41 research outputs found

    A prospective study on the efficacy of patient simulation in heart and lung auscultation

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    Background: The use of simulation technology for skill training and assessment in medical education has progressively increased over the last decade. Nevertheless, the teaching efficacy of most technologies remains to be fully determined. The aim of this prospective study was to evaluate if a short individual training on a patient simulator could improve heart and lung auscultation skills in undergraduate students. Methods: A group of fifth-year medical school students, who had trained on a patient simulator in their third year (EXP, n = 55), was compared to a group of fifth-year medical school students who had not previously trained on it (CNT, n = 49). Students were recruited on a voluntary basis. Students were evaluated in terms of their ability to correctly identify three heart (II sound wide split, mitral regurgitation, aortic stenosis) and five lung sounds (coarse crackles, fine crackles, pleural rubs, rhonchi, wheezes), which were reproduced in a random order on the Kyoto-Kagaku patient simulator. Results: Exposure to patient simulator significantly improved heart auscultation skills, as mitral regurgitation was correctly recognized by 89.7% of EXP students as compared to 71.4% of CNT students (p = 0.02). In addition, a significantly greater percentage of EXP students correctly graphed all the heart diagnoses as compared to CNT students. There were no differences between the groups in lung auscultation. Conclusions: This study demonstrates that training medical students with a patient simulator, individually for one hour, significantly ameliorated their heart auscultation skills. Our data suggests that patient simulation might be useful for learning auscultation skills, especially when it is combined with graphic sound display

    Fast Rotation of the N=Z Nucleus 36Ar

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    A highly-deformed rotational band has been identified in the N=Z nucleus 36Ar. At high spin the band is observed to its presumed termination at I=16+, while at low spin it has been firmly linked to previously known states in 36Ar. Spins, parities, and absolute excitation energies have thus been determined throughout the band. Lifetime measurements establish a large low-spin quadrupole deformation (beta_2=0.46+-0.03) and indicate a decreasing collectivity as the band termination is approached. With effectively complete spectroscopic information and a valence space large enough for significant collectivity to develop, yet small enough to be meaningfully approached from the shell model perspective, this rotational band in 36Ar provides many exciting opportunities to test and compare complementary models of collective motion in nuclei

    CSR disclosure: un sistema di correlazioni fra informazioni e strumenti. Indagine empirica nel contesto italiano

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    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD) is the voluntary communication by a firm of environmental and social information in order to inform stakeholders of its responsibilities towards them. It necessitates an adequate flow of relevant communication through suitable channels. This research examines methods of CSRD used by Italian firms listed on the Italian Stock Exchange: publication of a stand-alone report and / or a dedicated section of their website. The main aim of the paper is to verify the existence and describe the characteristics of a “system of relationships” between these methods and the types of information disclosed. About the findings of our empirical research we observed and measured an association between sector of company activity and CSRD and a relationship between tools of disclosure and information given by the company; in particularly we found a clear distinction between cases where a stand-alone CSR report is drawn up and where information is disclosed exclusively on a dedicated webpage. Given its importance, especially for strategy, CSRD has been for some time a focus of academic interest. Several studies examine the reasons that firms adopt CSRD at their own discretion. Other studies, in particularly, focus on the relationship between a firm’s propensity for CSRD and variables (i.e. sector, size, age). The present study aims to enrich the field of research by focusing on CSRD, the same topic, from an additional and different perspective. The study comprises three sections: 1) a theoretical framework - presents the state of the art in CSRD and puts forward hypotheses; 2) an empirical survey - describes disclosure methods used by a sample of firms through (identification of most widely used methods of CSRD; a survey of possible relationships and correlations between CSRD methods and information disclosed), 3) conclusions, limits and outlines for future research

    Il Ducato di Parma negli anni 1814-1859: spunti di riflessione emergenti dall’informativa contabile.

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    L’obiettivo del lavoro Ăš quello di esaminare e interpretare, alla luce del contesto storico e dei riferimenti normativi esistenti, le peculiaritĂ  della contabilitĂ  e dei bilanci del Ducato di Parma nel periodo compreso tra il 1814 e il 1859. Riteniamo che questo rappresenti una fase di particolare rilevanza sotto il profilo degli ordinamenti pubblici, amministrativi e finanziari. L’analisi Ăš condotta in una prospettiva temporale che tiene conto dei ministri delle finanze che si sono susseguiti e che hanno connotato, secondo la propria personalitĂ , indole e competenza, nonchĂ© in relazione alle preminenti necessitĂ  e contingenze, gli indirizzi di politica amministrativa e finanziaria del Ducato. Da un punto di vista metodologico, dopo un’analisi del contesto storico in un’ottica economica, politica e sociale, l’attenzione Ăš concentrata sulla normativa esistente con riferimento al tema della contabilitĂ  e dei bilanci dello Stato. L’approfondita lettura e interpretazione dei documenti contabili disponibili conduce, quindi, ad alcuni spunti di riflessione finali

    Developing stakeholders’ engagement. An empirical investigation on Italian listed companies

