
Probleme der beruflichen Wiedereingliederung von Suchtkranken (Problems in the occupational reintegration of drug addicts)


"Within the framework of the rehabilitation process of drug addicts there are many possibilities to introduce and implement occupational rehabilitation measures early on. The literature available on this subject, however, gives the impression that these opportunities have been too rarely used so far. This is essentially put down to the treatment concept, which is organised pre-dominantly according to medical and psychological factors, the insufficient sensitisation of the parties involved concerning the clients' occupation-related requirements and possibilities, as well as poor co-operation between therapists and benefit providers (in particular pension insurance and labour administration), which in turn are caused by the institutional and legal distinction between medical and occupational rehabilitation. The major fault found in connection with this is the insufficient occupational promotion of unemployed drug addicts who have undergone or are undergoing psychiatric treatment. The information available signalises that occupational promotion measures are implemented relatively seldom for individuals with addictions. Furthermore it is clear that data on the number of or the success of the activities in question is not available to a sufficient degree either in quantitative or qualitative terms for them to be assessed adequately. Owing to the immense damage to the economy that can occur as a result of rehabilitation for drug addicts not being implemented at all, or being implemented too late or insufficiently, the monitoring of efforts towards occupational rehabilitation seem, however, to be particularly pressing even if it is likely to be linked with considerable difficulties in the documentation and evaluation of the measures because of the multitude of potential activities and participants. Against the background of this there is a plea for the scientifically supported evaluation research to be expanded to cover the occupational rehabilitation of drug addicts. Aprecondition for this is, however, improved access to information on the various activities made available by benefit providers and those providing the services in this field. This data should then preferably be evaluated by neutral third parties - and not predominantly by the rehabilitation establishments, as has been the case so far; in this way it should be possible to obtain reliable statements on the quality of the measures with regard to structure, process and results. Possible starting points would be quality assurance systems such as those introduced recently in the field of medical rehabilitation of the compulsory pension insurance scheme." (Author's abstract, IAB-Doku) ((en))Suchtkranke, berufliche Rehabilitation - Erfolgskontrolle, berufliche Reintegration - Förderung

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