56 research outputs found

    Probleme der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung von Suchtkranken (Problems in the occupational reintegration of drug addicts)

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    "Within the framework of the rehabilitation process of drug addicts there are many possibilities to introduce and implement occupational rehabilitation measures early on. The literature available on this subject, however, gives the impression that these opportunities have been too rarely used so far. This is essentially put down to the treatment concept, which is organised pre-dominantly according to medical and psychological factors, the insufficient sensitisation of the parties involved concerning the clients' occupation-related requirements and possibilities, as well as poor co-operation between therapists and benefit providers (in particular pension insurance and labour administration), which in turn are caused by the institutional and legal distinction between medical and occupational rehabilitation. The major fault found in connection with this is the insufficient occupational promotion of unemployed drug addicts who have undergone or are undergoing psychiatric treatment. The information available signalises that occupational promotion measures are implemented relatively seldom for individuals with addictions. Furthermore it is clear that data on the number of or the success of the activities in question is not available to a sufficient degree either in quantitative or qualitative terms for them to be assessed adequately. Owing to the immense damage to the economy that can occur as a result of rehabilitation for drug addicts not being implemented at all, or being implemented too late or insufficiently, the monitoring of efforts towards occupational rehabilitation seem, however, to be particularly pressing even if it is likely to be linked with considerable difficulties in the documentation and evaluation of the measures because of the multitude of potential activities and participants. Against the background of this there is a plea for the scientifically supported evaluation research to be expanded to cover the occupational rehabilitation of drug addicts. Aprecondition for this is, however, improved access to information on the various activities made available by benefit providers and those providing the services in this field. This data should then preferably be evaluated by neutral third parties - and not predominantly by the rehabilitation establishments, as has been the case so far; in this way it should be possible to obtain reliable statements on the quality of the measures with regard to structure, process and results. Possible starting points would be quality assurance systems such as those introduced recently in the field of medical rehabilitation of the compulsory pension insurance scheme." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Suchtkranke, berufliche Rehabilitation - Erfolgskontrolle, berufliche Reintegration - Förderung

    City-size distribution in the Austrian-Hungarian monarchy 1857-1910: a rank-size approach

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    Durch die Anwendung der Methode der Ranghöhenanalyse auf das Studium des interurbanen Systems der früheren österreich-ungarischen Monarchie füllt man nicht nur eine Lücke in der empirischen Forschung, sondern erkennt sogar einen Transfer des oben erwähnten methodologischen Paradigmas auf die Sozial- und Wirtschaftsgeschichte. Teil (1) der folgenden Abhandlung beschäftigt sich mit dem methodologischen Werkzeug, seiner Geschichte und seinen Grenzen. Teil (2) beinhaltet die Demonstration der Methode wie auch einige Entwürfe für die wissenschaftliche Interpretation. (KWübers.)'In applying the method of rank size analysis to the study of inter-urban-system of the former Austrian-Hungarian monarchy, one does not only fill a gap in empirical research, but also realizes a transfer of the above mentioned methodological paradigm to the social and economic history. Part one of the following essay deals with the methodological tool, its history and its limitations. Part two contains the demonstration of the method as well as some outlines for scientific interpretation.' (author's abstract

    Früherkennung und Reduzierung von Abbrüchen der Berufsausbildung in Berufsbildungswerken (Early detection and reduction in the number of premature terminations of vocational training in vocational training centres for young disabled people)

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    "The aim of this research project was to gather empirical knowledge regarding reasons for dropping out of training and factors jeopardising the completion of training which experience has shown to lead to premature termination of measures in vocational training centres for young disabled people, and to include this in an instrument aimed at preventing young people from dropping out of training. On the basis of an extended study of relevant literature, a structured synopsis was drawn up of reasons for dropping out of training, variables associated with dropping out as well as possible methods of preventing it. It could be demonstrated that premature termination of training need not always be linked with negative consequences for those affected or for society in every case, if advantage is taken of alternative training opportunities. Moreover, there are some terminations of training which constitute 'administrative artefacts', some which are caused by unfore-seeable events and others which are 'wanted' in the well-understood interests of all those involved in the rehabilitation process. These terminations reduce the proportion of premature terminations of training which could be prevented. Nonetheless the experts interviewed attach great importance to preventative measures, although there is general agreement that such activities would have to begin in the run-up to the actual rehabilitation measures or within the framework of the admission procedures, particularly as experience has shown that the danger signs are often visible at this early stage. These findings served as a preparation for the empirical phase in which 100 explorative interviews were conducted with employees at vocational training centres for young disabled people and with people in rehabilitation. On the basis of these conversations, first a list was drawn up of some 220 features which, according to those interviewed, could signalise factors jeopardising the completion of training. These were then transformed into an instrument to assess factors jeopardising the completion of training; the intentions of this instrument and the possibilities of its use are demonstrated to the potential user group with the aid of a framework concept and explanatory notes. The instrument now available is intended to be used above all by trainers, vocational school teachers and guidance staff, but can also be used by those working in specialised services in the admission team and by rehabilitation counsellors. Assessments should be made in the first and last weeks of a trainee's probationary period and later on at greater intervals. It is conceivable to adapt the use of the instrument to the organisatory particularities and routines found in a particular establishment. It is recommendable to subject the instrument to a practical test on a scientific basis before using it generally, and if necessary to adapt it in this way to the findings gained." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))berufliche Rehabilitation, Abbrecher, Berufsbildungswerk, Ausbildungsabbruch - Determinanten, Prävention - Konzeption, Früherkennung

