430 research outputs found

    Design of a multicast routing algorithm

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:09680388・基盤研究(C)(2)・H9~H10/研究代表者:根元, 義章/情報フィルタリングを用いた大規模情報ネットワークのリアルタイム障害検出方式

    Bandwidth allocation in ATM networks: heuristic approach

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:09680388・基盤研究(C)(2)・H9~H10/研究代表者:根元, 義章/情報フィルタリングを用いた大規模情報ネットワークのリアルタイム障害検出方式


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    Currently, common publication and communication environments are provided by large private service providers, so-called “platformers”. They are basically operated based on commercial and marketing principles. In the environment, a writer is vulnerable to unfair denial of service attacks by a group people with confronting opinions, since the opportunity for the publication is controlled by the platformer’s regulations. In this paper, the possibilities of a trusted communication environment using blockchain technology is discussed. We assume several distributed managers (DMs) issuing accounts of users, which follow minimal regulation to keep anonymity and fair activities of participants. Firstly, the double issuing of accounts from a single user is prohibited and supervised by a blockchain mechanism. Secondly, activities such as publishing, evaluations, recommendation, citation and so on are operated fairly with an allocated number of points. The amount of points is maintained by the blockchain mechanism as well. We discuss the realizability and feasibility of such a system from the points of view of fairness and anonymity

    A timer-based data link control protocol for mobile computing

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    科研費報告書収録論文(課題番号:09680388・基盤研究(C)(2)・H9~H10/研究代表者:根元, 義章/情報フィルタリングを用いた大規模情報ネットワークのリアルタイム障害検出方式

    Semantic Knowledge Extraction from Research Documents

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    Enhancing Inverse Problem Solutions with Accurate Surrogate Simulators and Promising Candidates

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    Deep-learning inverse techniques have attracted significant attention in recent years. Among them, the neural adjoint (NA) method, which employs a neural network surrogate simulator, has demonstrated impressive performance in the design tasks of artificial electromagnetic materials (AEM). However, the impact of the surrogate simulators' accuracy on the solutions in the NA method remains uncertain. Furthermore, achieving sufficient optimization becomes challenging in this method when the surrogate simulator is large, and computational resources are limited. Additionally, the behavior under constraints has not been studied, despite its importance from the engineering perspective. In this study, we investigated the impact of surrogate simulators' accuracy on the solutions and discovered that the more accurate the surrogate simulator is, the better the solutions become. We then developed an extension of the NA method, named Neural Lagrangian (NeuLag) method, capable of efficiently optimizing a sufficient number of solution candidates. We then demonstrated that the NeuLag method can find optimal solutions even when handling sufficient candidates is difficult due to the use of a large and accurate surrogate simulator. The resimulation errors of the NeuLag method were approximately 1/50 compared to previous methods for three AEM tasks. Finally, we performed optimization under constraint using NA and NeuLag, and confirmed their potential in optimization with soft or hard constraints. We believe our method holds potential in areas that require large and accurate surrogate simulators.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Photoionization-induced large-amplitude pendular motion in phenol(+)-Kr

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.The dynamics of the intermolecular motion of the phenol+–Kr cation generated by photoionization of the neutral π-structure is probed by picosecond time-resolved infrared spectroscopy. The spectrum at zero delay displays only the free OH stretch band of the π-structure. The appearance of the hydrogen-bonded OH stretch band of the H-structure after a few ps is due to ionization-induced π → H site switching. Spectra at long delay (>20 ns) show that the Kr atom delocalizes from one π-site of the aromatic ring to the opposite π-site via the OH-site, like a pendular motion in the classical picture