30 research outputs found

    A systematic review of risk of HIV transmission through biting or spitting: implications for policy.

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    OBJECTIVES: The perceived threat of HIV transmission through spitting and biting is evidenced by the increasing use of "spit hoods" by Police Forces in the UK. In addition, a draft parliamentary bill has called for increased penalties for assaults on emergency workers, citing the risk of communicable disease transmission as one justification. We aimed to review literature relating to the risk of HIV transmission through biting or spitting. METHODS: A systematic literature search was conducted using Medline, Embase and Northern Lights databases and conference websites using search terms relating to HIV, AIDS, bite, spit and saliva. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were applied to identified citations. We classified plausibility of HIV transmission as low, medium, high or confirmed based on pre-specified criteria. RESULTS: A total of 742 abstracts were reviewed, yielding 32 articles for full-text review and 13 case reports/series after inclusion and exclusion criteria had been applied. There were no reported cases of HIV transmission related to spitting and nine cases identified following a bite, in which the majority occurred between family (six of nine), in fights involving serious wounds (three of nine), or to untrained first-aiders placing fingers in the mouth of someone having a seizure (two of nine). Only four cases were classified as highly plausible or confirmed transmission. None related to emergency workers and none were in the UK. CONCLUSIONS: There is no risk of transmitting HIV through spitting, and the risk through biting is negligible. Post-exposure prophylaxis is not indicated after a bite in all but exceptional circumstances. Policies to protect emergency workers should be developed with this evidence in mind

    Accuracy of Xpert Ultra in the diagnosis of pulmonary tuberculosis among children in Uganda: a sub-study from the SHINE trial

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    Background: Childhood tuberculosis presents significant diagnostic challenges associated with paucibacillary disease, and requires a more sensitive test. We evaluated the diagnostic accuracy of XpertMTB/Rif Ultra (Ultra) compared to other microbiological tests using respiratory samples from Ugandan children in the SHINE trial.Design/Methods: SHINE is a randomized trial evaluating shorter treatment in 1204 children with minimal TB disease in Africa/India. Among 352 samples and one cervical lymph node fine needle aspirate, one sample was randomly selected per patient and tested with Xpert MTB/Rif (Xpert), Lowenstein Jensen (LJ) and liquid (MGIT) cultures. We selected only uncontaminated stored sample pellet for Ultra testing. We estimated sensitivity of Xpert and Ultra against culture and a composite microbiological reference standard (any positive result).Results: Of 398 children, 353 (89%) had culture, Xpert and Ultra results. Median age was 2.8-years (IQR 1.3-5.3); 8.5% (30/353) HIV-infected, 54.4% (192/353) male. 31/353 (9%) were positive by LJ and/or MGIT; 36 (10%) by Ultra and 16 (5%) by Xpert. Sensitivities were (%; 95% CI), 58% (39-65% (18/31)) for Ultra and 45% (27-64% (14/31)) for Xpert against any culture-positive, with false-positives of <1% and 5.5% for Xpert and Ultra. Against a composite microbiological reference, sensitives were 72% (58-84% (36/50) for Ultra, and 32% (20-47% (16/50)) for Xpert. However, there were 17 samples that are positive only on Ultra (majority trace).Conclusions: Among children screened for minimal TB in Uganda, Ultra has higher sensitivity than Xpert. This represents an important advance for a condition which has posed a diagnostic challenge for decades

    Cognitive function, depressive symptoms and syphilis in HIV-positive and HIV-negative individuals

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    We evaluated associations between history of syphilis infection and both cognitive function and depressive symptoms in people living with HIV (PLHIV) and comparable HIV-negative controls. Syphilis serological tests, cognitive function and depression were assessed in PLHIV and controls participating in the Pharmacokinetic and Clinical Observations in People Over Fifty study. Cognitive test scores were converted to demographically adjusted T-scores (mean = 50, SD = 10) and then averaged to obtain a global T-score. Severity of depressive symptoms was assessed via the Patient Health Questionnaire-9. Associations of syphilis with global T-scores and depression were assessed using median regression. The 623 PLHIV and 246 HIV-negative controls were predominantly male (89.3% and 66.5%) with median age (interquartile range [IQR]) of 57 (53–63) and 58 (53–63) years, respectively. PLHIV had lower global cognitive T-scores (median [IQR] 48.7 [45.1, 52.1] versus 50.5 [47.0, 53.9], p < 0.001), more severe depressive symptoms (median [IQR] 4 [1, 10] versus 1 [0, 3], p < 0.001) and were more likely to report history of syphilis infection (22.0% versus 8.1%) than controls. There was no significant association between history of syphilis and global cognitive function in either PLHIV (p = 0.69) or controls (p = 0.10). Participants with a history of syphilis had more severe depressive symptoms (median [IQR] 4 [1, 9] versus 2 [0, 8], p = 0.03); however, the association became non-significant (p = 0.62) after adjusting for HIV status and potential confounders. Despite the higher prevalence of syphilis infection in PLHIV, there was no evidence of an association between history of syphilis infection and impaired cognitive function nor depressive symptoms after accounting for potential confounders

    Mortality from HIV-associated meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa: a systematic review and meta-analysis.

