plant tissues. However, it is unclear if calcium signaling differs in the context of priming: Do plants exposed to a first pathogen stimulus and have consequently established systemic acquired resistance (SAR) display altered calcium responses to a second pathogen stimulus? Several calcium indicator systems including aequorin, YC3.6 or R-GECO1 have been used to document local calcium responses to the bacterial flg22 peptide but systemic calcium imaging within a single plant remains a technical challenge. Here, we report on an experimental approach to monitor flg22-induced calcium responses in systemic leaves of primed plants. The calcium-dependent protein kinase CPK5 is a key calcium sensor and regulator of the NADPH oxidase RBOHD and plays a role in the systemic calcium-ROS signal propagation. We therefore compared flg22-induced cytoplasmic calcium changes in Arabidopsis wild-type, cpk5 mutant and CPK5-overexpressing plants (exhibiting constitutive priming) by introgressing the calcium indicator R-GECO1-mTurquoise that allows internal normalization through mTurquoise fluorescence. Aequorin-based analyses were included for comparison. Based on the R-GECO1-mTurquoise data, CPK5-OE appears to reinforce an “oscillatory-like” Ca2+ signature in flg22-treated local tissues. However, no change was observed in the flg22-induced calcium response in the systemic tissues of plants that had been pre-challenged by a priming stimulus – neither in wild-type nor in cpk5 or CPK5-OE-lines. These data indicate that the mechanistic manifestation of a plant immune memory in distal plant parts required for enhanced pathogen resistance does not include changes in rapid calcium signaling upstream of CPK5 but rather relies on downstream defense responses