1,195 research outputs found

    AGN-starburst evolutionary connection: a physical interpretation based on radiative feedback

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    Observations point towards a close connection between nuclear starbursts, active galactic nuclei (AGN), and outflow phenomena. An evolutionary sequence, starting from a dust-obscured ultra-luminous infrared galaxy and eventually leading to an unobscured optical quasar, has been proposed and discussed in the literature. AGN feedback is usually invoked to expel the obscuring gas and dust in a blow-out event, but the underlying physical mechanism remains unclear. We consider AGN feedback driven by radiation pressure on dust, which directly acts on the obscuring dusty gas. We obtain that radiative feedback can potentially disrupt dense gas in the infrared-optically thick regime, and that an increase in the dust-to-gas fraction leads to an increase in the effective Eddington ratio. Thus, the more dusty gas is preferentially expelled by radiative feedback, and the central AGN is prone to efficiently remove its own obscuring dust cocoon. Large amounts of dust imply heavy obscuration but also powerful feedback, suggesting a causal link between dust obscuration and blow-out. In this picture, AGN feedback and starburst phenomena are intrinsically coupled through the production of dust in supernova explosions, leading to a natural interpretation of the observed evolutionary path.WI acknowledges support from the Swiss National Science Foundation and ACF acknowledges support from ERC Advanced Grant 340442

    Ultramassive black hole feedback in compact galaxies

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    Recent observations confirm the existence of ultra-massive black holes (UMBH) in the nuclei of compact galaxies, with physical properties similar to NGC 1277. The nature of these objects poses a new puzzle to the `black hole-host galaxy co-evolution' scenario. We discuss the potential link between UMBH and galaxy compactness, possibly connected via extreme active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback at early times (z>2z > 2). In our picture, AGN feedback is driven by radiation pressure on dust. We suggest that early UMBH feedback blows away all the gas beyond a \simkpc or so, while triggering star formation at inner radii, eventually leaving a compact galaxy remnant. Such extreme UMBH feedback can also affect the surrounding environment on larger scales, e.g. the outflowing stars may form a diffuse stellar halo around the compact galaxy, or even escape into the intergalactic or intracluster medium. On the other hand, less massive black holes will drive less powerful feedback, such that the stars formed within the AGN feedback-driven outflow remain bound to the host galaxy, and contribute to its size growth over cosmic time.Comment: accepted for publication in MNRA

    The energetics of AGN radiation pressure-driven outflows

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    The increasing observational evidence of galactic outflows is considered as a sign of active galactic nucleus (AGN) feedback in action. However, the physical mechanism responsible for driving the observed outflows remains unclear, and whether it is due to momentum, energy, or radiation is still a matter of debate. The observed outflow energetics, in particular the large measured values of the momentum ratio (p˙/(L/c)10\dot{p}/(L/c) \sim 10) and energy ratio (E˙k/L0.05\dot{E}_k/L \sim 0.05), seems to favour the energy-driving mechanism; and most observational works have focused their comparison with wind energy-driven models. Here we show that AGN radiation pressure on dust can adequately reproduce the observed outflow energetics (mass outflow rate, momentum flux, and kinetic power), as well as the scalings with luminosity, provided that the effects of radiation trapping are properly taken into account. In particular, we predict a sub-linear scaling for the mass outflow rate (M˙L1/2\dot{M} \propto L^{1/2}) and a super-linear scaling for the kinetic power (E˙kL3/2\dot{E}_k \propto L^{3/2}), in agreement with the observational scaling relations reported in the most recent compilation of AGN outflow data. We conclude that AGN radiative feedback can account for the global outflow energetics, at least equally well as the wind energy-driving mechanism, and therefore both physical models should be considered in the interpretation of future AGN outflow observations

    Relativistic X-ray Lines from the Inner Accretion Disks Around Black Holes

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    Relativistic X-ray emission lines from the inner accretion disk around black holes are reviewed. Recent observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory, X-ray Multi-Mirror Mission-Newton, and Suzaku are revealing these lines to be good probes of strong gravitational effects. A number of important observational and theoretical developments are highlighted, including evidence of black hole spin and effects such as gravitational light bending, the detection of relativistic lines in stellar-mass black holes, and evidence of orbital-timescale line flux variability. In addition, the robustness of the relativistic disk lines against absorption, scattering, and continuum effects is discussed. Finally, prospects for improved measures of black hole spin and understanding the spin history of supermassive black holes in the context of black hole-galaxy co-evolution are presented. The best data and most rigorous results strongly suggest that relativistic X-ray disk lines can drive future explorations of General Relativity and disk physics.Comment: 40 pages, includes color figures, to appear in ARAA, vol 45, in pres

