3 research outputs found

    Tabacarie Lake – a model of urban pollution

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    Abstract. Tabacarie coastal lake has been surrounded, during the past century, by the fast developing city of Constanta. Consequently, the lake has directly suffered from human interventions, such as dredging, embankments and heavy pollution. The lake surface sediments are generally fine grained: clayey silts and silts, with sands appearing only on dredged bottoms. The review of the chemical composition of upper sediments pointed out the presence of large quantities of certain heavy metals, in particular: Zn, Ba, Cu and Pb, dispersed, mainly, near the discharge points of rainwater pipes

    Terrigenous Minerals in the Sediments of the Black Sea Littoral and Inner-Shelf

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    The paper presents the terrigenous material discharged in the Black Sea basin, partially accumulated on littoral, its patterns of distribution into superficial sediment layer and the factors leading to the formation of mineralogical provinces and associations. The Danubian terrigenous mineralogical province is characterised by a mixture of some old and new sediments, marine and deltaic. The variety of the heavy mineral associations is due to the existence of a multicycled material proving a coast line migration. The influence of a supplementary supply, the erosion of old sediment belts and the direction of the currents changed the distribution of the heavy minerals

    Danube River: sedimentological, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of the bottom sediments

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    Abstract. For a better understanding of the recent pollution in the lower Romanian sector of the Danube and its relations with human activities, yearly investigations have been carried out on 50 cross sections, between km 1072 - Bazias and the Danube mouths, using R/V Istros. The field activity was performed on three main sections, each with different geological, morphological and hydrological features: Iron Gates I and II dam lakes, km 845 – Mile 44, and the Danube Delta area. Physical and chemical investigations were performed on bottom sediment and surface water samples. Biological samples were collected and investigated as well. The 2005 results allowed an assessment of the Danubian aquatic environment, the comparison of present and previously collected data and the identification of significantly sensitive areas. Mitigation strategies according to the EU requirements are proposed