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    The book studies stakeholder engagement and, specifically, the company’s ability not only to take into account the various interests of stakeholders, but also to involve employees, customers, suppliers, banks, community etc., within the complex practice of business management. The purpose of the work is to analyse the stakeholder’s engagement policies and practices adopted by Italian listed companies. In the first part, the theoretical analysis of the most important issues regarding stakeholder engagement (principles, purposes, motivations) is reported, in order to get a better understanding of the reasons which push the company towards stakeholder engagement and identify the main factors resulting from this move. Then, starting from these theoretical premises, an empirical research focused on a sample chosen from companies listed on the Italian Stock Exchange is made. The aim of this analysis is to investigate both the extent of development of stakeholder engagement programmes among the investigated companies both the attention paid to this matter from Italian companies. The book brings to a close with some final considerations

    Il Teatro Regio di Parma tra la fine del Ducato e gli albori del Regno d’Italia

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    La gestione del Teatro Regio di Parma tra il XIX e il XX secolo: spunti di riflessione emergenti dall’informativa contabile

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    Il lavoro ha per oggetto i fatti amministrativi che caratterizzano la storia del Teatro Regio di Parma dalla sua nascita (1829) ai primi anni del Regno d’Italia, periodo nel quale la gestione del Teatro subisce alterne vicende legate agli eventi storici e politici che hanno caratterizzato la cittĂ  di Parma e, in generale, lo Stato Italiano. È in questo periodo, infatti, che si assiste a una profonda trasformazione del Teatro Regio sia in termini di contributo allo sviluppo economico, sociale e culturale del territorio parmense, sia per quanto attiene agli aspetti gestionali influenzati, tra l’altro, dal passaggio da una gestione in capo alla Duchessa Maria Luigia d’Austria (secondo un modello Stato-impresario-palchettisti) a un’amministrazione dipendente dal nuovo Stato unitario e, in seguito, a una gestione comunale. Come ogni ricerca storica presuppone, la prima parte del lavoro si concentra sulla definizione del quadro di riferimento e ha l’obiettivo di delineare gli eventi che, direttamente e indirettamente, possono aver influenzato la costituzione e lo sviluppo del Teatro, nonchĂ© gli assetti istituzionali e, conseguentemente, le modalitĂ  di gestione e governo dello stesso, evidenziando il rilievo economico e sociale che l’attivitĂ  teatrale ha avuto in epoca ducale. Il Teatro ha rivestito un fondamentale ruolo sociale e culturale, ruolo stabilito dai voleri della Corte, nell’avvicendarsi dei vari Sovrani fino alla costituzione dello Stato Unitario. La gestione artistica del Regio (facente capo all’impresario) era influenzata dall’ammontare dei finanziamenti pubblici concessi (la “dote”) ed era evidente l’impostazione assunta dalla proprietĂ  con l’avvicendarsi dei fatti politici nazionali: le difficoltĂ  economiche delle pubbliche amministrazioni verso la fine del XIX secolo avevano rilegato le iniziative culturali a un ruolo meno rilevante rispetto alla situazione degli anni precedenti. La ricerca si concentra sull’analisi dei documenti contabili che possono offrire interessanti chiavi di lettura e interpretazione dei fatti amministrativi. In questo senso, il lavoro studia le scelte di governo e di gestione del Teatro, attraverso l’analisi di fonti dirette costituite dai documenti contabili inventariati presso gli Archivi sopra citati. L’esistenza di fonti documentali sistematicamente consultabili, ad oggi, Ăš disponibile sino agli ultimi anni del decennio 1860-1870. Per quanto riguarda il periodo successivo la ricostruzione dei fatti amministrativi attraverso l’analisi dei dati contabili potrebbe essere realizzata attraverso la lettura incrociata di informazioni presenti sia nei carteggi dell’Archivio del Teatro, sia nelle delibere degli organi pubblici relative alle approvazioni delle spese del Teatro stesso e reperibili presso l’Archivio Storico del Comune. Tale lavoro, che richiede, inoltre, l’intervento e la collaborazione con gli Archivi citati, costituisce ulteriore sviluppo futuro della presente ricerca

    CSR disclosure by Italian companies. An empirical analysis

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    Corporate Social Responsibility Disclosure (CSRD) can be defined as “the process of communicating the social, ethical and environmental effects of organisations’ economic actions to particular interest groups within society and to society at large”. In certain countries, such as France, Sweden, Norway, the Netherlands, Denmark and Australia, firms are under legal obligation to disclose socio-environmental accounting . In Italy firms may opt to disclose CSR at their own discretion in stand-alone reports such as social, sustainability or environmental reports. The book present the results of a research that examines the quality and quantity characteristics of voluntary CSRD made by Italian companies. The aim of the research is to verify the existence and describe the characteristics of a “system of relationships” between methods used by Italian firms and types of information disseminated. Our findings show that there is a certain level of attention paid to CSRD by these firms, and that there is a significant difference in the type and quantity of information disclosed depending on whether the firm issues a specific CSR report or whether it simply makes information available on its website