    Rehabilitationsforschung als Arbeitsfeld von Sozialwissenschaftlern

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    Methodische Probleme der Qualitätssicherung ganzheitlich angelegter Rehabilitationskonzepte im Bereich der Suchtentwöhnung

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    In dem Beitrag wird die Bedeutung der Qualitätssicherung im Bereich der Rehabilitation Suchtkranker aufgezeigt. Dazu werden zunächst inhaltliche und methodische Probleme von Qualitätssicherungskonzepten im Bereich der Suchtentwöhnung erörtert. Es geht dabei um das Zusammenwirken spezifischer und unspezifischer Theoriefaktoren im Bereich der Rehabilitation Suchtkranker. Ganzheitlich angelegte Rehabilitationskonzepte werden vorgestellt und im Hinblick auf Qualitätssicherung überprüft. Medizinische und psychotherapeutische Therapieanteile werden gewichtet. Angesichts der bestehenden Probleme wird die Notwendigkeit begründet, Qualitätssicherungssysteme vor ihrer Einführung einem breiten, interdisziplinären Diskurs zu unterziehen. (ICA

    Geography in Austria

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    Introduction In Austria, geography is a well-established discipline. The first chair at a university was founded in 1851, and the Austrian Geographical Society came into existence in 1856. During the 19th century geography played a major role for the general public. Both the exploration of the world and the scientific explanation of landscape structures were fundamental objectives then. The discipline’s outlook was broad and served as a sort of umbrella for developing earth sciences. By now, ..

    Transnationale Mobilität: Konzeption und Fallbeispiel

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    'Der vorliegende Artikel befasst sich mit transnationaler Mobilität als einem besonderen Typus einer internationalen Migration auf Zeit, bei dem die Verbindungen zur Herkunftsgesellschaft nicht abreißen, sondern über vielfältige Interaktionen gepflegt werden. Dieser spezifische Typus einer internationalen Migration wird konzeptionell vorgestellt, in die Entwicklungslinie gängiger Wanderungstheorien gestellt und exemplarisch anhand einer Fallstudie über PolInnen in Wien auch empirisch belegt.' (Autorenreferat)'This article discusses transnational mobility as a special mode of temporarily limited international migration. Linkages with the country of origin are not dissolved, but continued and fostered by manifold interactions. That specific type of international migration is conceptually presented and, furthermore, put in reference to conventional migration theories. The results of an empirical study of Poles in Vienna provide documentary evidence.' (author's abstract)

    Stadt- und Raumentwicklung Österreich

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    Raumordnung in Österreich gehört zu den wenigen Aufgaben der Länder, die diese in Gesetzgebung und Ausführung autonom gestalten dürfen. Der Bund nimmt nur eine rechtlich unverbindliche Koordinationsfunktion wahr und betreibt die für die Raumentwicklung bedeutsamen sektoralen Fachplanungen. Schließlich sind die Gemeinden als die eigentlichen Träger einer flächendeckenden Nutzungsplanung zu nennen

    Forschungspraktische Probleme der Evaluation von Programmen im Bereich der Rehabilitation

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    Der Verfasser skizziert Akteure, institutionelle Rahmenbedingungen und Arten evaluierender Interventionen im Bereich der Rehabilitation. Er macht auf das Konfliktpotenzial in der Evaluationspraxis aufmerksam, das sich vor allem aus Transparenz- und Kommunikationsproblemen speist. Hier gilt es, schon im Stadium der Projektplanung und Evaluationsdesignentwicklung sowie in der Anfangsphase einer Begleitforschung Präventionsmaßnahmen zu ergreifen. Darüber hinaus können gängige Strategien des Konfliktmanagements eingesetzt werden. (ICE

    Efficient prediction of broadband trailing edge noise and application to porous edge treatment

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    Trailing edge noise generated by turbulent flow traveling past an edge of an airfoil is one of the most essential aeroacoustic sound generation mechanisms. It is of great interest for noise problems in various areas of industrial application. First principle based CAA with short response time are needed in the industrial design process for reliable prediction of spectral differences in turbulent-boundary-layer trailing-edge noise due to design modifications. In this paper, an aeroacoustic method is studied, resting on a hybrid CFD/CAA procedure. In a first step RANS simulation provides a time-averaged solution, including the mean-flow and turbulence statistics such as length-scale, time-scale and turbulence kinetic energy. Based on these, fluctuating sound sources are then stochastically generated by the Fast Random Particle-Mesh Method to simulate in a second CAA step broadband aeroacoustic sound. From experimental findings it is well known that porous trailing edges significantly lower trailing edge noise level over a large range of frequencies reaching up to 8dB reduction. Furthermore, sound reduction depends on the porous material parameters, e.g. geometry, porosity, permeability and pore size. The paper presents first results for an extended hybrid CFD/CAA method including porous materials with prescribed parameters. To incorporate the effect of porosity, an extended formulation of the Acoustic Perturbation Equations with source terms is derived based on a reformulation of the volume averaged Navier-Stokes equations into perturbation form. Proper implementation of the Darcy and Forchheimer terms is verified for sound propagation in homogeneous and anisotropic porous medium. Sound generation is studied for a generic symmetric NACA0012 airfoil without lift to separate secondary effects of lift and camber on sound from those of the basic edge noise treatments