    Towards modelling X-ray reverberation in AGN: Piecing together the extended corona

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    Models of X-ray reverberation from extended coronae are developed from general relativistic ray tracing simulations. Reverberation lags between correlated variability in the directly observed continuum emission and that reflected from the accretion disc arise due to the additional light travel time between the corona and reflecting disc. X-ray reverberation is detected from an increasing sample of Seyfert galaxies and a number of common properties are observed, including a transition from the characteristic reverberation signature at high frequencies to a hard lag within the continuum component at low frequencies, as well a pronounced dip in the reverberation lag at 3keV. These features are not trivially explained by the reverberation of X-rays originating from simple point sources. We therefore model reverberation from coronae extended both over the surface of the disc and vertically. Causal propagation through its extent for both the simple case of constant velocity propagation and propagation linked to the viscous timescale in the underlying accretion disc is included as well as stochastic variability arising due to turbulence locally on the disc. We find that the observed features of X-ray reverberation in Seyfert galaxies can be explained if the long timescale variability is dominated by the viscous propagation of fluctuations through the corona. The corona extends radially at low height over the surface of the disc but with a bright central region in which fluctuations propagate up the black hole rotation axis driven by more rapid variability arising from the innermost regions of the accretion flow

    Simulating the Hot X-ray Emitting Gas in Elliptical Galaxies

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    We study the chemo-dynamical evolution of elliptical galaxies and their hot X-ray emitting gas using high-resolution cosmological simulations. Our Tree N-body/SPH code includes a self-consistent treatment of radiative cooling, star formation, supernovae feedback, and chemical enrichment. We present a series of LCDM cosmological simulations which trace the spatial and temporal evolution of heavy element abundance patterns in both the stellar and gas components of galaxies. X-ray spectra of the hot gas are constructed via the use of the vmekal plasma model, and analysed using XSPEC with the XMM EPN response function. Simulation end-products are quantitatively compared with the observational data in both the X-ray and optical regime. We find that radiative cooling is important to interpret the observed X-ray luminosity, temperature, and metallicity of the interstellar medium of elliptical galaxies. However, this cooled gas also leads to excessive star formation at low redshift, and therefore results in underlying galactic stellar populations which are too blue with respect to observations.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to appear in the proceedings of "The IGM/Galaxy Connection - The Distribution of Baryons at z=0", ed. M. Putman & J. Rosenberg; High resolution version is available at http://astronomy.swin.edu.au/staff/dkawata/research/papers.htm

    Using principal component analysis to understand the variability of PDS 456

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    We present a spectral-variability analysis of the low-redshift quasar PDS 456 using principal component analysis. In the XMM-Newton data, we find a strong peak in the first principal component at the energy of the Fe absorption line from the highly blueshifted outflow. This indicates that the absorption feature is more variable than the continuum, and that it is responding to the continuum. We find qualitatively different behaviour in the Suzaku data, which is dominated by changes in the column density of neutral absorption. In this case, we find no evidence of the absorption produced by the highly ionized gas being correlated with this variability. Additionally, we perform simulations of the source variability, and demonstrate that PCA can trivially distinguish between outflow variability correlated, anti-correlated, and un-correlated with the continuum flux. Here, the observed anti-correlation between the absorption line equivalent width and the continuum flux may be due to the ionization of the wind responding to the continuum. Finally, we compare our results with those found in the narrow-line Seyfert 1 IRAS 13224-3809. We find that the Fe K UFO feature is sharper and more prominent in PDS 456, but that it lacks the lower energy features from lighter elements found in IRAS 13224-3809, presumably due to differences in ionization

    Quantifying Rapid Variability in Accreting Compact Objects

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    I discuss some practical aspects of the analysis of millisecond time variability X-ray data obtained from accreting neutron stars and black holes. First I give an account of the statistical methods that are at present commonly applied in this field. These are mostly based on Fourier techniques. To a large extent these methods work well: they give astronomers the answers they need. Then I discuss a number of statistical questions that astronomers don't really know how to solve properly and that statisticians may have ideas about. These questions have to do with the highest and the lowest frequency ranges accessible in the Fourier analysis: how do you determine the shortest time scale present in the variability, how do you measure steep low-frequency noise. The point is stressed that in order for any method that resolves these issues to become popular, it is necessary to retain the capabilities the current methods already have in quantifying the complex, concurrent variability processes characteristic of accreting neutron stars and black holes.Comment: To be published in the Proceedings of "Statistical Challenges in Modern Astronomy II", University Park PA, USA, June 199