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    INTRODUCTION: HIV-associated cryptococcal, TB and pneumococcal meningitis are the leading causes of adult meningitis in sub-Saharan Africa (SSA). We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis with the primary aim of estimating mortality from major causes of adult meningitis in routine care settings, and to contrast this with outcomes from clinical trial settings. METHODS: We searched PubMed, EMBASE and the Cochrane Library for published clinical trials (defined as randomized-controlled trials (RCTs) or investigator-managed prospective cohorts) and observational studies that evaluated outcomes of adult meningitis in SSA from 1 January 1990 through 15 September 2019. We performed random effects modelling to estimate pooled mortality, both in clinical trial and routine care settings. Outcomes were stratified as short-term (in-hospital or two weeks), medium-term (up to 10 weeks) and long-term (up to six months). RESULTS AND DISCUSSION: Seventy-nine studies met inclusion criteria. In routine care settings, pooled short-term mortality from cryptococcal meningitis was 44% (95% confidence interval (95% CI):39% to 49%, 40 studies), which did not differ between amphotericin (either alone or with fluconazole) and fluconazole-based induction regimens, and was twofold higher than pooled mortality in clinical trials using amphotericin based treatment (21% (95% CI:17% to 25%), 17 studies). Pooled short-term mortality of TB meningitis was 46% (95% CI: 33% to 59%, 11 studies, all routine care). For pneumococcal meningitis, pooled short-term mortality was 54% in routine care settings (95% CI:44% to 64%, nine studies), with similar mortality reported in two included randomized-controlled trials. Few studies evaluated long-term outcomes. CONCLUSIONS: Mortality rates from HIV-associated meningitis in SSA are very high under routine care conditions. Better strategies are needed to reduce mortality from HIV-associated meningitis in the region

    Tuberculous meningitis: new tools and new approaches required [version 1; peer review: not peer reviewed]

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    Tuberculous meningitis is the most severe form of tuberculosis and causes widespread mortality and morbidity. Understanding of the epidemiology and pathogenesis is incomplete, and the optimal diagnosis and treatment are poorly defined. To generate research collaboration and coordination, as well as to promote sharing of ideas and advocacy efforts, the International Tuberculous Meningitis Research Consortium was formed in 2009. During the most recent meeting of this group in Lucknow, India, in March 2019, the Consortium decided to bring together key articles on tuberculous meningitis in one supplement. The supplement covers recent scientific updates, expert perspectives on specific clinical challenges, consensus statements on how to conduct research, and a set of priorities for future investigation

    Management of intracranial tuberculous mass lesions: How long should we treat for? [version 2; peer review: 1 approved, 2 approved with reservations]

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    Tuberculous intracranial mass lesions are common in settings with high tuberculosis (TB) incidence and HIV prevalence. The diagnosis of such lesions, which include tuberculoma and tuberculous abscesses, is often presumptive and based on radiological features, supportive evidence of TB elsewhere and response to TB treatment. However, the treatment response is unpredictable, with lesions frequently enlarging paradoxically or persisting for many years despite appropriate TB treatment and corticosteroid therapy. Most international guidelines recommend a 9-12 month course of TB treatment for central nervous system TB when the infecting Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M.tb) strain is sensitive to first-line drugs. However, there is variation in opinion and practice with respect to the duration of TB treatment in patients with tuberculomas or tuberculous abscesses. A major reason for this is the lack of prospective clinical trial evidence. Some experts suggest continuing treatment until radiological resolution of enhancing lesions has been achieved, but this may unnecessarily expose patients to prolonged periods of potentially toxic drugs. It is currently unknown whether persistent radiological enhancement of intracranial tuberculomas after 9-12 months of treatment represents active disease, inflammatory response in a sterilized lesion or merely revascularization. The consequences of stopping TB treatment prior to resolution of lesional enhancement have rarely been explored. These important issues were discussed at the 3 International Tuberculous Meningitis Consortium meeting. Most clinicians were of the opinion that continued enhancement does not necessarily represent treatment failure and that prolonged TB therapy was not warranted in patients presumably infected with M.tb strains susceptible to first-line drugs. In this manuscript we highlight current medical treatment practices, benefits and disadvantages of different TB treatment durations and the need for evidence-based guidelines regarding the treatment duration of patients with intracranial tuberculous mass lesions

    Mechanism, spectrum, consequences and management of hyponatremia in tuberculous meningitis

