59 research outputs found

    De meerwaarde van HKZ-certificering voor GGZ-instellingen

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    Het certificeren van instellingen is een instrument geworden om de kwaliteit van zorg van instellingen te verbeteren. Certificeren behelst het beoordelen van een organisatie op voorgeschreven normen door een onafhankelijke derde en het afgeven van een certificaat wanneer aan de normen wordt voldaan. Instellingen worden in toenemende mate verplicht certificaten te halen. Maar heeft certificeren wel meerwaarde? Het onderzoek waarover wordt gerapporteerd stelt deze vraag centraal. En wel: Wat is de meerwaarde van HKZ-certificering op de geleverde kwaliteit van zorg in GGZ-instellingen? Gekozen is voor HKZ als certificeringinstrument en de geestelijke gezondheidszorg als sector. Deelvragen van het onderzoek zijn: 1. Welke waarde ontlenen zorgprofessionals (hulpverleners), kwaliteitsfunctionarissen, managers en medewerkers van stafafdelingen aan HKZ-certificering? 2. Presteren GGZ-instellingen met (zicht op) een HKZ-certificaat beter op relevante indicatoren dan GGZ-instellingen die niet (of nog niet) HKZ-gecertificeerd zijn? 3. Vanwege welke redenen leidt HKZ-certificering tot betere of slechtere prestaties

    Discursively framing physicians as leaders: Institutional work to reconfigure medical professionalism

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    Physicians are well-known for safeguarding medical professionalism by performing institutional work in their daily practices. However, this study shows how opinion-making physicians in strategic arenas (i.e. national professional bodies, conferences and high-impact journals) advocate to reform medical professionalism by discursively framing physicians as leaders. The aim of this article is to critically investigate the use of leadership discourse by these opinion-making physicians. By performing a discursive analysis of key documents produced in these strategic arenas and additional observations of national conferences, this article investigates how leadership discourse is used and to what purpose. The following key uses of medical leadership discourses were identified: (1) regaining the lead in medical professionalism, (2) disrupting ‘old’ professional values, and (3) constructing the ‘modern’ physician. The analysis reveals that physicians as ‘leaders’ are expected to become team-players that work across disciplinary and organizational boundaries to improve the quality and affordability of care. In comparison to management that is negatively associated with NPM reform, leadership discourse is linked to positive institutional change, such as decentralization and integration of care. Yet, it is unclear to what extent leadership discourses are actually incorporated on the work floor and to what effect. Future studies could therefore investigate the uptake of l

    Agile Co-Creation for Robots and Aging (ACCRA) Project

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    __Introduction__ Worldwide population is getting older. The older persons want to stay independent and wish to increase their engagement in social activities to tackle loneliness, depression, and isolation. Starting from these assumptions, we developed the ACCRA project (Agile Co-Creation for Robots and Aging) with the aim to enable the development of advanced ICT Robotics-based solutions for extending active and healthy aging in daily life by defining, developing and demonstrating an agile co-creation development process. __Methods__ ACCRA robotics solutions will be designed and developed to be tested in three different domains: mobility, daily life, socialization support in four countries (i.e., France, Netherlands, Italy, and Japan). The proposed approach identifies four different phases: (1) needs analysis, (2) agile co-creation, (3) experimentation, and (4) sustainability analysis. Currently, the first two phases were almost completed. For the needs phase, we have used the following recruitment criteria: (1) for mobility: age ≥ 60 years, the and presence of mobility issues assessed by Older Mobility Scale (EMS) with a score > 13; (2) for daily life: age ≥ 60 years, and the presence of difficulties engaging in housework assessed by Autonomie Gérontologie Groupes Iso-Ressources (AGGIR) with a GIR score ≥ 4; (3) for socialization support: age ≥ 60 years, and the absence or mild level of cognitive impairment assessed by Mini Mental State Examination (MMSE) with a score ≥ 24. __Results__ The needs analysis and first co-creation sessions focus attention on the experience of older in the four countries. Preliminary results showed how, in all the pilot sites, many expectations were raised from older, formal and informal caregivers about the application of the technology into their life. Minor concerns existed about privacy, real efficacy and modularity in a real-world environment. Overall, a good attitude was recorded towards the use of technologies to support life and promote independent living. Moreover, the older engaged in our studies showed a great interest to be actively involved in the developing phase of something built based on their needs. __Conclusions__ The availability of new solutions to increase independence and quality of life in a sustainable manner appears to be mandatory in the actual society considering the actual socio-economic situation over the industrial countries

    Effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of proactive and multidisciplinary integrated care for older people with complex problems in general practice: An individual participant data meta-analysis

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    Purpose: to support older people with several healthcare needs in sustaining adequate functioning and independence, more proactive approaches are needed. This purpose of this study is to summarise the (cost-) effectiveness of proactive, multidisciplinary, integrated care programmes for older people in Dutch primary care. Methods design: individual patient data (IPD) meta-analysis of eight clinically controlled trials. Setting: primary care sector. Interventions: combination of (i) identification of older people with complex problems by means of screening, followed by (ii) a multidisciplinary integrated care programme for those identified. Main outcome: activities of daily living, i.e. a change on modified Katz-15 scale between baseline and 1-year follow-up. Secondary outcomes: quality of life (visual analogue scale 0-10), psychological (mental well-being scale Short Form Health Survey (SF)-36) and social well-being (single item, SF-36), quality-adjusted life years (Euroqol-5dimensions-3level (EQ-5D-3L)), healthcare utilisation and cost-effectiveness. Analysis: intention-to-treat analysis, two-stage IPD and subgroup analysis based on patient and intervention characteristics. Results: included were 8,678 participants: median age of 80.5 (interquartile range 75.3; 85.7) years; 5,496 (63.3%) women. On the modified Katz-15 scale, the pooled difference in change between the intervention and control group was -0.01 (95% confidence interval -0.10 to 0.08). No significant differences were found in the other patient outcomes or subgroup analyses. Compared to usual care, the probability of the intervention group to be cost-effective was less than 5%. Conclusion: compared to usual care at 1-year follow-up, strategies for identification of frail older people in primary care combined with a proactive integrated care intervention are probably not (cost-) effective

    De meerwaarde van HKZ-certificering voor GGZ-instelling

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    De meerwaarde van HKZ-certificering voor GGZ-instelling

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