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    Hyponatremia is the commonest electrolyte abnormality in hospitalized patients and is associated with poor outcome. Hyponatremia is categorized on the basis of serum sodium into severe (< 120 mEq/L), moderate (120-129 mEq/L) and mild (130-134mEq/L) groups. Serum sodium has an important role in maintaining serum osmolality, which is maintained by the action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) secreted from the posterior pituitary, and natriuretic peptides such as atrial natriuretic peptide and brain natriuretic peptide. These peptides act on kidney tubules via the renin angiotensin aldosterone system. Hyponatremia <120mEq/L or a rapid decline in serum sodium can result in neurological manifestations, ranging from confusion to coma and seizure. Cerebral salt wasting (CSW) and syndrome of inappropriate secretion of ADH (SIADH) are important causes of hyponatremia in tuberculosis meningitis (TBM). CSW is more common than SIADH. The differentiation between CSW and SIADH is important because treatment of one may be detrimental for the other; evidence of hypovolemia in CSW and euvolemia or hypervolemia in SIADH is used for differentiation. In addition, evidence of dehydration, polyuria, negative fluid balance as assessed by intake output chart, weight loss, laboratory evidence and sometimes central venous pressure are helpful in the diagnosis of these disorders. Volume contraction in CSW may be more protracted than hyponatremia and may contribute to border zone infarctions in TBM. Hyponatremia should be promptly and carefully treated by saline and oral salt, while 3% saline should be used in severe hyponatremia with coma and seizure. In refractory patients with hyponatremia, fludrocortisone helps in early normalization of serum sodium without affecting polyuria or functional outcome. In SIADH, V2 receptor antagonist conivaptan or tolvaptan may be used if the patient is not responding to fluid restriction. Fluid restriction in SIADH has not been found to be beneficial in TBM and should be avoided

    The current global situation for tuberculous meningitis: Epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment and outcomes

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    Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) results from dissemination of M. tuberculosis to the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) and meninges. Ischaemia, hydrocephalus and raised intracranial pressure frequently result, leading to extensive brain injury and neurodisability. The global burden of TBM is unclear and it is likely that many cases are undiagnosed, with many treated cases unreported. Untreated, TBM is uniformly fatal, and even if treated, mortality and morbidity are high. Young age and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection are potent risk factors for TBM, while Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) vaccination is protective, particularly in young children. Diagnosis of TBM usually relies on characteristic clinical symptoms and signs, together with consistent neuroimaging and CSF parameters. The ability to confirm the TBM diagnosis via CSF isolation of M. tuberculosis depends on the type of diagnostic tests available. In most cases, the diagnosis remains unconfirmed. GeneXpert MTB/RIF and the next generation Xpert Ultra offer improved sensitivity and rapid turnaround times, and while roll-out has scaled up, availability remains limited. Many locations rely only on acid fast bacilli smear, which is insensitive. Treatment regimens for TBM are based on evidence for pulmonary tuberculosis treatment, with little consideration to CSF penetration or mode of drug action required. The World Health Organization recommends a 12-month treatment course, although data on which to base this duration is lacking. New treatment regimens and drug dosages are under evaluation, with much higher dosages of rifampicin and the inclusion of fluoroquinolones and linezolid identified as promising innovations. The inclusion of corticosteroids at the start of treatment has been demonstrated to reduce mortality in HIV-negative individuals but whether they are universally beneficial is unclear. Other host-directed therapies show promise but evidence for widespread use is lacking. Finally, the management of TBM within health systems is sub-optimal, with drop-offs at every stage in the care cascade

    Knowledge gaps and research priorities in tuberculous meningitis [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]

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    Tuberculous meningitis (TBM) is the most severe and disabling form of tuberculosis (TB), accounting for around 1-5% of the global TB caseload, with mortality of approximately 20% in children and up to 60% in persons co-infected with human immunodeficiency virus even in those treated. Relatively few centres of excellence in TBM research exist and the field would therefore benefit from greater co-ordination, advocacy, collaboration and early data sharing. To this end, in 2009, 2015 and 2019 we convened the TBM International Research Consortium, bringing together approximately 50 researchers from five continents. The most recent meeting took place on 1st and 2nd March 2019 in Lucknow, India. During the meeting, researchers and clinicians presented updates in their areas of expertise, and additionally presented on the knowledge gaps and research priorities in that field. Discussion during the meeting was followed by the development, by a core writing group, of a synthesis of knowledge gaps and research priorities within seven domains, namely epidemiology, pathogenesis, diagnosis, antimicrobial therapy, host-directed therapy, critical care and implementation science. These were circulated to the whole consortium for written input and feedback. Further cycles of discussion between the writing group took place to arrive at a consensus series of priorities. This article summarises the consensus reached by the consortium concerning the unmet needs and priorities for future research for this neglected and often fatal disease